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- Implemented IPLD kinds.
- Restructured modules.
- Introduced path information in encoding error messages.
- Type hint documentation now generated entirely by the autodoc_typehints plugin.

Breaking changes:

- `FlatEncodableType` and `EncodableType` are now called `ScalarKind` and `Kind`. They have been moved from `dag_cbor.encoding` to `dag_cbor.ipld`.
- `DecodeCallback` is now a `Protocol`: because we cannot use positional-only arguments in Python 3.7, the type signature for the `__call__` method forces argument names onto the user. This issue can be circumvented with a # type: ignore directive, and it will be removed entirely once we migrate to Python 3.8+.
  • Loading branch information
sg495 committed Feb 6, 2023
1 parent db3a9c6 commit babf163
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,314 additions and 513 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
from multiformats import varint
from dag_cbor.random import rand_data
from dag_cbor import encode, decode
from dag_cbor.encoding import EncodableType
from dag_cbor.utils import CBOREncodingError, CBORDecodingError
from dag_cbor.ipld import Kind
from dag_cbor.encoding import CBOREncodingError
from dag_cbor.decoding import CBORDecodingError

import random

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +79,7 @@

def create_embedding_obj(tag: str) -> EncodableType:
def create_embedding_obj(tag: str) -> Kind:
for obj in rand_data(max_nesting=4):
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
Expand Down
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
Autodoc extension dealing with local type references and function signatures.

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
import inspect
import re
from types import FunctionType, ModuleType
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Union
from sphinx.application import Sphinx

class ParsedType:
r""" Dataclass for a parsed type. """
name: str
args: Union[None, str, tuple[ParsedType, ...]] = None
variadic: bool = False

def crossref(self, globalns: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> str:
r""" Generates Sphinx cross-reference link for the given type, using local names. """
# pylint: disable = eval-used
if globalns is None:
globalns = {}
name, args, variadic =, self.args, self.variadic
role = "obj"
if name in globalns:
obj = globalns[name]
if isinstance(obj, ModuleType):
role = "mod"
elif isinstance(obj, property):
role = "attr"
elif isinstance(obj, type):
role = "class"
elif isinstance(obj, FunctionType):
role = "func"
name_crossref = f":{role}:`{name}`"
if args is None:
return name_crossref
if isinstance(args, str):
_args = eval(f"({args}, )")
arg_crossrefs = ", ".join(f"``{repr(arg)}``" for arg in _args)
arg_crossrefs = ", ".join((arg.crossref(globalns) for arg in args))
if variadic:
arg_crossrefs += ", ..."
return fr"{name_crossref}\ [{arg_crossrefs}]"

def _find_closing_idx(s: str, c_open: str, c_close: str, idx_open: int = 0) -> int:
r""" Finds the index where a bracketed/quoted range ends. """
assert len(c_open) == 1, c_open
assert len(c_close) == 1, c_close
assert idx_open < len(s), (idx_open, len(s))
assert s[idx_open] == c_open, (idx_open, s[idx_open])
lvl = 1
idx_close: Optional[int] = None
for idx in range(idx_open+1, len(s)):
if s[idx] == c_close:
lvl -= 1
elif s[idx] == c_open:
lvl += 1
if lvl == 0:
idx_close = idx
if idx_close is None:
error_msg = f"Unbalanced opening symbol found while searching for first outermost {c_open}...{c_close} in {repr(s)}."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
return idx_close

def _parse_type(annotation: str) -> tuple[Union[ParsedType, Literal["..."]], str]:
r""" Parses an annotation into the first type appearing in it, together with the unparsed remainder of the annotation. """
quote_close_idx = None
if annotation.startswith("'"):
quote_close_idx = _find_closing_idx(annotation, "'", "'", 0)
elif annotation.startswith('"'):
quote_close_idx = _find_closing_idx(annotation, '"', '"', 0)
if quote_close_idx is not None:
if quote_close_idx == 1:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse empty forward reference at start of annotation: {annotation = }")
annotation = annotation[1:quote_close_idx]+annotation[quote_close_idx+1:]
b_open: Optional[int] = annotation.index("[")
except ValueError:
b_open = None
c_idx = annotation.index(",")
except ValueError:
c_idx = None
if b_open is not None and (c_idx is None or b_open < c_idx):
b_close = _find_closing_idx(annotation, "[", "]", b_open)
name = annotation[:b_open]
args_str = annotation[b_open+1:b_close]
res = annotation[b_close+1:]
assert name, (name, args_str, res)
if name.split(".")[-1] == "Literal":
return ParsedType(name, args_str), res
args: list[ParsedType] = []
variadic = False
while args_str:
arg, _args_str = _parse_type(args_str)
if isinstance(arg, ParsedType):
assert arg == "...", arg
variadic = True
if _args_str:
raise ValueError(f"Ellipsis argument encountered in parametric type, but not at the end of args lis: {annotation = }, {args_str = }")
if not _args_str:
if not _args_str.startswith(", "):
raise ValueError(f"Multiple type parameters must be separated by ', ': {annotation = }, {args_str = }, {arg = } {_args_str = }")
args_str = _args_str[2:]
return ParsedType(name, tuple(args), variadic), res
if c_idx is not None:
name = annotation[:c_idx]
res = annotation[c_idx:]
if name == "...":
raise ValueError(f"Found ellipsis followed by comma: {annotation = }")
return ParsedType(name), res
if "]" in annotation:
raise ValueError(f"Encountered closing bracket ']' without any opening bracket: {annotation = } ")
name = annotation
if name == "...":
return "...", ""
return ParsedType(name), ""

