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This project allows you to easily add the Mollie payment provider to your application.


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This project allows you to easily add the Mollie payment provider to your application. Mollie has excellent documentation which I highly recommend you read before using this library.


If you have encounter any issues while using this library or have any feature requests, feel free to open an issue on GitHub. If you need fast support or need help integrating the Mollie API into your .NET application, please contact me on LinkedIn.


Have you spotted a bug or want to add a missing feature? All pull requests are welcome! Please provide a description of the bug or feature you have fixed/added. Make sure to target the latest development branch.

Table of contents

1. Mollie API v1 and V2
2. Getting started
3. Payment API
4. Payment method API
5. Refund API
6. Customer API
7. Mandate API
8. Subscription API
9. Order API
10. Organizations API
11. Connect Api
12. Profile Api
13. Captures API
14. Onboarding Api

1. Mollie API v1 and v2

In May 2018, Mollie launched version 2 of their API. Version 2 offers support for multicurrency, improved error messages and much more. The current version of the Mollie API client supports all API version 2 features. If you want to keep using version 1, you can use version 1.5.2 of the Mollie API Nuget package. Version 2.0.0+ of the Mollie API client supports version 2 of the API.

Mollie API version 2 is not backwards compatible with version 1. This means some of the Mollie API client code has been changed and you will need to update your project if you want to use Mollie API client version 2.0.0+. Please take a look at the Mollie migration guide for assistence.

2. Getting started

Installing the library

The easiest way to install the Mollie Api library is to use the Nuget Package.

Install-Package Mollie.Api

Example projects

An example ASP.NET Core web application project is included. In order to use this project you have to set your Mollie API key in the appsettings.json file. The example project demonstrates the Payment API, Mandate API, Customer API and Subscription API.

Supported API's

This library currently supports the following API's:

  • Payments API
  • PaymentMethod
  • Customers API
  • Mandates API
  • Subscriptions API
  • Refund API
  • Connect API
  • Chargebacks API
  • Invoices API
  • Permissions API
  • Profiles API
  • Organizations API
  • Order API
  • Captures API
  • Onboarding API

Creating a API client object

Every API has it's own API client class. For example: PaymentClient, PaymentMethodClient, CustomerClient, MandateClient, SubscriptionClient, IssuerClient and RefundClient classes. All of these API client classes also have their own interface.

These client API classes allow you to send and receive requests to the Mollie REST webservice. To create a API client class, you simple instantiate a new object for the API you require. For example, if you want to create new payments, you can use the PaymentClient class.

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");

List of constant value strings

In the past, this library used enums that were decorated with the EnumMemberAttribute for static values that were defined in the Mollie documentation. We have now moved away from this idea and are using constant strings everywhere. The reason for this is that enum values often broke when Mollie added new values to their API. This means that I had to release a new version every time when Mollie added a new value and all library consumers had to update their version. The following static classes are available with const string values that you can use to set and compare values in your code:

  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.PaymentMethod
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.PaymentStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.SequenceType
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Request.KbcIssuer
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.CreditCardAudience
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.CreditCardSecurity
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.CreditCardFailureReason
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.CreditCardLabel
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.CreditCardFeeRegion
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Response.PayPalSellerProtection
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Mandate.InvoiceStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Mandate.MandateStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Order.OrderLineDetailsType
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Order.OrderLineStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Order.OrderStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Profile.CategoryCode
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Profile.ProfileStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Refund.RefundStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Settlement.SettlementStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Subscription.SubscriptionStatus
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.Locale
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Currency
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Connect.AppPermissions
  • Mollie.Api.Models.Onboarding.Response.OnboardingStatus

You can use these classes similar to how you use enums. For example, when creating a new payment, you can do the following:

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
    Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
    Description = "Test payment of the example project",
    RedirectUrl = "",
	Method = Mollie.Api.Models.Payment.PaymentMethod.Ideal // instead of "Ideal"

3. Payment API

Creating a payment

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
    Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
    Description = "Test payment of the example project",
    RedirectUrl = ""

PaymentResponse paymentResponse = await paymentClient.CreatePaymentAsync(paymentRequest);

If you want to create a payment with a specific paymentmethod, there are seperate classes that allow you to set paymentmethod specific parameters. For example, a bank transfer payment allows you to set the billing e-mail and due date. Have a look at the Mollie create payment documentation for more information.

