Blocks is licensed under Apache 2.0. It is not an officially supported Google product. See the LICENSE file for more details.
This repo is archived, but a list of active forks is available at
The Blocks trademark and logo (“Blocks Trademarks”) are trademarks of Google, and are treated separately from the copyright or patent license grants contained in the Apache-licensed Blocks repositories on GitHub. Any use of the Blocks Trademarks other than those permitted in these guidelines must be approved in advance.
For more information, read the Blocks Brand Guidelines.
Get the Blocks open-source application running on your own devices.
- Unity 2019.4.25f1
The code is provided as-is. Some external dependencies were removed. It will not build out of the box. Someone who is comfortable with Unity and SteamVR will likely be able to get it running in an afternoon (maybe with some functionality disabled).
Blocks is a Google trademark. If you intend to publish a cloned version of
the application, you are required to choose a different name to distinguish it
from the official version. Before building the application, go into App.cs
the Player settings to change the company and application names to your own.
Please see the Blocks Brand Guidelines for more details.
Some systems in Blocks were removed or replaced with alternatives due to open-source licensing issues. These are:
- OpenVR
- AnimatedGifEncoder32
- LZWEncoder
OculusVR mode and reference image insertion are not currently functional in this branch.
Legacy code is included to connect to Google APIs for People and Drive integrations. This is not critical to the Blocks experience, but is left as a convenience for any forks that wish to make use of it with a new backend.
You must register new projects and obtain new keys and credentials from the Google Cloud Console to make use of these features.