Kotlin + Spring codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Kotlin + Spring including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the Kotlin + Spring community styleguides & best practices.
For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.
The application uses Spring (Web, Data, AOP, Cache) and the Kotlin language.
+ client/
Some feign clients for testing
+ exception/
Exceptions by the application
+ jwt/
AOP advice that check for authentication using a defined @ApiKeySecured operation
+ model/
+ inout/
Object for REST in/out operations
JPA models
+ repository/
+ specification/
Some specifications for JPA
Spring repositories
+ service/
Spring services
+ web/
Spring controllers
- ApiApplication.kt <- The main class
Instead of using Spring Security to implement an authenticator using JWT, I created a simple AOP advice that checks
the Authorization
header and put the user to be found in a ThreadLocal
(see UserService
The secret key and jwt issuer are stored in application.properties
It uses a H2 in memory database (for now), can be changed easily in the application.properties
for any other database.
You'll need to add the correct maven dependency for the needed Driver
in pom.xml
You need Java and maven installed.
mvn spring-boot:run
open http://localhost:8080
Please fork and PR to improve the code.
I've been using Kotlin for some time, but I'm no expert, so feel free to contribute and modify the code to make it more idiomatic!