The full list of payment specific request classes is:

  • ApplePayPaymentRequest
  • BankTransferPaymentRequest
  • CreditCardPaymentRequest
  • GiftcardPaymentRequest
  • IdealPaymentRequest
  • KbcPaymentRequest
  • PayPalPaymentRequest
  • PaySafeCardPaymentRequest
  • Przelewy24PaymentRequest
  • SepaDirectDebitRequest

For example, if you'd want to create a bank transfer payment, you can instantiate a new BankTransferPaymentRequest:

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
BankTransferPaymentRequest paymentRequest = new BankTransferPaymentRequest();
// Set bank transfer specific BillingEmail property
paymentRequest.BillingEmail = "{billingEmail}";
BankTransferPaymentResponse response = (BankTransferPaymentResponse)await paymentClient.CreatePaymentAsync(paymentRequest);

QR codes

Some payment methods also support QR codes. In order to retrieve a QR code, you have to set the includeQrCode parameter to true when sending the payment request. For example:

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	Description = "Description",
	RedirectUrl = "",
	Method = PaymentMethod.Ideal
IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentResponse result = await this._paymentClient.CreatePaymentAsync(paymentRequest, includeQrCode: true);
IdealPaymentResponse idealPaymentResult = result as IdealPaymentResponse;
IdealPaymentResponseDetails idealPaymentDetails = idealPaymentResult.Details;
string qrCode = idealPaymentDetails.QrCode.Src;

Passing multiple payment methods

It is also possible to pass multiple payment methods when creating a new payment. Mollie will then only show the payment methods you've specified when creating the payment request.

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	Description = "Description",
	RedirectUrl = "",
	Methods = new List<string>() {

Retrieving a payment by id

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentResponse result = await paymentClient.GetPaymentAsync({paymentId});

Keep in mind that some payment methods have specific payment detail values. For example: PayPal payments have reference and customer reference properties. In order to access these properties you have to cast the PaymentResponse to the PayPalPaymentResponse and access the Detail property.

Take a look at the Mollie payment response documentation for a full list of payment methods that have extra detail fields.

The full list of payment specific response classes is:

  • BancontactPaymentResponse
  • BankTransferPaymentResponse
  • BelfiusPaymentResponse
  • CreditCardPaymentResponse
  • GiftcardPaymentResponse
  • IdealPaymentResponse
  • IngHomePayPaymentResponse
  • KbcPaymentResponse
  • PayPalPaymentResponse
  • PaySafeCardPaymentResponse
  • SepaDirectDebitResponse
  • SofortPaymentResponse

Updating a payment

Some properties of a payment can be updated after the payment has been created.

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentUpdateRequest paymentUpdateRequest = new PaymentUpdateRequest() {
	Description = "Updated description",
	Metadata = "My metadata"
PaymentResponse updatedPayment = await this._paymentClient.UpdatePaymentAsync({paymentId}, paymentUpdateRequest);

Setting metadata

Mollie allows you to send any metadata you like in JSON notation and will save the data alongside the payment. When you fetch the payment with the API, Mollie will include the metadata. The library allows you to set the metadata JSON string manually, by setting the Metadata property of the PaymentRequest class, but the recommended way of setting/getting the metadata is to use the SetMetadata/Getmetadata methods.

For example:

// Custom metadata class that contains the data you want to include in the metadata class. 
CustomMetadataClass metadataRequest = new CustomMetadataClass() {
    OrderId = 1,
    Description = "{customDescription}"

// Create a new payment
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
    Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
    Description = "{description}",
    RedirectUrl = this.DefaultRedirectUrl,

// Set the metadata

// When we retrieve the payment response, we can convert our metadata back to our custom class
IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentResponse result = await paymentClient.CreatePaymentAsync(paymentRequest);
CustomMetadataClass metadataResponse = result.GetMetadata<CustomMetadataClass>();

Retrieving a list of payments

Mollie allows you to set offset and count properties so you can paginate the list. The offset and count parameters are optional. The maximum number of payments you can request in a single roundtrip is 250.

IPaymentClient paymentClient = new PaymentClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<PaymentResponse> response = await paymentClient.GetPaymentListAsync("{offset}", "{count}");

4. Payment method API

Retrieving a list of all payment methods

Mollie allows you to set offset and count properties so you can paginate the list. The offset and count parameters are optional.

