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Lago Helm Chart

This Helm chart deploys the Lago billing system with various optional dependencies such as Redis, PostgreSQL, and MinIO. Below are details about configuring the chart for different environments.

Current Releases

Project Release Badge
Lago Lago Release
Helm Chart Helm Chart Release


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.5+
  • Persistent storage provisioner enabled in the cluster
  • Optionally: A managed Redis, Minio and PostgreSQL service for production environments


To install the chart with the release name my-lago-release:

helm install my-lago-release .

You can customize the installation by overriding values in values.yaml with your own. The full list of configurable parameters can be found in the following sections.

Sample Command

helm install my-lago-release . \
  --set \


Global Parameters

Parameter Description Default
global.license Lago Premium License key ""
global.databaseUrl PostgreSQL connection string, should follow this format: postgresql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DB ""
global.redisUrl Redis connection string, should follow this format: redis://... or redis+sentinel://... ""
global.existingSecret Name of the secret containing sensitive values (database URL, Redis URL, AWS keys, SMTP credentials) ""
global.s3.enabled Enable S3 storage for file uploads false
global.s3.accessKeyId AWS S3 access key ID (not required if using existing secret) ""
global.s3.secretAccessKey AWS S3 secret access key (not required if using existing secret) ""
global.s3.bucket AWS S3 bucket name ""
global.smtp.enabled Enable SMTP configuration for email sending false
global.signup.enabled Enable or disable Lago's signup feature true
global.ingress.enabled Enable ingress resources for the application false

Redis Configuration

Parameter Description Default
redis.enabled Enable Redis as a dependency true
redis.image.tag Redis image tag 6.2.14
redis.replica.replicaCount Number of Redis replicas 0
redis.auth.enabled Enable Redis authentication false
redis.master.service.ports Redis service port 6379

PostgreSQL Configuration

Parameter Description Default
postgresql.enabled Enable PostgreSQL as a dependency true
global.postgresql.auth.username PostgreSQL database username lago
global.postgresql.auth.password PostgreSQL database password lago
global.postgresql.auth.database PostgreSQL database name lago
global.postgresql.service.ports PostgreSQL service port 5432

Frontend Configuration

Parameter Description Default
front.replicas Number of frontend replicas 1
front.service.port Frontend service port 80
front.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the frontend 512Mi
front.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the frontend 200m
front.podAnnotations Annotations to add to the frontend pod {}
front.podLabels Labels to add to the frontend pod {}

API Configuration

Parameter Description Default
api.replicas Number of API replicas 1
api.service.port API service port 3000
api.rails.maxThreads Maximum number of threads for the Rails app 10
api.rails.webConcurrency Web concurrency setting for Rails 4
api.rails.env Rails environment production
api.rails.logStdout Enable or disable logging to stdout true
api.rails.logLevel Log level for the Rails app error
api.sidekiqWeb.enabled Enable or disable Sidekiq Web true
api.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the API 1Gi
api.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the API 1000m
api.volumes.accessModes Access mode for the API's persistent storage ReadWriteOnce Storage size for the API's persistent volume claim 10Gi
api.podAnnotations Annotations to add to the API pod {}
api.podLabels Labels to add to the API pod {}

Worker Configuration

Parameter Description Default
worker.replicas Number of worker replicas 1
worker.rails.sidekiqConcurrency Sidekiq concurrency 100
worker.rails.env Worker environment production
worker.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the worker 1Gi
worker.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the worker 1000m

MinIO Configuration

Parameter Description Default
minio.enabled Enable MinIO for object storage true
minio.replicas Number of MinIO replicas 2
minio.persistence.size Persistent volume size for MinIO 10Gi
minio.ingress.enabled Enable ingress for MinIO true
minio.ingress.hosts Hostnames for MinIO ingress
minio.buckets List of S3 buckets to create on MinIO []
minio.buckets[].name Name of the bucket my-lago-minio
minio.buckets[].policy Access policy for the bucket (none, readonly, writeonly, readwrite) none
minio.buckets[].purge If true, purges the bucket upon deletion false
minio.buckets[].versioning Enable versioning for the bucket false
minio.buckets[].objectlocking Enable object locking for the bucket false

Storage Recommendation

We strongly recommend using either Amazon S3 or MinIO for object storage when deploying Lago. These solutions provide reliable, scalable storage that can be accessed by multiple pods without encountering issues.

If neither S3 nor MinIO is configured, the system will default to using a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC). However, this approach is strongly discouraged as it can lead to issues such as multi-attach errors when volumes are accessed by more than one pod simultaneously. For this reason, it is important to configure S3 or MinIO to avoid potential complications with PVCs.

By opting for S3 or MinIO, you ensure better reliability and scalability for your deployment.

For additional customization, refer to the comments in values.yaml.


To uninstall/delete the my-lago-release:

helm delete my-lago-release