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Integrate Fontconfig for font listing
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guo-yong-zhi committed Jul 4, 2024
1 parent 851a730 commit 21831e2
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Showing 4 changed files with 83 additions and 64 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
name = "WordCloud"
uuid = "6385f0a0-cb03-45b6-9089-4e0acc74b26b"
authors = ["guoyongzhi <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.13.3"
version = "0.13.4"

ColorSchemes = "35d6a980-a343-548e-a6ea-1d62b119f2f4"
Colors = "5ae59095-9a9b-59fe-a467-6f913c188581"
FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549"
Fontconfig = "186bb1d3-e1f7-5a2c-a377-96d770f13627"
ImageTransformations = "02fcd773-0e25-5acc-982a-7f6622650795"
LanguageIdentification = "35248bf2-58a5-46a0-9b1d-c0a73a50a105"
Luxor = "ae8d54c2-7ccd-5906-9d76-62fc9837b5bc"
Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ Stuffing = "4175e07e-e5b7-423e-8796-3ea7f6d48281"
ColorSchemes = "3"
Colors = "0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12"
FileIO = "1"
Fontconfig = "0.4"
ImageTransformations = "0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10"
LanguageIdentification = "1.0.1"
Luxor = "3.6, 4"
Expand Down
29 changes: 11 additions & 18 deletions WordCloudApp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -379,26 +379,8 @@ begin

# ╔═╡ b09620ef-4495-4c83-ad1c-2d8b0ed70710
google_fonts = ["Roboto", "Open Sans", "Lato", "Montserrat", "Noto Sans JP", "Roboto Condensed", "Oswald", "Source Sans Pro", "Slabo 27px", "Raleway", "PT Sans", "Poppins", "Roboto Slab", "Merriweather", "Noto Sans", "Ubuntu", "Roboto Mono", "Lora", "Playfair Display", "Nunito", "PT Serif", "Titillium Web", "PT Sans Narrow", "Arimo", "Noto Serif",
"Rubik", "Fira Sans", "Work Sans", "Noto Sans KR", "Quicksand", "Dosis", "Inconsolata", "Oxygen", "Mukta", "Bitter", "Nanum Gothic", "Yanone Kaffeesatz", "Nunito Sans", "Lobster", "Cabin", "Fjalla One", "Indie Flower", "Anton", "Arvo", "Josefin Sans", "Karla", "Libre Baskerville", "Noto Sans TC", "Hind", "Crimson Text", "Hind Siliguri",
"Inter", "Heebo", "Abel", "Libre Franklin", "Barlow", "Varela Round", "Pacifico", "Dancing Script", "Exo 2", "Source Code Pro", "Shadows Into Light", "Merriweather Sans", "Asap", "Bree Serif", "Archivo Narrow", "Play", "Ubuntu Condensed", "Questrial", "Abril Fatface", "Source Serif Pro", "Maven Pro", "Francois One", "Signika",
"EB Garamond", "Comfortaa", "Exo", "Vollkorn", "Teko", "Catamaran", "Kanit", "Cairo", "Amatic SC", "IBM Plex Sans", "Cuprum", "Poiret One", "Rokkitt", "Bebas Neue", "Acme", "PT Sans Caption", "Righteous", "Noto Sans SC", "Alegreya Sans", "Alegreya", "Barlow Condensed", "Prompt", "Gloria Hallelujah", "Patua One", "Crete Round", "Permanent Marker"]
append!(WordCloud.AvailableFonts, ["$f$w" for w in WordCloud.CandiWeights, f in google_fonts])
function wordseg_cn(t)
jieba = pyimport("jieba")
pyconvert(Vector{String}, jieba.lcut(t))
WordCloud.settokenizer!("zho", wordseg_cn)
WordCloud.settokenizer!("jpn", TinySegmenter.tokenize)

# ╔═╡ fa6b3269-357e-4bf9-8514-70aff9df427f
google_fonts # used to adjust cell order
function gen_cloud(words_weights)
if outlinewidth isa Number && outlinewidth >= 0
olw = outlinewidth
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,6 +423,17 @@ begin

