ROS package that displays emotions through faces. Working in Kinetic and Melodic.
Please install the following dependencies before running the package:
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev
annoyance, much_annoyance, anger, rage, interest, much_interest, anticipation, vigilance, boredom, much_boredom, disgust, loathing, apprehension, much_apprehension, fear, terror, serenity, much_serenity, joy, ecstasy, pensiveness, much_pensiveness, sadness, grief, distraction, much_distraction, surprise, amazement, acceptance, much_acceptance, trust, admiration, idle
roslaunch display_emotions display_emotions.launch
rostopic pub /emotion std_msgs/String "data: 'joy'"
faces_cycle: make the images cycle between the most intense emotion desired or stay still at the emotion set (default: true)
faces_cycle_delay: the delay in seconds to shift between emotions (only active if faces_cycle is active)