IPaymentMethodClient _paymentMethodClient = new PaymentMethodClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<PaymentMethodListData> paymentMethodList = await this._paymentMethodClient.GetPaymentMethodListAsync();
foreach (PaymentMethodResponse paymentMethod in paymentMethodList.Items) {
	// Your code here

Retrieving a single payment method

IPaymentMethodClient _paymentMethodClient = new PaymentMethodClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentMethodResponse paymentMethodResponse = await paymentMethodClient.GetPaymentMethodAsync(PaymentMethod.Ideal);

5. Refund API

Create a new refund

IRefundClient refundClient = new RefundClient("{yourApiKey}");
RefundResponse refundResponse = await this._refundClient.CreateRefundAsync("{paymentId}", new RefundRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, "100"),
	Description = "{description}"

Retrieve a refund by payment and refund id

IRefundClient refundClient = new RefundClient("{yourApiKey}");
RefundResponse refundResponse = await this._refundClient.GetRefundAsync("{paymentId}", "{refundId}");

Retrieve refund list

Mollie allows you to set offset and count properties so you can paginate the list. The offset and count parameters are optional.

IRefundClient refundClient = new RefundClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<RefundListData> refundList = await this._refundClient.GetRefundListAsync("{paymentId}", "{offset}", "{count}");

Cancel a refund

IRefundClient refundClient = new RefundClient("{yourApiKey}");
await refundClient.CancelRefundAsync("{paymentId}", "{refundId}");

6. Customer API

Creating a new customer

Customers will appear in the Mollie Dashboard where you can manage their details, and also view their payments and subscriptions.

CustomerRequest customerRequest = new CustomerRequest() {
	Email = "{email}",
	Name = "{name}",
	Locale = Locale.nl_NL

ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
CustomerResponse customerResponse = await customerClient.CreateCustomerAsync(customerRequest);

Retrieve a customer by id

Retrieve a single customer by its ID.

ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
CustomerResponse customerResponse = await customerClient.GetCustomerAsync(customerId);

Retrieve customer list

Mollie allows you to set offset and count properties so you can paginate the list. The offset and count parameters are optional.

ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<CustomerResponse> response = await customerClient.GetCustomerListAsync();

Updating a customer

Update an existing customer.

ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
CustomerRequest updateParameters = new CustomerRequest() {
	Name = "{customerName}"
CustomerResponse result = await customerClient.UpdateCustomerAsync("{customerIdToUpdate}", updateParameters);

Deleting a customer

Delete a customer. All mandates and subscriptions created for this customer will be canceled as well.

ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
await customerClient.DeleteCustomerAsync("{customerIdToDelete}");

Create customer payment

Creates a payment for the customer.

PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
    Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
    Description = "{description}",
    RedirectUrl = this.DefaultRedirectUrl,
ICustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient("{yourApiKey}");
PaymentResponse result = await customerClient.CreateCustomerPayment({customerId}, paymentRequest);

7. Mandate API

Mandates allow you to charge a customer’s credit card or bank account recurrently.

Creating a new mandate

Create a mandate for a specific customer.

IMandateClient mandateclient = new MandateClient("{yourApiKey}");
MandateRequest mandateRequest = new MandateRequest() {
	ConsumerAccount = "{iban}",
	ConsumerName = "{customerName}"
MandateResponse mandateResponse = await this._mandateClient.CreateMandateAsync("{customerId}", mandateRequest);

Retrieve a mandate by id

Retrieve a mandate by its ID and its customer’s ID. The mandate will either contain IBAN or credit card details, depending on the type of mandate.

IMandateClient mandateclient = new MandateClient("{yourApiKey}");
MandateResponse mandateResponse = await mandateclient.GetMandateAsync("{customerId}", "{mandateId}");

Retrieve mandate list

Retrieve all mandates for the given customerId, ordered from newest to oldest. Mollie allows you to set offset and count properties so you can paginate the list. The offset and count parameters are optional.

IMandateClient mandateclient = new MandateClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<MandateResponse> response = await mandateclient.GetMandateListAsync("{customerId}");

Revoking a mandate

Revoke a customer’s mandate. You will no longer be able to charge the consumer’s bank account or credit card with this mandate.

