This repository contains a a dockerfile that allows execute Ros1 (Noetic) with Ros2 (Humble) over a Ubuntu 22 image. The dockerfile image includes a version of the ros1_bridges
package, that contains several bridges.
The dockerfile installs two version of ROS:
Ros Humble
is installed from package.Ros Noetic
is installed from source.
Is also possible to find the latest docker image from docker hub: dsobh/ros4ubuntu22
We can pull the image as follows:
docker push dsobh/ros4ubuntu22:latest
In order to build the final image, this dockerfile includes the following files:
/src/others/noetic-desktop.rosinstall contains the packages needed for noetic installation
/src/others/rosconsole_log4cxx.cpp is a modification of the source code of log4cxx to make it functional in ubuntu 22.
/src/others/ is the entrypoint for the docker that is responsible for making sources for Ros1 and Ros2 and launch the file.
/src/install/ contains installations of utilities for ubuntu 22
/src/install/ contains installation of packages needed for ros
/src/install/ is a script that download and unzip all of these packages.
/src/install/ contains the installation of ros1 (noetic)
/src/install/ contains the installation of ros2 (humble)
/src/install/ contains the installation of ros1_bridges (
Listed below are the different bridges that are included in the image along with the topic and type of message they use.
Bridge | Topic | Msg Type |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_tf | /tf | tf |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_scan | /scan | scan |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_odom | /mobile_base_controller/odom | odom |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_image | /xtion/rgb/image_raw & /xtion/depth/image_raw | image |
simple_bridge_2_to_1_twist | /mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel | twist |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_imu | /base_imu | imu |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_sonar | /sonar_base | range |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_compressed | /xtion/rgb/image_raw/compressed & /xtion/depth/image_raw/compressed | compressed |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_point_cloud | /xtion/depth/points | point_cloud2 |
simple_bridge_1_to_2_camera_info | /xtion/rgb/camera_info | camera_info |
moveit_2_to_1 | /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory | moveit |
- Build the docker image. In folder root:
$ docker build -t <imageName>:<imageTag> .
This docker is designed to execute inside of a robot like TiaGo. The docker start with a linux service that setup the differents bridges. However, is possible to launch the docker manually as follows.
We need to keep in mind a few things when launching the container. First of all is setting environment variables (ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP) with the --env flag. Secondly we will use the --network flag to start the container as host. We also need to pass the conf.yaml file (absolute path) to the docker when we run it.
$ docker run --rm --env ROS_MASTER_URI='' --env ROS_IP='' --env RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp --network host -v /<AbsolutePath>/conf.yaml:/root/conf.yaml -it rep:tag
We can start the docker without the entrypoint with the next command:
$ docker run --rm --env ROS_MASTER_URI='' --env ROS_IP='' --env RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp --network host -v /conf.yaml:/root/conf.yaml -it --entrypoint bash dsobh/ros4ubuntu22:latest
The image automatically starts the bridges, but in case the user wants to start it manually :
- 1º Terminal (ROS1):
$ source /root/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash #Source Noetic
$ roscore
- 2º Terminal (ROS1 + ROS2). In most cases, this will not be necessary, since docker starts with the execution of a roslaunch file that deploys the bridges.
#Source humble
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ source /root/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
#Source noetic
$source /root/catkin_ws/devel/setup
#Launch bridge
$ ros2 run ros1_bridge <bridge_name> --ros-args -p topic_name:=<topic_name>
This image uses one yaml file to set which bridges to display. This file is named conf.yaml and it contains information about the bridges. The roslaunch file used will create the necessary nodes from this conf.yaml An example of this configuration file is show below:
- bridge1:
- msg_type: /msg/Twist
- topic_name: /mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel
- bridge2:
- msg_type: /geometry_msgs/msg/odom
- topic_name: /mobile_base_controller/odom
To use the bridges package as a service in TiaGo the file ros1_bridges.service
can be used. The file must be moved to /etc/systemd/system/ros1_bridges.service
within TiaGo.
In the other hand, conf.yaml
file should be stored in the overlay:
sudo overlayroot_chroot