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Mosquitto Go Auth Plugin for OAuth2

This is a custom backend for the mosquitto go auth plugin that can handle the authentication and authorization with a oauth2 server. - It is necessary to check the respective versions of Go and the dependencies

How to use

This plugin use oauth to authenticate and authorize users for a mqtt broker. Unfortunately is it necessary, that the oauth server response with allowed topics for the user. So the authentication is simple and possible with all kinds of oauth servers. But for the acl check, server have to answer with a special json on the userinfo endpoint. This is the structur:

    "mqtt": {
        "topics": {
            "read": ["sensor/+/rx"],
            "write": ["application/#", "server_log/mqtt_broker/tx"]
        "superuser": false

We use Keycloak and there you can customize your userinfo.

Configuration options are listed below:

Options Description Mandatory
oauth_client_id Oauth2 Client id. Y
oauth_client_secret Oauth2 Client secret. Either oauth_client_secret or oauth_client_secret_file must be set. If both are set, oauth_client_secret_file is used. N
oauth_client_secret_file File containing Oauth2 Client secret. Either oauth_client_secret or oauth_client_secret_file must be set. If both are set, oauth_client_secret_file is used. N
oauth_token_url token endpoint url of the Oauth2 server. Y
oauth_userinfo_url userinfo endpoint url of the Oauth2 server. Y
oauth_cache_duration Cache duration (in seconds) before the plugin request user info from Oauth2 server. 0 by default. N
oauth_scopes Comma separated list of requested scopes. No scope by default. N

How to test

The simplest way is to use the delivered dockerfile and build your own image. You can use volumes to import the configurations or copy the files in the images while you build it. If you use volumes you have to remove the COPY commands from the Dockerfile.

You can use the attached docker-compose.yml for deployment.