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Mendel's Accountant Genetic Macroevolution Simulation

Mendel's Accountant is a genetic mutation tracking program used to simulate and study macroevolution in a biologically realistic way. It models genetic change over time by tracking each mutation that enters the simulated population from generation to generation to the end of the simulation. The software models each individual in the population, including their chromosomes, linkage blocks, and deleterious, favorable, and neutral mutations. It supports several different models for mutation rate, mutation fitness distribution, selection, chromosome crossover, and population growth that are used in the genetics field. The Mendel simulation also supports input parameters for many realistic genetic factors, including: reproduction rate, percentage of favorable, deleterious and near-neutral mutations, fitness magnitude of mutations, selection noise, genome size, population size, and number of generations. Mendel has been optimized to be able to simulate billions of mutations over 1000's of generations.

Installing and Running Mendel

Mendel has 2 component: the web user interface (mendel-web-ui) and the backend analysis code (mendel-go). Get and install both for the best user experience.

Installing Mendel on RPM-Based Linux

Amazon Linux:

  • Download the latest mendel-go rpm file and mendel-web-ui rpm file.
  • Copy the files to the system you want to run them on.
  • Install them: sudo yum install mendel-go-*.x86_64.rpm mendel-web-ui-*.x86_64.rpm

Support for other systemd-based linux distros (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL) coming soon.

Installing Mendel on Mac OS X

  • Download the latest mendel-go pkg file and mendel-web-ui pkg file.
  • Copy the files to the system you want to run them on.
  • To install mendel-go-*.pkg, either double-click on mendel-go-*.pkg in Finder, or run: sudo installer -pkg mendel-go-*.pkg -target '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'
  • Do the same for the mendel-web-ui-*.pkg in Finder, or run: sudo installer -pkg mendel-web-ui-*.pkg -target '/Volumes/Macintosh HD'

Installing Mendel on Debian-Based Linux

The package for Debian and Ubuntu can be created if there is interest. Add your +1 to this issue

Running Mendel

Once the packages are installed:

  • Browse to (if installed locally)
  • The first time you run the web interface:
    • Login to the Mendel UI using user admin and password changeme!
    • Once logged in, change the admin password by clicking on USERS and then the admin user, and set the password to something you will remember.
    • Then click on CREATE USER to create a user for yourself
    • Click on the person icon in the upper right, then Logout, then login with your user
  • Click on NEW JOB to run your first job and view the results

Running Mendel On a Server Without Mendel-web-ui

You can also run jobs on a system with only mendel-go installed, and then import the job output onto a system with mendel-web-ui to visualize the data:

  • Copy the sample input file /usr/local/share/mendel-go/mendel-short.ini to a file like ~/my-mendel.ini.
  • Edit ~/my-mendel.ini to have the input parameters you want for your run. (To see all of the possible input parameters and their descriptions, look at /usr/local/share/mendel-go/mendel-defaults.ini.)
  • Run mendel-go with these flags: mendel-go -f ~/my-mendel.ini -z
  • At the end of the run, it will produce a zip file. Copy this file to your laptop.
  • Back on your laptop, browse to the system where mendel-web-ui is installed, e.g.: http://hostname:8581/
  • Click on JOBS at the top and then IMPORT.
  • In the file chooser, navigate to your zip file and double-click on it.
  • This will cause a new job to be added to the top of the job list. Click on that job and then click PLOT at the bottom.
  • Click on any of the plot links on the left see that plot.

Problems, Questions, Feature Requests?

Developers Welcome!

If you would like to help improve mendel, first see to build & test mendel from source, and then request to be invited to our slack workspace (see above).