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Hm4. Салимов Наиль 11-802 #80

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56 changes: 55 additions & 1 deletion du/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,58 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where

import Control.Exception.Base
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad.State
import System.Directory

getDirectories path = do
r <- (try $ listDirectory path ) :: IO (Either SomeException [FilePath] )
case r of
Left e ->
putStrLn $ "Exception: " ++ show e
return []
Right files -> filterM doesDirectoryExist (map (\f -> path ++ "/" ++ f) files)

getDirectoriesWithDepth :: FilePath -> Int -> StateT [FilePath] IO ()
getDirectoriesWithDepth path 0 = do
dList <- get
put (path : dList)

getDirectoriesWithDepth path depth = do
dList <- get
put (path : dList)
dirs <- liftIO $ getDirectories path
forM_ dirs (\dir -> getDirectoriesWithDepth dir (depth -1))

getDirectoryFilesCount :: FilePath -> IO String
getDirectoryFilesCount path = do
c <- fmap length $ listDirectory path
return $ path ++ "\t" ++ show (c)

getDirectorySize :: FilePath -> IO String
getDirectorySize path = do
s <- getFileSize path
return $ path ++ "\t" ++ show (s)

du' :: FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
du' path depth = do
res <- runStateT (getDirectoriesWithDepth path depth) []
count <- forM (snd res) getDirectoryFilesCount
size <- forM (snd res) getDirectorySize
putStrLn "Count:"
forM_ (reverse count) putStrLn
putStrLn "Size:"
forM_ (reverse size) putStrLn

du :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
du path Nothing = du' path (maxBound :: Int)
du path (Just depth) = du' path depth

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, Haskell!"
main = do
du "." (Just 0)
putStrLn ("--------------------")
du "." Nothing
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion du/du.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ executable du

-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base ^>=
build-depends: base ^>=
, directory >= 1.3
, mtl >= 2.2
hs-source-dirs: app
Expand Down
102 changes: 13 additions & 89 deletions proj2/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,116 +5,40 @@ import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad

data D = D Integer Integer

printPrime :: Integer -> IO ()
printPrime 1 = putStrLn "One"
printPrime n
= if go n 2
then putStrLn ("Prime " ++ show n)
else putStrLn ("Not prime " ++ show n)
primeOrZero :: Int -> Int
primeOrZero 1 = 0
primeOrZero n = if go n 2 then n else 0
where go n k | k*k > n = True
| n `mod` k == 0 = False
| otherwise = go n (k+1)

pp :: Integer -> IO Integer
pp x = printPrime x >> pure x

list :: [Integer]
list = [ 66333293675293
, 37446796642823
, 59978924802163
, 79404304192991
, 14833513069799
, 70451647138309
, 62204847621503
, 83747881716781
, 53222479319519
, 34298041863719

main1 :: IO ()
main1 = do
getNumCapabilities >>= print
let x = list!!0
y = list!!1
-- withAsync (printPrime x) $ \rx -> do
-- withAsync (printPrime y) $ \ry -> do
-- wait rx
-- wait ry
-- forConcurrently_ list printPrime
D a b <- runConcurrently $ D
<$> Concurrently (pp x)
<*> Concurrently (pp y)
print a
print b

summator :: TBQueue Int -> TVar Bool -> Int -> IO Int
summator q b s = do
mx <- atomically $ do
finished <- readTVar b
if finished
then tryReadTBQueue q
else Just <$> readTBQueue q
case mx of
Just x -> summator q b $! s+x
Nothing -> pure s

fillQueue :: TBQueue Int -> TVar Bool -> IO ()
fillQueue q b = do
let n = 10000000
forM_ [1..n] $ \i ->
atomically $ writeTBQueue q i
atomically $ writeTVar b True

main2 = do
threads <- getNumCapabilities
print threads
(q,b) <- atomically $ (,)
<$> newTBQueue 10000000
<*> newTVar False
withAsync (fillQueue q b) $ \r -> do
results <- replicateConcurrently threads $
summator q b 0
wait r
forM_ results print
print $ sum results

-- Повторяем n раз действие,
-- пока возвращается Nothing
-- Если вернулся Just, возвращаем его
retryN :: Int -> STM (Maybe a) -> STM (Maybe a)
retryN 0 act = pure Nothing
retryN n act = do
mr <- act
case mr of
Nothing -> retryN (n-1) act
Just r -> pure $ Just r

count :: TQueue Int -> Async () -> Int -> IO Int
count q r s = do
(finished, mx) <- atomically $ (,)
<$> pollSTM r
<*> tryReadTQueue q
case mx of
Nothing -> do
-- finished <- poll r
case finished of
Nothing -> count q r s
Just _ -> pure s
Just x -> count q r $! s+x
Just x -> count q r $! s + primeOrZero x

writer :: TQueue Int -> IO ()
writer q = do
forM_ [1..1000000] $ \i ->
writer :: TQueue Int -> Int -> IO ()
writer q n = do
forM_ [1..n] $ \i ->
atomically $ writeTQueue q i

main :: IO ()
main = do
threads <- getNumCapabilities
print threads

str <- getLine
let n = (read str :: Int)

q <- atomically newTQueue
withAsync (writer q) $ \r -> do
withAsync (writer q n) $ \r -> do
sums <- replicateConcurrently threads $
count q r 0
wait r
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion proj2/proj2.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ executable proj2

