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Before you begin

You must note that while we would like to be eager with upgrading to the latest Rails version, our biggest contingency is compositive-primary-keys gem which is playing catch up with the Rails versions especially that every new update does something to ActiveRecord and breaks CPK! So make sure CPK is happy with the Rails version first before jumping.


Setup should be a three step dance.

  1. Look at config/database.yml and create the configured database and user. This is an exercise left to the reader, but in a nutshell: install postgres, create the db, create the user with sufficient privileges so that it can drop/create the database.
  2. rake db:reset
  3. rake db:migrate

If you're comfortable enough with postgres and intend to poke in the database at a lower level, then also set your schema search path:

alter database quran_dev set search_path = "$user", quran, content, audio, i18n, public;


The search engine used to query the Quran.


To run elasticsearch, in bash paste:

elasticsearch --config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml


To install: Web portal: sudo elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head


To run: Open in browser http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/

If you’ve installed the .deb package, then the plugin exectuable will be available at /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin.



Indices or routing? (RoutingMissingException)

* Delete the index


View mappings: in browser - http://localhost:9200/quran/_mapping

ElasticSearch client API:

- This should come in handy if the rails extension just isn't cutting it. You can get to it via the model class,
  e.g. Quran::Text.__elasticsearch__.client

Pre-build tasks:

  • To create the ElasticSearch index: rake es_tasks:setup_index
  • To delete it, run rake es_tasks:delete_index
  • To delete and recreate only a single mapping from the rails console:
    client = Quran::Ayah.__elasticsearch__.client
    client.indices.delete_mapping index: 'quran', type: 'translation'
    client.indices.put_mapping index: 'quran', type: 'translation', body: { translation: { _parent: { type: 'ayah' }, _routing: { required: true, path: 'ayah_key' }, properties: { text: { type: 'string', term_vector: 'with_positions_offsets_payloads' } } } }

Note: you will run into the problem of not having the arabic_synonyms.txt file in the proper location for elasticsearch. That's fine. The file is located in the public directory and should be placed in /etc/elasticsearch/analysis on your server.


  • Figuring out whats wrong with a query
  • Fire up a rails console:

    r = "allah light", 1, 20, [ 'content.transliteration', 'content.translation' ] ) debugme=r.instance_values['search'].instance_values['definition'][:body] print debugme.to_json, "\n"

    {"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"has_child":{"type":"transliteration","query":{"match":{"text":{"query":"allah light","operator":"or","minimum_should_match":"3\u003c62%"}}}}},{"has_child":{"type":"translation","query":{"match":{"text":{"query":"allah light","operator":"or","minimum_should_match":"3\u003c62%"}}}}}],"minimum_number_should_match":1}}}

  • Copy and paste that output into the 'Any Request' tab of

ElasticSearch Optimization TODO NOTES

  • normalize western languages (stemming, etc.)
  • factor in frequency, density, proximity to each other, and proximity to the beginning of the ayah (seems like it's not factored in)
    • frequency, i.e. if 'allah light' matches 'allah' once, and 'light' twice in the same result, then that result needs a higher score than matching only 'allah' once and 'light' once
    • density, i.e. if 'allah light' matches an ayah which is only 5 tokens long, e.g. 'allah word_a light word_b word_c' then this has a higher density then a match against a result which is 300 words long and should respectively have a higher score
    • proximity to each other, i.e. 'allah light' matching 'allah word light word word word' gets a better score then a match against 'allah word word word word word word light'
    • proximity to the beginning of the ayah, i.e. if 'allah light' matches a translation which is 'allah is the light of word word word word word word' then this should have a higher score then 'word word word word word word word allah word word word word light'




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