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Data Vault Materialisation

Ensure that none of the attribute fields are named like one of the standard fields (e.g. id, load_ts).


The materialisation for a hub takes the following config

setting required example default description
surrogate_key_type Yes 'hash' sequence sequence (auto-increment number) or hash (sha-1 hash of the business key)
business_key Yes 'src_field_name1' the name of the source field that contains the business key
load_field_name No 'loaded_at' current_date() name of the field that contains the load timestamp, if not provided the current time will be used
source_system_field_name No 'of_a_down' 'UNKNOWN' name of the field that contains the name of the source system, if not supplied the target field will be supplied with 'UNKNOWN'


      schema = 'core',
      materialized = 'dv_hub',
      surrogate_key_type = 'sequence',
      business_key = 'src_field_name1',
      load_field_name = 'loaded_at',
      source_system_field_name = 'of_a_down'

  select ...

Every hub materialisation will have the same format:

field name field type description
id number the surrogate key
key string the business key
load_ts timestamp timestamp when the record was loaded
source_system string name of the system the record was initially loaded from
last_seen_ts timestamp the record was last seen in the source model
last_seen_system string name of the system the record was last seen (mind that an alias can be configured and multiple models might append to the same hub!)


The materialisation for a link takes the following config

setting required example default description
surrogate_key_type Yes 'hash' sequence same as for hub (sequence or hash)
link_fields Yes list of fields that link target field name to the source field with the business key and the corresponding hub
link_fields.source_field_name Yes 'src_field_name1' name of the business key field in the source
link_fields.hub Yes ref('hub_name1') reference to the hub table for that business key Yes 'dest_field_name' name of the field in the result model
load_field_name No 'loaded_at' current_date() name of the field that contains the load timestamp, if not provided the current time will be used
source_system_field_name No 'src_system' 'UNKNOWN' name of the field that contains the name of the source system, if not supplied the target field will be supplied with 'UNKNOWN'
      materialized = 'dv_link',
      surrogate_key_type = 'sequence',
      link_fields = [
                          'source_field_name' : 'src_field_name1',
                          'hub' : ref('hub_name1'),
                          'name' : 'dest_field_name' 
                          'source_field_name' : 'src_field_name2' 
                          'hub' : ref('hub_name2'),
                          'name' : 'dest_field_name2' 
      load_field_name = 'loaded_at',
      source_system_field_name = 'src_system'

  select ...

Every link materialisation will have the following three standard fields and one field for each hub in the link:

field name field type description
id number the surrogate key
load_ts timestamp timestamp when the record was loaded
source_system string name of the system the record was initially loaded from
<field1..n> number the surrogate keys of the hubs for each linked business entity

A good practice is to name them in the form <hub_name>_id.


The materialisation for a satellite takes the following config

setting required example default description
parent_table Yes ref('hub_table1') reference to the hub or link table this satellite belongs to
business_key No 'src_field_name1' field name of the business key in the source model (for link tables, use a list of field names that are in the same order as the hub_tables list)
link_fields No list of fields that link target field name to the source field with the business key and the corresponding hub
secondary_keys No ['src_field5'] an optional field that will become part of the unique key of the satellite (besides the parent table id)
load_field_name No 'valid_from' 'load_ts' name of the load timestamp field in the satellite
is_historical No false true if set to false, the satellite will not be historized (no unload timestamp field and existing records will be updated instead of unload timestamp set + new record)
tombstone_field_name No 'is_deleted' can be any type of field (char or date). If it is not null, the existing records of this business key in the satellites will be physically deleted (opposed to adding a new historical row) and one row added with all fields null and a load_ts of min(load_ts) from the records that are deleted and a unload_ts with the provided load_ts (or current_date() if missing). This might be required when the user requests to delete all his data (as allowed by GDPR)

business_key ( + parent_table) and link_fields are mutually exclusive, depending on the type (hub or link) of the referenced table


For a hub satellite

      materialized = 'dv_satellite',
      parent_table = 'hub_table1',
      business_key = 'src_field_name1',
      secondary_keys = ['src_field5'],
      load_field_name = 'valid_from',
      tombstone_field_name = 'tombstone_flag'

  select ...

For a link satellite

      materialized = 'dv_satellite',
      parent_table = 'link_table1',
      link_fields = [
                        'source_field_name' : 'src_field_name1',
                        'hub' : 'hub_name1',
                        'name' : 'dest_field_name' 
                        'source_field_name' : 'src_field_name2' 
                        'hub' : 'hub_name2',
                        'name' : 'dest_field_name2' 
      secondary_keys = ['src_field5'],
      load_field_name = 'valid_from',
      tombstone_field_name = 'tombstone_flag',
      is_historical = false

  select ...

Every satellite materialisation will have the following fields:

field name field type description
id number the surrogate key
md5_hash string hex representation of the md5-hash of the attribute fields
load_ts timestamp timestamp when the record was loaded - taken from load_field_name or CURRENT_DATE() if not set
unload_ts timestamp timestamp when a newer record was loaded (will be equal to the load_ts of the new record), null if this is the latest record - not created if historical is false
<parent_table_name>_id number ID of the parent (hub or link) table
<field1..n> * the attribute fields (all other fields that are not explicitly specified in business_key/link_fields, secondary_pk_field, load_field_name or tombstone_field_name


Data Vault Model Materialisation Macros for dbt






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