An enhanced remote serial debugger/monitor for the mega65 project
- Provide disassembly of output from remote serial output
- Can display your source-code as you debug
- This requires that you build your assembly source via a modified version of Ophis that enhances the *.list file output
- git clone
- This requires that you build your assembly source via a modified version of Ophis that enhances the *.list file output
- allows uploading of a local file directly into mega65 memory via the load command
- allows dumping out of data to a local file via the save command
- Use the back command to get a backstrace of the stack, then use up and down to navigate through the stack
- Many commands can take symbolic references if you tell the Ophis compiler to save out a .map files
- How about live assembly, direct into the mega65's memory?
The m65dbg app adds enhanced commands on-top of the existing commands provided by the raw monitor.
Documentation for this raw monitor exists for it in the following locations:
- C65GS System Notes
- See the “4.3 Remote Serial Monitor (handy for debugging)” section
- Some extra usage info exists in this page of Ben's fork of the github repo
- Typing “?” within the monitor (via your terminal app) to see a list of slightly outdated commands
The source for the m65dbg app is available here:
- You will need to install a few pre-requisite libraries (via apt-get/yum/zypper, or cygwin's setup.exe)
- libreadline-devel
- git clone
- cd m65dbg
- make
- This will produce the “m65dbg” executable (or, “m65dbg.exe”, in Cygwin's case)
For a youtube video walkthrough, please visit:
Here's some written points below:
- Should build fine in Windows+Cygwin and Linux.
- Mac OSX presently doesn't support the 2,000,000 bps serial speed. So as an alternative, you can make m65dbg instead talk to the xemu mega65 emulator via a unix socket.
- More info at:
- Specify your serial port with the "-l" (or "--device) parameter, E.g., "m65dbg -l /dev/ttyUSB1"
Try the following steps:
- ./m65dbg -l /dev/ttyUSB1
- r (to print out current registers)
- b = a raw command to set a hardware breakpoint
- t1 (to turn trace mode on, a bit like ctrl-c breaking inside gdb)
- t0 (to turn trace mode off, a bit like doing 'c'/continue in gdb)
- n (my 'next'/step-over command, which uses the hardware's step-into command multiple times, can be very slow)
- s (my 'step-into' command, which just calls the hardware's step-into)
- [ENTER] key will repeat the last command
- finish (my 'step-out-of' command, which calls 'n'/next multiple times, can be very slow, depending on how busy the current function is)
- pb/pw/pd/ps = prints byte/word/dword/string values at the given address
- typing “help” will give you the list of m65dbg commands, while typing “?” will give you the list of raw commands.