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David Hägele edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 7 revisions

Sample Visualizations

Impressions on what can be done with JPlotter and how it looks like. Most of the visualizations shown here are from the test directory of JPlotter which contains examples and proof of concept code. Feel free to run these little programs yourself, if possible a maven exec command is supplied.

Notice for Mesa 3D driver users: You might need to start any of the visualizations with a GL version override. This can be done by prepending MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 to the maven command. This depends whether your driver reports the highest possible version by default or a version lower than 3.3.

Iris Dataset - Scatter Plot Matrix

mvn test exec:java -D"exec.classpathScope"="test" -D"exec.mainClass"="hageldave.jplotter.IrisViz"

optionally add: -Dexec.args="jplotter_fallback=true" for fallback rendering mode (e.g. MacOS)

SVG export

2D Vector Field

mvn test exec:java -D"exec.classpathScope"="test" -D"exec.mainClass"="hageldave.jplotter.VectorFieldViz"

optionally add: -Dexec.args="jplotter_fallback=true" for fallback rendering mode (e.g. MacOS)

SVG export

Contour (Iso) Lines

mvn test exec:java -D"exec.classpathScope"="test" -D"exec.mainClass"="hageldave.jplotter.IsolinesViz"

optionally add: -Dexec.args="jplotter_fallback=true" for fallback rendering mode (e.g. MacOS). !Decreases performance notably!

SVG export (1.3MB)