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Building Jekyll Website

Main problem

  • Want to serve note html which conveniently includes note_section files
  • Originally approach: note layout --> note_section layout
  • But unable to render as desired the content e.g. html or markdown raw text directly shown instead of the rendered form


  • Have only one layout which is note layout, delete the note_section layout
  • Still have _note_section folder, instead of regular note_section folder so note_section files can be retrieved from .site

How to use

  • When we have new notes to add, first create a note md using the note layout and place in _notes. Set the title, layout and topic
  • Then in _note_sections, create a folder matching the topic name above, and in it you can create the markdown content files. Name these files with <number to appear in order>_<section name>, give a section_title front matter for it to appear in the page
  • Type the note_section content in markdown. Only use html syntax when you need very complicated representation
    • Common regular markdown syntax:
      • Double space for newline
      • Enclose with ** for bolding
      • #'s for headers
      • | and ----'s for table construction, ensure the table is sandwiched by empty lines above and below
    • Enclose with $ for inline math formula
    • Enclose with tripe backticks "```" and optionally the language for code snippets
    • For mermaid diagrams, enclose inside the md file with <div class="mermaid"> </div> (or pre tags) since we are using dynamic js approach instead of jekyll plugins that may convert to static image
  • Remember to have the note_sections folder under collections in _config.yml so it becomes a Jekyll collection for retrieval of through .site
  • For local running, type jekyll serve and check your local host website

Example of adding content

  • Say we want to add a note of topic astronomy, go to the _notes folder to create

    • Inside, place front matters
       title: Astronomy (or any title you want to display)
       layout: note
       topic: astronomy (must match later)
       any text you want
  • Now go to _note_sections to create a folder named astronomy, must match the topic above.

  • Inside the astronomy folder, create markdown files of your section content named with ordering followed by section name e.g.,

    • Inside, place front matter
       section_title: Celestial Mechanics (or any section title you want to display)
       real content about celestial mechanics