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dwn500 edited this page Oct 25, 2015 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the mol-vis-hack wiki! See the sidebar links to view more information.

Using the browser-based 3D Large-Model Viewer API provided by Autodesk we aim to be able to provide beautiful, modular and user annotated 3D models of proteins and other molecular structures. Today most online protein 3D viewers are rather crude and so this application could possesses a huge promise for the provision of high quality scientific communication and educational tools, as well as potentially assisting in research directly.

There is a wealth of structural and atomic location data for molecular molecular to be found on the well-established and still rapidly expanding Protein data base (PDB). We are therefore building a pipeline to convert the PDB formatted code into an .fbx file in order for it to be read by the Autodesk software.

The pipeline is set up as follows:

  1. Automating successive file conversion from archival PDB code to VRML format and then through .wrl file format (via UCSF Chimera) into the LMV compatible .fbx file format (via Blender).

  2. Hosting the converted format model files in the LMV API via their bucket storage.

  3. Checking against a list of already processed PDB codes, or generation of new 3D models and uploading to

  4. Potential room for development: working with customised extensions for any given structure.

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