IMandateClient mandateclient = new MandateClient("{yourApiKey}");
await mandateclient.RevokeMandate("{customerId}", "{mandateId}");

8. Subscription API

With subscriptions, you can schedule recurring payments to take place at regular intervals. For example, by simply specifying an amount and an interval, you can create an endless subscription to charge a monthly fee, until the consumer cancels their subscription. Or, you could use the times parameter to only charge a limited number of times, for example to split a big transaction in multiple parts. You must create a mandate with the customers ID before a subscription can be made.

Creating a new subscription

Create a subscription for a specific customer.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
SubscriptionRequest subscriptionRequest = new SubscriptionRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	Times = 5,
    	Interval = "1 month",
	Description = "{uniqueIdentifierForSubscription}"
SubscriptionResponse subscriptionResponse = await subscriptionClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync("{customerId}", subscriptionRequest);

Retrieve a subscription by id

Retrieve a subscription by its ID and its customer’s ID.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
SubscriptionResponse subscriptionResponse = await subscriptionClient.GetSubscriptionAsync("{customerId}", "{subscriptionId}");

Cancelling a subscription

A subscription can be canceled any time by calling DELETE on the resource endpoint.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
await subscriptionClient.CancelSubscriptionAsync("{customerId}", "{subscriptionId}");

Retrieve customer subscription list

Retrieve all subscriptions of a customer.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<SubscriptionResponse> response = await subscriptionClient.GetSubscriptionListAsync("{customerId}", null, {numberOfSubscriptions});

Retrieve all subscription list

Retrieve all subscriptions

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<SubscriptionResponse> response = await subscriptionClient.GetAllSubscriptionList();

List subscription payments

Retrieve all payments of a specific subscriptions of a customer.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<PaymentResponse> response = await subscriptionClient.GetSubscriptionPaymentListAsync({customerId}, {subscriptionId});

Updating a subscription

Some fields of a subscription can be updated by calling PATCH on the resource endpoint. Each field is optional. You cannot update a canceled subscription.

ISubscriptionClient subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient("{yourApiKey}");
SubscriptionUpdateRequest updatedSubscriptionRequest = new SubscriptionUpdateRequest() {
	Description = $"Updated subscription {DateTime.Now}"
await subscriptionClient.UpdateSubscriptionAsync("{customerId}", "{subscriptionId}", updatedSubscriptionRequest);

9. Order API

The Orders API allows you to use Mollie for your order management. Pay after delivery payment methods, such as Klarna Pay later and Klarna Slice it require the Orders API and cannot be used with the Payments API.

Creating a new order

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	OrderNumber = "16738",
	Lines = new List<OrderLineRequest>() {
		new OrderLineRequest() {
			Name = "A box of chocolates",
			Quantity = 1,
			UnitPrice = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
			TotalAmount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
			VatRate = "21.00",
			VatAmount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, "17.36")
	BillingAddress = new OrderAddressDetails() {
		GivenName = "John",
		FamilyName = "Smit",
		Email = "[email protected]",
		City = "Rotterdam",
		Country = "NL",
		PostalCode = "0000AA",
		Region = "Zuid-Holland",
		StreetAndNumber = "Coolsingel 1"
	RedirectUrl = "",
	Locale = Locale.nl_NL

OrderResponse result = await orderClient.CreateOrderAsync(orderRequest);

If you want to create a order with a specific payment parameters you can provide a specific payment implementation. For example, a bank transfer payment allows you to set the billing e-mail and due date. Have a look at the Mollie payment specific parameters for more information.

The full list of payment specific parameters classes is:

  • ApplePaySpecificParameters
  • BankTransferSpecificParameters
  • BitcoinSpecificParameters
  • CreditCardSpecificParameters
  • GiftcardSpecificParameters
  • IDealSpecificParameters
  • KbcSpecificParameters
  • PayPalSpecificParameters
  • PaySafeCardSpecificParameters
  • Przelewy24SpecificParameters
  • SepaDirectDebitSpecificParameters

For example, if you'd want to create a order with bank transfer payment:

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	OrderNumber = "16738",
	Method = PaymentMethod.BankTransfer,
	Payment = new BankTransferSpecificParameters {
		BillingEmail = "[email protected]"
	Lines = new List<OrderLineRequest>() {
		new OrderLineRequest() {
			Name = "A box of chocolates",
			Quantity = 1,
			UnitPrice = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
			TotalAmount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
			VatRate = "21.00",
			VatAmount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, "17.36")
	BillingAddress = new OrderAddressDetails() {
		GivenName = "John",
		FamilyName = "Smit",
		Email = "[email protected]",
		City = "Rotterdam",
		Country = "NL",
		PostalCode = "0000AA",
		Region = "Zuid-Holland",
		StreetAndNumber = "Coolsingel 1"
	RedirectUrl = "",
	Locale = Locale.nl_NL

Passing multiple payment methods

It is also possible to pass multiple payment methods when creating a new order. Mollie will then only show the payment methods you've specified when creating the payment request.

OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, 100.00m),
	OrderNumber = "16738",
	Methods = new List<string>() {

Retrieve a order by id

Retrieve a single order by its ID.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderResponse retrievedOrder = await orderClient.GetOrderAsync({orderId});

Update existing order

This endpoint can be used to update the billing and/or shipping address of an order.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderUpdateRequest orderUpdateRequest = new OrderUpdateRequest() {
	OrderNumber = "1337" 
OrderResponse updatedOrder = await orderClient.UpdateOrderAsync({orderId}, orderUpdateRequest);

Update order line

This endpoint can be used to update an order line. Only the lines that belong to an order with status created, pending or authorized can be updated.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderLineUpdateRequest updateRequest = new OrderLineUpdateRequest() {
	Name = "A fluffy bear"
OrderResponse updatedOrder = await orderClient.UpdateOrderLinesAsync({orderId}, createdOrder.Lines.First().Id, updateRequest);

Retrieve list of orders

Retrieve all orders.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<OrderResponse> response = await orderClient.GetOrderListAsync();

Cancel existing order

Cancels an existing order. Take a look at the documentation on this endpoint to see which conditions need to apply before an order can be canceled.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
 OrderResponse canceledOrder = await orderClient.GetOrderAsync({orderId});

Cancel order lines

This endpoint can be used to cancel one or more order lines that were previously authorized using a pay after delivery payment method. Use the Cancel Order API if you want to cancel the entire order or the remainder of the order.

OrderLineCancellationRequest cancellationRequest = new OrderLineCancellationRequest() {
	Lines = new List<OrderLineDetails>() {
		Id = {orderLineId},
		Quantity = 5,
		Amount = new Amount("EUR", 5)
IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderResponse result = await orderClient.CancelOrderLinesAsync({orderId}, cancellationRequest);

Create order payment

An order has an automatically created payment that your customer can use to pay for the order. When the payment expires you can create a new payment for the order using this endpoint.

OrderPaymentRequest orderPaymentRequest = new OrderPaymentRequest() {
	Method = PaymentMethod.Ideal,
	CustomerId = {customerId},
	MandateId = {mandateId}
IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderResponse result = await orderClient.CreateOrderPaymentAsync({orderId}, orderPaymentRequest);

Create order refund

When using the Orders API, refunds should be made against the Order. When using pay after delivery payment methods such as Klarna Pay later and Klarna Slice it, this ensures that your customer will receive credit invoices with the correct product information on them and generally have a great experience.

OrderRefundRequest orderRefundRequest = new OrderRefundRequest() {
	Lines = new List<OrderLineDetails>() {
		Id = {orderLineId},
		Quantity = 5,
		Amount = new Amount("EUR", 5)
	Description = ""
IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrderResponse result = await orderClient.CreateOrderRefundAsync({orderId}, orderRefundRequest);

List order refunds

Retrieve all order refunds.

IOrderClient orderClient = new OrderClient("{yourApiKey}");
ListResponse<RefundResponse> result = await orderClient.GetOrderRefundListAsync({orderId});

10. Organizations API

Get current organization

Retrieve the currently authenticated organization.

IOrganizationsClient client = new OrganizationsClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrganizationResponse result = await client.GetCurrentOrganizationAsync();

Get organization

IOrganizationsClient client = new OrganizationsClient("{yourApiKey}");
OrganizationResponse result = await client.GetOrganizationAsync({organizationId});

11. Connect Api

Creating a authorization URL

The Authorize endpoint is the endpoint on Mollie web site where the merchant logs in, and grants authorization to your client application. E.g. when the merchant clicks on the Connect with Mollie button, you should redirect the merchant to the Authorize endpoint.