def parse_type(annotation: str) -> ParsedType:
r""" Parses an annotation into a type. """
parsed_type, residual_string = _parse_type(annotation)
if residual_string:
raise ValueError(f"Annotation was not entirely consumed by parsing: {annotation = }, {parsed_type = }, {residual_string = }")
if not isinstance(parsed_type, ParsedType):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse ellipsis on its own: {annotation = }")
return parsed_type

def sigdoc(fun: FunctionType, lines: list[str]) -> None:
Returns doclines documenting the parameter and return type of the given function
# pylint: disable = too-many-branches
doc = "\n".join(lines)
# FIXME: if an :rtype: line already exists, remove it here and re-append it after all param type lines.
globalns = fun.__globals__
sig = inspect.signature(fun)
for p in sig.parameters.values():
annotation = p.annotation
if annotation == p.empty:
if not isinstance(annotation, str):
print(f"WARNING! Found non-string annotation: {repr(annotation)}. Did you forget to import annotation from __future__?.")
annotation = str(annotation)
t = parse_type(annotation)
tx = t.crossref(globalns)
default = p.default if p.default != p.empty else None
is_args = p.kind == p.VAR_POSITIONAL
is_kwargs = p.kind == p.VAR_KEYWORD
if is_args:
extra_info = "variadic positional"
elif is_kwargs:
extra_info = "variadic keyword"
elif default is not None:
extra_info = f"default = ``{default}``"
extra_info = None
if extra_info is None:
line = f":type {}: {tx}"
line = f":type {}: {tx}; {extra_info}"
if f":param {}:" not in doc:
lines.append(f":param {}:")
if f":type {}:" not in doc:
if sig.return_annotation == sig.empty:
t = parse_type(sig.return_annotation)
tx = t.crossref(globalns)
line = f":rtype: {tx}"
if ":rtype:" not in doc:

def sigdoc_handler(app: Sphinx, what: str, fullname: str, obj: Any, options: Any, lines: list[str]) -> None:
Handler for Sphinx Autodoc's event
which replaces cross-references specified in terms of module globals with their fully qualified version.
# pylint: disable = too-many-arguments
if what not in ("function", "method", "property"):
if what == "property":
fun: FunctionType = obj.fget
fun = obj
sigdoc(fun, lines)

def simple_crossref_pattern(name: str) -> re.Pattern[str]:
Pattern for simple imports:
.. code-block :: python
f":{role}:`{name}`" # e.g. ":class:`MyClass`"
f":{role}:`~{name}`" # e.g. ":class:`~MyClass`"
f":{role}:`{name}{tail}`" # e.g. ":attr:`MyClass.my_property.my_subproperty`"
f":{role}:`~{name}{tail}`" # e.g. ":attr:`~MyClass.my_property.my_subproperty`"
return re.compile(rf":([a-z]+):`(~)?{name}(\.[\.a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?`")

def simple_crossref_repl(name: str, fullname: str) -> Callable[[re.Match[str]], str]:
Replacement function for the pattern generated by :func:`simple_crossref_pattern`:
.. code-block :: python
f":{role}:`~{fullname}`" # e.g. ":class:`~mymod.mysubmod.MyClass`"
f":{role}:`~{fullname}`" # e.g. ":class:`~mymod.mysubmod.MyClass`"
f":{role}:`{name}{tail}<{fullname}{tail}>`" # e.g. ":attr:`MyClass.my_property.my_subproperty<mymod.mysubmod.MyClass.my_property.my_subproperty>`"
f":{role}:`~{fullname}{tail}`" # e.g. ":attr:`~mymod.mysubmod.MyClass.my_property.my_subproperty`"
def repl(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
role = match[1]
short = match[2] is not None
tail = match[3]
if tail is None:
return f":{role}:`~{fullname}`"
if short:
return f":{role}:`~{fullname}{tail}`"
return f":{role}:`{name}{tail}<{fullname}{tail}>`"
return repl

