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StarBEAST2 FBD-MSC correctness


The aim of this analysis is to check the mathematical correctness of the fossilized birth-death multispecies coalescent (FBD-MSC) implementation in StarBEAST2. For the implementation to be correct, the probability density calculated for a proposed species and gene trees given the model must be correct. In addition, for each Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) operator, the proposal distribution must be symmetric or the Hastings ratio calculated for that operator must be correct.

There are three relevant sets of operators to check; BEAST2 operators, StarBEAST2 operators, and Sampled Ancestor operators. The FBD-MSC implementation in StarBEAST2 uses operators from all three sets.

By checking estimated species tree topology and time distributions using different combinations of operators against the true distributions, we can confirm that the probability density calculation and operators used are mathematically correct.


Apart from UpDown, which is used to change both species and gene trees, BEAST2 tree operators are only used to change the gene trees in our FBD-MSC implementation. These operators are TreeScaler, TreeRootScaler, Uniform, SubtreeSlide, Narrow, Wide, and WilsonBalding. The BEAST2 Scale operator is used to change the other real parameters of the model, e.g. the origin height. These operators are described in Drummond & Bouckaert (2015).

The Sampled Ancestor operators are used to change the species tree. They are LeafToSampledAncestorJump, SATreeScaler, SATreeRootScaler, SAUniform, SANarrow, SAWide and SAWilsonBalding. These operators are described in Gavryushkina et al. (2014).

One class of StarBEAST2 operators are the Coordinated operators, which make coordinated changes to the heights of species and gene tree nodes. CoordinatedUniform changes the height of a single non-root internal species tree node, and CoordinatedExponential changes the height of the species tree root node. Both operators are described in Ogilvie et al. (2017). These operators have been modified to only change the height of nodes corresponding to true bifurcations in the species tree, i.e. not a sampled ancestor node.

The other StarBEAST2 operator is NodeReheight2, which improves TREE SLIDE, developed by Joseph Heled and based on the ideas of Mau et al. (1999). TREE SLIDE is described in section 3.4.1 of Heled (2011). In StarBEAST2 v15.5 TREE SLIDE has been reimplemented from scratch and made compatible with fossil/ancient taxa including sampled ancestors. To stay backwards compatible with previous versions of StarBEAST2, it is called NodeReheight2, the name of a similar operator that only works on ultrametric trees.

Model parameters and probabilities

We replicated the analysis presented in the Supporting Information of Gavryushkina et al. (2014), section "Testing operators". The model parameters are:

  • Birth rate = 2
  • Death rate = 1
  • Sampling rate = 0.5
  • Removal probability = 0.9
  • Time of origin ~ Uniform(0, 1000)

The number of species is fixed at three, and the sampling times of those species are fixed at y1 = 2, y2 = 1, and y3 = 0. A maximum of three real parameters are sampled; the time of origin and two bifurcation times. If the species serially sampled at y1 or y2 are sampled ancestors, then there will only be one or zero bifurcation times to estimate. There are eight possible topologies given one extant and two fossil/ancient species, and Gavryushkina et al. (2014) calculated their true probabilities (absent any data) as:

Topology Newick string Probability %
T1 ((3,2),1) 77.8327
T2 ((3,2)1) 7.8642
T3 ((3)2,1) 3.8657
T4 (3,(2,1)) 4.3189
T5 ((3,1),2) 4.3189
T6 (((3)2)1) 0.4135
T7 (3,(2)1) 0.6930
T8 ((3)1,2) 0.6930

As the coalescent probability densities are conditioned on the species tree, the FBD-MSC model is hierarchical and, absent any data, the addition of one or more gene trees to the model should not change the distribution of species tree topologies or times.

BEAST2 and StarBEAST2 configurations

Keeping the above model parameters constant, we set up six different BEAST2 analyses, each with a different combination of operators:

  • SA: All the above Sampled Ancestor operators applied to a species tree (no gene trees were part of the model and StarBEAST2 was not activated)
  • UpDown: The same as SA, but with the UpDown BEAST2 operator enabled for the species tree
  • MSC: StarBEAST2 with one gene tree, the same operators as UpDown for the species tree, and the BEAST2 operators listed above for the gene tree - no StarBEAST2 operators were enabled
  • Coordinated: The same as MSC but both Coordinated operators were enabled
  • NodeReheight2: The same as MSC but the NodeReheight2 operator was enabled
  • Full: The same as MSC but both Coordinated operators and NodeReheight2 was enabled

For each configuration, we ran 100 replicate MCMC chains with different random seeds. Each chain was run for 2.5 million states with a burnin of 0.5 million states, sampling once every 100 states. Therefore 20000 post-burnin posterior samples were collected per replicate chain.