# ╔═╡ b09620ef-4495-4c83-ad1c-2d8b0ed70710
function wordseg_cn(t)
jieba = pyimport("jieba")
pyconvert(Vector{String}, jieba.lcut(t))
WordCloud.settokenizer!("zho", wordseg_cn)
WordCloud.settokenizer!("jpn", TinySegmenter.tokenize)

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╟─bda3fa85-04a3-4033-9890-a5b4f10e2a77
# ╟─9191230b-b72a-4707-b7cf-1a51c9cdb217
Expand Down
101 changes: 62 additions & 39 deletions src/artist.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,45 +1,66 @@
using Random
SansSerifFonts = ["Trebuchet MS", "Heiti TC", "微軟正黑體", "Arial Unicode MS", "Droid Fallback Sans", "sans-serif", "Helvetica", "Verdana", "Hei",
"Arial", "Tahoma", "Microsoft Yahei", "Comic Sans MS", "Impact", "Segoe Script", "STHeiti", "Apple LiGothic", "MingLiU", "Ubuntu", "Segoe UI",
"DejaVu Sans", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Noto Sans CJK", "Arial Black", "Gadget", "cursive", "Charcoal", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", "Geneva"]
SerifFonts = ["Baskerville", "Times New Roman", "Times", "華康儷金黑 Std", "華康儷宋 Std", "DFLiKingHeiStd-W8", "DFLiSongStd-W5", "DejaVu Serif", "SimSun",
"Hiragino Mincho Pro", "LiSong Pro", "新細明體", "serif", "Georgia", "STSong", "FangSong", "KaiTi", "STKaiti", "Courier", "Courier New", "monospace",
"Palatino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", "Palatino", "Lucida Console", "Monaco"]
CandiFonts = union(SansSerifFonts, SerifFonts)
CandiWeights = ["", " Regular", " Normal", " Medium", " Bold", " Light"]
function checkfonts(fonts::AbstractVector)
fname = tempname()
r = Bool[]
open(fname, "w") do f
redirect_stderr(f) do
p = position(f)
for font in fonts
err = false
rendertext("a", 1 + rand(), font=font) # 相同字体相同字号仅warning一次,故首次执行最准
err = true
# flush(f) # The standard C++ file streams guarantee both flushing and unshifting
p2 = position(f)
push!(r, (p2 == p) && !err)
p = p2
import Fontconfig: list, Pattern
using StopWords

FontCandidates::Dict{String, Vector{String}} = Dict{String, Vector{String}}()
WeightCandidates::Vector{String} = ["", " Regular", " Normal", " Medium", " Bold", " Light"]

function listfonts(lang="")
if !isempty(lang)
ps = list(Pattern(lang=lang))
ps = list(Pattern())
names = String[]
for p in ps
name = string(p)
b = findfirst("\"", name)
e = findfirst(":", name)
if b !== nothing && e !== nothing
b = nextind(name, first(b), 1)
e = prevind(name, first(e), 1)
if 0 < b < e < length(name)
push!(names, name[b:e])
return r
return names
checkfonts(f) = checkfonts([f]) |> only
function filterfonts(;fonts=CandiFonts, weights=CandiWeights)
candi = ["$f$w" for w in weights, f in fonts] |> vec
function reverse_dict(d)
rd = Dict{String, Vector{String}}()
for (k, v) in d
get!(rd, v) do
push!(rd[v], k)
return rd
if Sys.iswindows()
AvailableFonts = [""]
AvailableFonts = filterfonts()
push!(AvailableFonts, "")
const id_part1 = reverse_dict(StopWords.part1_id)
const mid_iid = reverse_dict(StopWords.iid_mid)
function expandlangcode(c)
c in StopWords.id_all || (c = get(StopWords.name_id, c, c))
c in StopWords.id_all || (c = get(StopWords.name_id, titlecase(c), c))
cs = []
for c1 in Iterators.flatten((get(mid_iid, c, []), [c]))
for c2 in Iterators.flatten((get(id_part1, c1, []), [c1]))
push!(cs, c2)
function fontsof(lang)
union((listfonts(l) for l in expandlangcode(lang))...)
function getfonts(lang)
if haskey(FontCandidates, lang)
return FontCandidates[lang]
fs = fontsof(lang)
push!(fs, "")
FontCandidates[lang] = fs
return fs

