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This project provides some CLI tools for SiYuan plugin development.

For plugin development, please refer to: siyuan-note/plugin-sample-vite-svelte


npm install --save-dev siyuan-plugin-cli

Or you can install it globally:

npm install -g siyuan-plugin-cli


Using create-sy-plugin & create-plugin to create a plugin project

Run npx create-sy-plugin or npx create-plugin to create a plugin from a template.

This command provides an interactive command-line interface:

  • Enter the basic information of the plugin
  • Select the plugin template
  • Create the plugin project from the template (essentially git clone to local)
  • Update the basic information of the local plugin project
  • Upload to GitHub (optional)

If you choose to upload to GitHub, it will automatically create a remote repository and push the local project to the remote repository. This step requires a GitHub Token. If the user permits, the CLI command will also cache the Token in the local ~/.siyuan-plugin-cli file.

❯❯❯ npx create-plugin
🚀 Welcome to SiYuan Plugin Creator! Copyright © 2024 frostime. Version 2.3.0
🔌 Plugin Name: plugin-test
👤 Author: abc
🏷️ Initial version (default v0.1.0):
📚 Choose a template:
   1. siyuan-note/plugin-sample
   2. siyuan-note/plugin-sample-vite-svelt
   3. frostime/plugin-sample-vit
   4. frostime/plugin-sample-vite-solidjs
   5. frostime/plugin-sample-min
👉 Enter your choice (1-4): 5
📂 Create in:
   1. New folder
   2. Current folder
👉 Enter your choice (1-2): 1
📥 Cloning template...
Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 31, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 31 (delta 6), reused 20 (delta 2), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (31/31), 27.60 KiB | 455.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), done.
🔧 Updating configuration files...
🔧 Initializing Git repository...
✅ SiYuan plugin "plugin-test" has been created successfully!

# Omit the following steps if you don't want to upload to GitHub

make-link and make-install

  • npx make-link creates a symbolic link to the SiYuan plugin directory
    • Links the dev directory under plugin development to the plugins directory under the SiYuan plugin directory
    • Note: On Windows, it is recommended to run npx make-link-win
  • npx make-install installs the plugin to the SiYuan plugin directory
    • Copies the files from the dist directory under plugin development to the SiYuan plugin directory

Note: On Windows, administrative privileges are required to create symbolic links. You can run npx make-link in administrator mode, or use npx make-link-win to automatically request administrative privileges.

make-link uses the ./dev directory as the plugin development directory by default; make-install uses the ./dist directory as the directory for compiled plugin files by default.

You can specify the directory in the script by passing a parameter, for example:

npx make-link ./
❯❯❯ npx make-link
>>> Try to visit constant "targetDir" in make_dev_link.js...
>>> Constant "targetDir" is empty, try to get SiYuan directory automatically....
>>> Got 2 SiYuan workspaces
        [0] C:\Users\EEG\Documents\思源笔记
        [1] H:\临时文件夹\SiYuanDevSpace
        Please select a workspace[0-1]:


Run npx update-version to update the plugin version number. This command will automatically update the version field in package.json and plugin.json.

❯❯❯ npx update-version

🌟  Current version: 0.1.0

🔄  How would you like to update the version?

   1️⃣  Auto update patch version   (new version: 0.1.1)
   2️⃣  Auto update minor version   (new version: 0.2.0)
   3️⃣  Auto update major version   (new version: 1.0.0)
   4️⃣  Input version manually
   0️⃣  Quit without updating

👉  Please choose (1/2/3/4):


本项目为 SiYuan 插件开发的一些 CLI 工具。



npm install --save-dev siyuan-plugin-cli

或者你也可以在全局安装 siyuan-plugin-cli:

npm install -g siyuan-plugin-cli


使用 create-sy-plugin & create-plugin 创建插件项目

运行npx create-sy-pluginnpx create-plugin ,可以从模板中创建一个插件。


  • 输入插件的基本信息
  • 选择插件模板
  • 从模板中创建插件项目(本质是 git clone 到本地)
  • 更新本地插件项目的基本信息
  • 上传到 GitHub(可选)

如果选择上传到 GitHub,则会自动创建远程仓库,并将本地项目推送到远程仓库。该步骤需要一个 Github Token,如果用户许可,cli 命令还会将 Token 缓存到本地的 ~/.siyuan-plugin-cli 文件中。

❯❯❯ npx create-plugin
🚀 Welcome to SiYuan Plugin Creator! Copyright © 2024 frostime. Version 2.3.0
🔌 Plugin Name: plugin-test
👤 Author: abc
🏷️ Initial version (default v0.1.0):
📚 Choose a template:
   1. siyuan-note/plugin-sample
   2. siyuan-note/plugin-sample-vite-svelt
   3. frostime/plugin-sample-vit
   4. frostime/plugin-sample-vite-solidjs
   5. frostime/plugin-sample-min
👉 Enter your choice (1-4): 5
📂 Create in:
   1. New folder
   2. Current folder
👉 Enter your choice (1-2): 1
📥 Cloning template...
Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 31, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Total 31 (delta 6), reused 20 (delta 2), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (31/31), 27.60 KiB | 455.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), done.
🔧 Updating configuration files...
🔧 Initializing Git repository...
✅ SiYuan plugin "plugin-test" has been created successfully!

# 后续步骤略


  • npx make-link 创建软链接到 SiYuan 插件目录
    • 将插件开发下的 dev 目录链接到 SiYuan 插件目录下的 plugins 目录下
    • 注意:在 Windows 下推荐运行 npx make-link-win
  • npx make-install 安装插件到 SiYuan 插件目录下
    • 将插件开发下的 dist 目录中的文件复制到 SiYuan 的插件目录中

注意: 在 Windows 下,需要管理员权限来创建软链接,你可以在管理员模式下运行 npx make-link,或者使用 npx make-link-win 来自动请求管理员权限。

make-link 默认使用 ./dev 目录作为插件开发目录;make-install 默认使用 ./dist 目录作为编译后的插件文件。


npx make-link ./
❯❯❯ npx make-link
>>> Try to visit constant "targetDir" in make_dev_link.js...
>>> Constant "targetDir" is empty, try to get SiYuan directory automatically....
>>> Got 2 SiYuan workspaces
        [0] C:\Users\EEG\Documents\思源笔记
        [1] H:\临时文件夹\SiYuanDevSpace
        Please select a workspace[0-1]:


运行 npx update-version 以更新插件版本号,该命令会自动更新 package.jsonplugin.json 中的 version 字段

❯❯❯ npx update-version

🌟  Current version: 0.1.0

🔄  How would you like to update the version?

   1️⃣  Auto update patch version   (new version: 0.1.1)
   2️⃣  Auto update minor version   (new version: 0.2.0)
   3️⃣  Auto update major version   (new version: 1.0.0)
   4️⃣  Input version manually
   0️⃣  Quit without updating

👉  Please choose (1/2/3/4):