Topology distributions

Given n independent trials with probability of success p, the number of "successes" should follow the binomial distribution parameterized by n and p. Therefore for each topology, the range defined by the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of a binomial distribution with the parameter values n = effective sample size (ESS) and p = the true probability of a topology, after normalization by the effective sample size, should contain the estimated probability of that topology 95% of the time.

For each MCMC chain we calculated the estimated probability of each topology as the number of observations of that topology divided by the total number of samples. We also calculated the autocorrelation time for each topology in each chain by coding samples containing that topology as 1 and all other samples as 0, then using the integrated_autocorrelation_time function from pymcmcstat, which is based on Sokal (1997). The ESS for each topology in a chain is simply the raw number of samples divided by the estimated autocorrelation time.

For each topology in each configuration, we counted the number of replicate chains for which the estimated probability of that topology was within the 95% interval. As expected given a correct implementation of the model, these sums were all around 95 (out of 100 replicate chains per configuration).

Configuration T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
SA 96 98 97 96 97 92 98 90
UpDown 98 95 98 93 91 94 97 94
MSC 92 94 92 91 98 92 95 91
Coordinated 92 94 98 94 96 93 93 97
NodeReheight2 94 97 98 97 98 94 91 92
Full 96 97 94 91 94 91 99 97

Time distributions

Fundamentally, MCMC is an algorithm for performing difficult high dimensional integrations, e.g. calculating the marginal probability distribution of the height of a node in a phylogenetic tree. For the species tree topologies in this analysis we are estimating a maximum of three real parameters, so it is not necessary to use MCMC and we can use an alternative implementation of the FBD to calculate the marginal probability distributions of those real parameters. If both our MCMC and non-MCMC implementations are correct, the estimated distributions should be identical (up to some small error term).

We reimplemented the FBD for the T1 species tree topology given our model, which is encoded by the Newick string ((3,2),1). This implementation was written in Python 3 using the SciPy library, which in turn calls the QUADPACK library to integrate over any interval using adaptive or non-adaptive quadrature.

For each real parameter (the time of origin tor, the root node height x1, and the non-root internal node height x2), separately for each replicate MCMC chain, we calculated probability masses conditioned on the T1 species tree topology. Masses were calculated for 100 equal width intervals (0.1 time units each) between 0 and 10. For each interval we recalculated the same probability masses using our Python implementation.

For each real parameter and MCMC configuration, we plotted the marginal probability density based on the quadrature estimated probability masses as a black line, and the marginal probability densities based on the probability masses calculated from MCMC replicate chains as green lines (one line per chain):

alt text

Each subplot was truncated at 6 time units as the probability density was very low beyond that point. For each MCMC configuration and real parameter, the marginal probability densities calculated using quadrature were in the middle of the range of marginal probability densities calculated using MCMC. This is strong evidence for the correctness of StarBEAST2 for sampled ancestors.

The DendroPy library (Sukumaran & Holder 2010) was invaluable for processing MCMC output.


  • Calculates probability masses using quadrature integration
  • Prepares replicate chain files and kickoff scripts from the supplied XML templates
  • Runs BEAST for each replicate chain
  • For each MCMC chain, extracts the species tree topology and times for each MCMC sample using the DendroPy library
  • Calculates probability masses from the topologies and times extracted from the MCMC chains
  • Makes the table of counts of within-95%-interval topology probabilities
  • plot-marginals.R: Plots the real parameter marginal densities


Drummond A. J. & Bouckaert R. R. (2015) Bayesian evolutionary analysis with BEAST. Cambridge University Press.

Gavryushkina A., Welch D., Stadler T. & Drummond A. J. (2014). "Bayesian inference of sampled ancestor trees for epidemiology and fossil calibration." PLoS computational biology, 10(12), e1003919.

Heled Y. (2011) Bayesian Computational Inference of Species Trees and Population Sizes. The University of Auckland.

Mau B., Newton M. A. & Larget B. (1999). "Bayesian phylogenetic inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods." Biometrics, 55(1), 1-12.

Ogilvie H. A., Bouckaert R. R. & Drummond A. J. (2017). "StarBEAST2 brings faster species tree inference and accurate estimates of substitution rates." Molecular biology and evolution, 34(8), 2101-2114.

Sokal A. (1997). "Monte Carlo methods in statistical mechanics: foundations and new algorithms." In Functional integration, 131-192. Springer.

Sukumaran J. & Holder M. T. (2010). "DendroPy: a Python library for phylogenetic computing." Bioinformatics, 26(12), 1569-1571.


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