def labelled_crossref_pattern(name: str) -> re.Pattern[str]:
Pattern for labelled imports:
.. code-block :: python
f":{role}:`{label}<{name}>`" # e.g. ":class:`my class<MyClass>`"
f":{role}:`{label}<{name}{tail}>`" # e.g. ":attr:`my_property<MyClass.my_property>`"
return re.compile(rf":([a-z]+):`([\.a-zA-Z0-9_]+)<{name}(\.[\.a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?>`")

def labelled_crossref_repl(name: str, fullname: str) -> Callable[[re.Match[str]], str]:
Replacement function for the pattern generated by :func:`labelled_crossref_pattern`:
.. code-block :: python
f":{role}:`{label}<{fullname}>`" # e.g. ":class:`my class<mymod.mysubmod.MyClass>`"
f":{role}:`{label}<{fullname}{tail}>`" # e.g. ":attr:`my_property<mymod.mysubmod.MyClass.my_property>`"
def repl(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
role = match[1]
label = match[2]
tail = match[3]
if tail is None:
return f":{role}:`{label}<{fullname}>`"
return f":{role}:`{label}<{fullname}{tail}>`"
return repl

_crossref_subs: list[tuple[Callable[[str], re.Pattern[str]],
Callable[[str, str], Callable[[re.Match[str]], str]]]] = [
(simple_crossref_pattern, simple_crossref_repl),
(labelled_crossref_pattern, labelled_crossref_repl),
Substitution patterns and replacement functions for various kinds of cross-reference scenarios.

def _get_module_by_name(modname: str) -> ModuleType:
Gathers a module object by name.
# pylint: disable = exec-used, eval-used
exec(f"import {modname.split('.')[0]}")
mod: ModuleType = eval(modname)
if not isinstance(mod, ModuleType):
return None
return mod

def _get_obj_mod(app: Sphinx, what: str, fullname: str, obj: Any) -> Optional[ModuleType]:
Gathers the containing module for the given ``obj``.
autodoc_type_aliases = app.config.__dict__.get("autodoc_type_aliases")
name = fullname.split(".")[-1]
obj_mod: Optional[ModuleType]
if autodoc_type_aliases is not None:
if name in autodoc_type_aliases and fullname == autodoc_type_aliases[name]:
modname = ".".join(fullname.split(".")[:-1])
obj_mod = _get_module_by_name(modname)
return obj_mod
if what == "module":
obj_mod = obj
elif what in ("function", "class", "method"):
obj_mod = inspect.getmodule(obj)
elif what == "property":
obj_mod = inspect.getmodule(obj.fget)
elif what == "data":
modname = ".".join(fullname.split(".")[:-1])
obj_mod = _get_module_by_name(modname)
elif what == "attribute":
modname = ".".join(fullname.split(".")[:-2])
obj_mod = _get_module_by_name(modname)
print(f"WARNING! Encountered unexpected value for {what = } at {fullname = }")
obj_mod = None
return obj_mod

def _build_fullname_dict(app: Sphinx, fullname: str, obj_mod: Optional[ModuleType], ) -> dict[str, str]:
Builds a dictionary of substitutions from module global names to their fully qualified names,
based on :func:`inspect.getmodule` and `autodoc_type_aliases` (if specified in the Sphinx app config).
autodoc_type_aliases = app.config.__dict__.get("autodoc_type_aliases")
fullname_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
if obj_mod is not None:
globalns = obj_mod.__dict__
for g_name, g_obj in globalns.items():
if isinstance(g_obj, (FunctionType, type)):
g_mod = inspect.getmodule(g_obj)
elif isinstance(g_obj, ModuleType):
g_mod = g_obj
g_mod = inspect.getmodule(g_obj)
if g_mod is None or g_mod == obj_mod:
if g_name not in g_mod.__dict__:
g_modname = g_mod.__name__
fullname_dict[g_name] = f"{g_modname}.{g_name}"
if autodoc_type_aliases is not None:
for a_name, a_fullname in autodoc_type_aliases.items():
if a_name not in fullname_dict:
fullname_dict[a_name] = a_fullname
return fullname_dict

def local_crossref_handler(app: Sphinx, what: str, fullname: str, obj: Any, options: Any, lines: list[str]) -> None:
Handler for Sphinx Autodoc's event
which replaces cross-references specified in terms of module globals with their fully qualified version.
# pylint: disable = too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
obj_mod = _get_obj_mod(app, what, fullname, obj)
fullname_dict = _build_fullname_dict(app, fullname, obj_mod)
for sub_name, sub_fullname in fullname_dict.items():
for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
for pattern_fun, repl_fun in _crossref_subs:
pattern = pattern_fun(sub_name)
repl = repl_fun(sub_name, sub_fullname)
line = re.sub(pattern, repl, line)
lines[idx] = line

def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None:
Registers handlers for Sphinx Autodoc's event
app.connect("autodoc-process-docstring", sigdoc_handler)
app.connect("autodoc-process-docstring", local_crossref_handler)

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