Get the current build status from Jenkins and Quality Gate Status from Sonar for multiple projects and report them on a blink1 device.
All status can be placed to 'slots'. Slots are gone through iteratively with a fixed duration per slot. Status from jobs can be assigned to an available LED of the blink1 devices that are attached.
This project depends on which makes use of libusb to access the blink1 device. libusb is available for many Platforms including Linux, Mac and Windows.
You need to install following dependencies first:
- libusb
- Go >= 1.9
For Linux, you will need to add a udev rule if you want to execute the binary without root permissions. On Arch Linux, it would look like this:
cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10.blink1.rules
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="27b8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01ed", SYMLINK+="blink1", GROUP="wheel"
In theory, it should also work with Windows, if libusb is installed. I have never tested this, though...
Download and install to GOPATH:
go get
It will produce a qaBlink
executable in $GOPATH/bin. The executable assumes a config.json
file in the current working directory or a .qaBlink.json
in your HOME dir.
Copy example.config.json to config.json and adapt it to your needs. You can define multiple Jenkins and Sonar connections and jobs and assign them to slots.