A pinax project expanding on the existing pinax features to make a more complete issue tracker.
Right now the project adds milestones and a dashboard interface to the existing pinax code_project.
This is currently an experiment to see what a tracker with pinax could look like and is not intended to replace any of the exiting open source trackers.
I would like to borrow as much as possible from the excelent Basie project (http://basieproject.org/), which is a powerful Django port of trac.
Try the demo: http://pinax-tracker.hbussell.com
Login as demo / demo
This project is released under the MIT License.
Create a new virtual env
mkdir pinax-tracker cd pinax-tracker virtualenv --no-site-packages env
Activate the virtual env
source env/bin/activate
Install pip
easy_install pip
Clone the project into the website folder
git clone git://github.com/hbussell/pinax-tracker.git website
Install requirements
cd website pip install -r frozen.txt
Build app media into static_media
python manage.py build_static
Now you can run syncdb and start the project
python manage.py syncdb python manage.py runserver
Optionally install the sample data
python manage.py loaddata sample_data.json