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Gardener Terminal Controller Manager

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The terminal-controller-manager is used for the webterminal feature of the gardener/dashboard.

The terminal-controller-manager watches Terminal resources under the API group and ensures the desired state on the host and target cluster. Host and target cluster can also be the same. For more details and a usage scenario see docs here.

Development Setup


To build and push the images, run docker-build and docker-push make targets. Adapt the image as necessary:

make docker-build docker-push IMG_MANAGER_REPOSITORY=example/my-repo

Local Setup with Kind

The local setup describes the use of the local kind cluster setup of gardener. After deploying the gardener locally, the helm chart of the terminal-controller-manager can be installed into the kind cluster.

Deploy Gardener locally

First, deploy the gardener locally Deploying Gardener locally into a kind cluster. For more information check out The basic steps are the following.

Clone the gardener repository.

git clone [email protected]:gardener/gardener.git

Change directory to gardener.

cd gardener

Set up a new kind cluster named gardener-local.

make kind-up

The kubeconfig is stored in the ./example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig file within the gardener directory. Alternatively run kind get kubeconfig --name gardener-local to print out the kubeconfig.

Deploy Gardener resources into the cluster.

make gardener-up

Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable for the local garden cluster:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/example/gardener-local/kind/local/kubeconfig

Deploy Terminal Controller Manager locally

Change directory to terminal-controller-manager.

cd terminal-controller-manager

Build the terminal-controller-manager image and load it into the kind cluster.

make load-manager-docker-image

Run install make target.

make install

To verify that everything worked, check if the terminal-controller-manager pod is running in the terminal-system namespace:

kubectl -n terminal-system get po

NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
terminal-controller-manager-6d7b5bfbdd-l6vg9   2/2     Running   0          10s