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This project creates a custom Keycloak server based on Keycloak.X. The following features are supported:

This project is build by Maven and contains the following top-level Maven modules:

  • config : provides the build stage configuration and the setup of Keycloak
  • container : provides the custom docker image
  • docker-compose : provides a sample for launching the custom docker image
  • extensions : provides samples for Keycloak SPI implementations
  • server : provides a Keycloak installation for local development & testing
  • themes : provides samples for custom themes

The following diagram shows from where the Maven modules take their used artifacts:

Maven modules

There are similar projects available on the internet:


In order to use this project, you need to install the following components:

  • Java 11
  • Docker
  • jq

Module server

This module installs the official Keycloak distribution via a Maven dependency into the folder referenced by the property [${keycloak.dir}]. The default value is server/target/keycloak.

The following Maven command does the installation:

./mvnw clean initialize

After a successful execution the newly created Keycloak installation could be started with the factory settings by executing the start-dev script from the server/target/keycloak/bin directory. Because we want to apply a custom configuration to this installation, we wait with starting up Keycloak until we have introduced the config module.

For passing a defined set of environment variables to the above script, we will use the wrapper script from this module.

Module config

This module copies its configuration files during the Maven generate-resources phase to the Keycloak installation within the server module.


Since the migration to a Quarkus runtime the configuration of Keycloak is done by two steps: build stage and runtime stage. A few properties can only be set in the build stage. If they must be changed, the script must be executed with the build command. In development mode (see below) the build command is automatically executed during every start.

Build stage

In this project all properties of the build stage are configured in the keycloak.conf at config/src/main/resources/keycloak/conf/.

We set 4 build stage properties:

# db is the name of the database vendor: dev-file, dev-mem, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgres

# features is a comma-separated list of features to be enabled

# metrics-enabled is for exposing metrics (/metrics) endpoints

# health-enabled is for exposing health check (/health) endpoints

In the generate-resources phase of a Maven build this keycloak.conf file is copied to ${keycloak.dir} (= ./server/target/keycloak).

Please see Keycloak/Guides/Server/All configuration/Build options for the list of all available build stage properties.

Runtime stage

All properties of the runtime stage are set as environment variables.

Environment variable files

In this project we are using three .env files (in ./docker-compose/src/main/resources) for maintaining the environment variables:

These 3 files are also used when Keycloak is started with the launch procedures described in the next section.


Default values are defined here.


Environment specific properties should be set in the keycloak.specific.env file. This file is not under version control and should be made available in every specific environment. It is also a good place for setting local values (e.g. for debugging) of some properties.

The following two definitions are used for accessing the keycloak-custom schema of a Postgres instance from Keycloak running within a container and to set the global log level to info and the log level for all com.inventage Loggers to debug:

# connecting Keycloak from running inside a container to a Postgres server running on the docker host (MacOS)


Sensitive properties can be stored in the secrets.env file. This file is not under version control and must be available when running docker-compose up with the provided docker-compose.yml file.

The two properties for creating the initial admin user for the master realm are good candidates for this file:

# KEYCLOAK_ADMIN is the username of the initial admin user

# KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD is the password of the initial admin user
Production mode

For starting Keycloak in production mode, a few properties must be set. Please see also the official documentation Configuring Keycloak for production.


Launching Keycloak

Keycloak provides the bin/ script for launching it. Keycloak can be launched in two modes: development (start-dev) or production (start).

In this project we support the following types of launching Keycloak:

  • via IntelliJ run configuration
  • via script
  • via docker-compose
  • via Kubernetes (soon)

Because we have configured the database in the above section with db=postgres we need an up & running instance of Postgres before launching Keycloak. The easiest way for that is by configuring the KC_DB_URL property (e.g. in keycloak.specific.env):


and then running the provided docker-compose.yml in docker-compose/src/test/resources/postgres/.

If you haven't executed a full build of this project, now is a good moment to execute mvn clean install.

via IntelliJ run configuration

Launching Keycloak directly from the IDE allows the greatest support for development purposes. Because Keycloak is launched as a Java process, it can be easily started with the debugger attached. Before running the keycloak run configuration, please run the build run configuration before.

via script

For launching Keycloak from within this project we use the wrapper script from the server module. This script is not used for launching Keycloak outside this project. The main purpose of this script is to set the necessary environment variables. The --debug flag is set, so that a debugger can be attached.

The script takes one or more arguments. The first argument is the command be executed start-dev or start. Every further argument must be a filesystem path to a properties file. Every contained property will be set as an environment variable. Later files override earlier files.

$ ./server/src/test/resources/ start-dev <properties.env>
Development mode

To start Keycloak in development mode execute the following command in a shell from the project root directory:

$ ./server/src/test/resources/ start-dev \
  docker-compose/src/main/resources/keycloak.common.env \
  docker-compose/src/main/resources/keycloak.specific.env \

For an easy usage this project provides also the IntelliJ run configuration start-dev for starting Keycloak in development mode.

Production mode

To start Keycloak in production mode execute the following command in a shell from the project root directory:

$ ./server/src/test/resources/ start \
  docker-compose/src/main/resources/keycloak.common.env \
  docker-compose/src/main/resources/keycloak.specific.env \

If you try to launch Keycloak in production mode, but you have not executed the build, then you will get the following error message:

ERROR: You can not 'start' the server in development mode. Please re-build the server first, using ' build' for the default production mode.

For a simple use this project provides also IntelliJ run configurations build and start for starting Keycloak in production mode.

via docker-compose

The custom Keycloak instance from this project can also be started easily by docker-compose. The only prerequisite is that you have build this project before with mvn clean install, so that the container image has been created.


For more details pleased see below in the module docker-compose section.


We will create and configure a new realm example1.

Module container

In the install phase of the Maven build a custom container image is built. The container module uses a Dockerfile for specifying the newly created image.

Module docker-compose

This module contains the docker-compose file for starting the custom Keycloak docker image built by the container module.

Module extensions

The extensions module is configured, so that every contained extension module can easily deploy its artifact to the server module. The following snipped must be included to the pom.xml of the new extension:

            <!-- deploy extension -->
                <!-- config is defined in parent pom -->

Extension NoOperationAuthenticator

This extension is an example of a custom Keycloak Authenticator implementation.

Extension NoOperationProtocolMapper

This extension is an example of a custom Keycloak Protocol Mapper implementation.

Module themes

The themes module contains the custom themes, which should be available in the custom Keycloak.


The Takari Maven Wrapper is used for the Maven setup for this project.


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