Schemes_colorbrewer = filter(s -> occursin("colorbrewer", colorschemes[s].category), collect(keys(colorschemes)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,11 +354,13 @@ function randomlinecolor(colors)
randomoutline() = rand((0, 0, 0, rand(2:10)))
function randomfonts()
function randomfonts(lang="")
if rand() < 0.8
fonts = rand(AvailableFonts)
fonts = rand(getfonts(lang))
fonts = fonts * rand(WeightCandidates)
fonts = rand(AvailableFonts, 2 + floor(Int, 2randexp()))
fonts = rand(getfonts(lang), 2 + floor(Int, 2randexp()))
fonts = [f * rand(WeightCandidates) for f in fonts]
rand() > 0.5 && (fonts = tuple(fonts...))
@show fonts
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13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/wc-class.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ wordcloud(wordsweights::Tuple; kargs...) = wordcloud(wordsweights...; kargs...)
wordcloud(counter::AbstractDict; kargs...) = wordcloud(keys(counter) |> collect, values(counter) |> collect; kargs...)
wordcloud(counter::AbstractVector{<:Union{Pair,Tuple,AbstractVector}}; kargs...) = wordcloud(first.(counter), [v[2] for v in counter]; kargs...)
function wordcloud(text; language=:auto, stopwords=:auto, stopwords_extra=nothing, maxnum=500, kargs...)
wordcloud(processtext(text, language=language, stopwords=stopwords, stopwords_extra=stopwords_extra, maxnum=maxnum); kargs...)
wordcloud(processtext(text, language=language, stopwords=stopwords, stopwords_extra=stopwords_extra, maxnum=maxnum); language=language, kargs...)
wordcloud(words, weight::Number; kargs...) = wordcloud(words, repeat([weight], length(words)); kargs...)
function wordcloud(words::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}, weights::AbstractVector{<:Real};
colors=:auto, angles=:auto,
mask=:auto, fonts=:auto,
mask=:auto, fonts=:auto, language=:auto,
transparent=:auto, minfontsize=:auto, maxfontsize=:auto, spacing::Integer=2, density=0.5,
state=layout!, style=:auto, centralword=:auto, reorder=:auto, level=:auto, kargs...)
@assert length(words) == length(weights) > 0
Expand All @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ function wordcloud(words::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}, weights::AbstractVec
params[:reorder] = reorder
params[:level] = level

colors, angles, mask, svgmask, fonts, transparent = getstylescheme(words, weights; colors=colors, angles=angles,
mask=mask, fonts=fonts, transparent=transparent, params=params, kargs...)
colors, angles, mask, svgmask, fonts, transparent = getstylescheme(words, weights; colors=colors, angles=angles, mask=mask,
fonts=fonts, language=language, transparent=transparent, params=params, kargs...)
params[:colors] = Any[colors...]
params[:angles] = angles
params[:transparent] = transparent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ end
function getstylescheme(words, weights; colors=:auto, angles=:auto, mask=:auto,
masksize=:auto, maskcolor=:default, keepmaskarea=:auto,
backgroundcolor=:default, padding=:default,
outline=:default, linecolor=:auto, fonts=:auto,
outline=:default, linecolor=:auto, fonts=:auto, language=:auto,
transparent=:auto, params=Dict{Symbol,Any}(), kargs...)
merge!(params, kargs)
colors in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (colors = randomscheme(weights))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ function getstylescheme(words, weights; colors=:auto, angles=:auto, mask=:auto,
Render.recolor!(mask, maskcolor) # tobitmap后有杂色
fonts in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (fonts = randomfonts())
lang = language in DEFAULTSYMBOLS ? "" : language
fonts in DEFAULTSYMBOLS && (fonts = randomfonts(lang))
fonts = Iterators.take(iter_expand(fonts), length(words)) |> collect
colors, angles, mask, svgmask, fonts, transparent
Expand Down

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