Releases: geoscixyz/gpgLabs
Releases · geoscixyz/gpgLabs
Geosci-Labs dependency
Follow the geosci-labs repository for maintaining the notebooks. The maintenance strategy now follows that outlined in geosci-course
Commits: @lheagy , @thast
Reviewer: @thast
- the
file contains the list of notebooks that we copy-over from geosci-labs - now the code that is imported is geosci-labs
- many thanks @orerocks and @AlainPlattner for pointing out that this repo is lagging behind!
- This resolve #108, #109
Update to DC apps
Add Display to DC apps
Add GPR attenuation, Fix t0 for NMO
0.0.11 Bump version: 0.0.10 → 0.0.11
magnetic dipole and prism applets
Revive old UBC magnetic dipole applet using jupyter
Use the same setup, extend the dipole applet to a prism applet
- look to SimPEG to see which version of properties and discretize are required
Add Mag Dipole Notebook
v0.0.8 change variable name
Fix plotting issue in Mag simulator
v0.0.7 Bump version: 0.0.6 → 0.0.7
Improvements to GPR and Auto-Deploy
v0.0.6 Merge branch 'master' of
Clean requirements
remove pandas, future, jupyter, notebook from requirements for future deployment in containers.
Clean requirements
Remove dependencies on Pillow and jupyter_dashboard