A template repository for kick-starting Private Cloud CI/CD creation for Software AG products.
- 📦 Container registry for pushing your customized image(s)
- ☁️ Kubernetes cluster for deploying your solution(s), supporting Docker in Docker
▶️ GitHub runner(s) with Docker and Helm installed for running the CI/CD process on (labeled "rufus")- 🔑 Define the following secrets for accessing the Software AG services:
- SAG_CR_USER (secret) - Username for https://containers.softwareag.com/
- SAG_CR_PASSWORD (secret) - Password/token for https://containers.softwareag.com/
- SAG_WPM_TOKEN (secret) - Token for https://packages.softwareag.com/
- 🔑 Define the following secrets/vars for accessing your organization services:
- DOCKER_REGISTRY (var) - Your container registry server
- DOCKER_USER (secret) - Username for your container registry
- DOCKER_PASSWORD (secret) - Password/token for your container registry
- Use the template by clicking "Use this template" at the top and specify the new repository name
- (Optional) Modify the ./github/workflows/cicd.yml if you need container or deployment specifics:
- The env/PACKAGES value with the list of Software AG packages that you need on top of the base runtime
- The env/CUSTOM_PACKAGES and env/CUSTOM_PACKAGES_ORG_URL values with the list of custom packages (and their Github organization url) that you need on top of the base runtime
- The application properties
- https://containers.softwareag.com/ - Software AG Container registry
- https://packages.softwareag.com/ - Software AG Packages registry
- https://sag-private-cloud.github.io/private-cloud-helm-charts/ - Software AG Helm charts registry
- https://github.com/sag-private-cloud/sag-build-image - Software AG GitHub action for building container images
- This template repository as a kick-starter for workflow orchestration