-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base ^>=
build-depends: base ^>=
, async >= 2.2
, stm >= 2.5
hs-source-dirs: app
Expand Down
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion proj3/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,5 +109,26 @@ csvRes =
, [ "r4\",\"\\c1", "r4\",\"c2", "r4\",\"c3"]

csvParser :: Parser [[String]]
csvParser = sepEndBy parseByLine (char '\n')

parseByLine :: Parser [String]
parseByLine = sepBy1 parseByCell (char ',')

parseByCell :: Parser String
parseByCell = stringInBrakets <|> simpleString

part:: Parser (Token String)
part = char '\\' >> anySingle

simpleString :: Parser String
simpleString = many (part <|> noneOf ",\n")

stringInBrakets :: Parser String
stringInBrakets = char '"' *> many (part <|> noneOf "\"") <* char '"'

main :: IO ()
main = pure ()
main = do
parseTest csvParser csv
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion proj3/proj3.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ executable proj3

-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base ^>=
build-depends: base ^>=
, megaparsec >=9.2
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010
133 changes: 21 additions & 112 deletions proj4/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,117 +19,26 @@ import TheLens ()
-- > 10
-- >
-- > 55
sumAndTabulate :: Int -> [Int] -> IO Int
sumAndTabulate cols list = error "Write me!"

-- -- Свободная монада - на одном из следующих занятий
-- data S f m r
-- = Elem (f (S f m r)) -- "чистый" элемент e и данные дальше
-- | Act (m (S f m r)) -- данные из действия (в монаде m)
-- | Res r -- результат r

stS :: Int
-> Stream (Of Int) IO Int
-> IO Int
stS cols = fmap S.fst' .
S.sum .
S.mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn) .
tabS 3 .

-- Получение стрима из нужных строк
tabS :: Monad m
=> Int
-> Stream (Of Int) m r
-> Stream (Of String) m r
tabS cols ints = S.mapsM S.mconcat $
S.chunksOf cols $ addTab ints
where addTab x = show x ++ "\t"

-- Вывод на экран
outTabS :: Int
-> Stream (Of Int) IO ()
-> IO ()
outTabS cols = S.mapM_ putStrLn .
tabS cols


type Lens f s t a b
= (a -> f b) -- функция модификации поля
-> s -- старый объект
-> f t -- новый объект
type Lens' f s a = Lens f s s a a

ix :: Functor f => Int -> Lens' f [a] a
ix k = go k
go 0 f (x:xs) = (:xs) <$> f x
go k f (x:xs) = (x:) <$> go (k-1) f xs

_1 :: Functor f => Lens f (a,b) (c,b) a c
_1 f (a,b) = (\x -> (x,b)) <$> f a

_2 :: Functor f => Lens f (a,b) (a,d) b d
_2 f (a,b) = (\x -> (a,x)) <$> f b

ex1 = (ix 4) Identity [1..10]
ex2 = (ix 4) (const $ Identity 101) [1..10]
ex3 = (ix 4) (\x -> [101..104]) [1..10]
ex4 = (ix 4) (\x -> (x,x)) [1..10]
ex5 = _1 (const $ Identity 789) (123,456)
ex6 = _1 (const $ Identity "ads") (123,456)
ex7 = _2 (Identity . show) (123,456)
ex8 = _2 (\x -> [show x, show $ x+1]) (123,456)
ex9 = (_1 . _2) (const $ Identity "x") ((1,2),3)

*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3))^._2._2
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) & _2._2 .~ "asd"
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) & _2._2 .~ (123,321)
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) ^. _2
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) & _2 %~ (\(a,b) -> (a,b,123))
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) ^. _1 . _2
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) ^? _1 . _2 . ix 5
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) ^? _1 . _2 . ix 1
Just 4
*Main> ((1,[3::Int,4,5]),(2,3)) ^.. _1 . _2 . ix 1
*Main> Right 123 :: Either String Int
Right 123
*Main> let ea = Right 123 :: Either String Int
*Main> ea ^? _Left
*Main> ea ^? _Right
Just 123
*Main> ea & _Right .~ 124
Right 124
*Main> ea & _Left .~ 124
Right 123
*Main> ea & _Left .~ "123"
Right 123
*Main> ea & _Left %~ ("f" ++)
Right 123
*Main> let eb = Left "asdasd"
*Main> eb & _Left %~ ("f" ++)
Left "fasdasd"
*Main> ea & _Left %~ ("f" ++)
Right 123
*Main> ea & _Left %~ ("f" ++)
Right 123
sumAndTabulate:: Int -> [Int] -> IO Int
sumAndTabulate 0 _= error "Кол-во столбцов должно быть больше 0"
sumAndTabulate x arr = sumAndTabulateSupport x arr x

sumAndTabulateSupport _ [] _ = do
putStr "\n\n"
return 0

sumAndTabulateSupport x (a:arr) i = do
if (i == 1) then do
putStr $ (show a) ++ "\n"
res <- sumAndTabulateSupport x arr x
return $ a + res
else do
putStr $ (show a) ++ "\t"
res <- sumAndTabulateSupport x arr (i -1)
return $ a + res

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, Haskell!"
main = do
sum <- sumAndTabulate 3 [1..10]
putStrLn $ "Сумма: " ++ show sum

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion proj4/proj4.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ executable proj4

-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base ^>=
build-depends: base ^>=
, streaming >=0.2
, lens >= 5
hs-source-dirs: app
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