IConnectClient client = new ConnectClient({clientId}, {clientSecret});
List<string> scopes = new List<string>() { AppPermissions.PaymentsRead };
string authorizationUrl = client.GetAuthorizationUrl({state}, scopes);

Generate token

Exchange the auth code received at the Authorize endpoint for an actual access token, with which you can communicate with the Mollie API.

IConnectClient client = new ConnectClient({clientId}, {clientSecret});
TokenRequest request = new TokenRequest({authCode}, {redirectUrl});
TokenResponse result = client.GetAccessTokenAsync(request);

Revoke token

Revoke an access- or a refresh token. Once revoked the token can not be used anymore.

IConnectClient client = new ConnectClient({clientId}, {clientSecret});
RevokeTokenRequest revokeTokenRequest = new RevokeTokenRequest() {
	TokenTypeHint = TokenType.AccessToken,
	Token = {accessToken}
TokenResponse result = client.RevokeTokenAsync(revokeTokenRequest);

12. Profile Api

Create profile

In order to process payments, you need to create a website profile. A website profile can easily be created via the Dashboard manually. However, the Mollie API also allows automatic profile creation via the Profiles API.

ProfileRequest profileRequest = new ProfileRequest() {
	Name = {name},
	Website = {website},
IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
ProfileResponse response = client.CreateProfileAsync(profileRequest);

Get profile

Retrieve details of a profile, using the profile’s identifier.

IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
ProfileResponse profileResponse = await client.GetProfileAsync({profileId});

Get current profile

Use this API if you are creating a plugin or SaaS application that allows users to enter a Mollie API key, and you want to give a confirmation of the website profile that will be used in your plugin or application.

IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
ProfileResponse profileResponse = await client.GetCurrentProfileAsync();

Update profile

A profile is required to process payments. A profile can easily be created and updated via the Dashboard manually. However, the Mollie API also allows automatic profile creation and updates via the Profiles API.

ProfileRequest profileRequest = new ProfileRequest() {
	Name = {name},
	Website = {website},
IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
ProfileResponse profileResponse = await client.UpdateProfileAsync({profileId}, profileRequest);

Enable or disable payment method

Enable or disable a payment method on a specific or authenticated profile to use it with payments.

IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
PaymentMethodResponse paymentMethodResponse = await profileClient.EnablePaymentMethodAsync({profileId}, PaymentMethod.Ideal);
await profileClient.DisablePaymentMethodAsync({profileId}, PaymentMethod.Ideal);

Enable or disable gift card issuer

Enable or disable a gift card issuer on a specific or authenticated profile to use it with payments.

IProfileClient client = new ProfileClient({yourApiKey});
const string issuerToToggle = "festivalcadeau";
EnableGiftCardIssuerResponse paymentMethodResponse = await profileClient.EnableGiftCardIssuerAsync({profileId}, issuerToToggle);
await profileClient.DisableGiftCardIssuerAsync({profileId}, issuerToToggle);

13. Captures API

Get capture

Retrieve a single capture by its ID. Note the original payment’s ID is needed as well.

CaptureClient captureClient = new CaptureClient({yourApiKey});
CaptureResponse result = await captureClient.GetCaptureAsync({paymentId}, {captureId});

List captures

Retrieve all captures for a certain payment.

CaptureClient captureClient = new CaptureClient({yourApiKey});
ListResponse<CaptureResponse> result = await captureClient.GetCapturesListAsync({paymentId});

14. Onboarding Api

Get onboarding status

Get the status of onboarding of the authenticated organization.

OnboardingClient onboardingClient = new OnboardingClient({yourApiKey});
OnboardingStatusResponse onboardingResponse = await onboardingClient.GetOnboardingStatusAsync();

Submit onboarding data

Submit data that will be prefilled in the merchant’s onboarding. Please note that the data you submit will only be processed when the onboarding status is needs-data.

SubmitOnboardingDataRequest submitOnboardingDataRequest = new SubmitOnboardingDataRequest() {
	Organization = new OnboardingOrganizationRequest() {
		Name = {name},
		Address = new AddressObject() {
			StreetAndNumber = {streetAndNumber}
	Profile = new OnboardingProfileRequest() {
		Name = {name}
OnboardingClient onboardingClient = new OnboardingClient({yourApiKey});
await onboardingClient.SubmitOnboardingDataAsync(submitOnboardingDataRequest);


This project allows you to easily add the Mollie payment provider to your application.







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