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EVM + Fleek Starter Kit


Find a deep-dive guide on this article.

Dapp Boilerplate that gives you maximum flexibility using oper-source packages, a non-binding stack and tools giving you a fully customizable experience bootstraped with minimal configuration.


  • Hardhat: Development environment for EVM-compatible chains.
  • TypeScript: Strongly typed lenguage that builds on JavaScript.
  • wagmi: Collection on React Hooks for working with Ethereum.
  • RainbowKit: React library to add wallet connection to your Dapp.
  • Typechain: Typescript bindings for EVM-compatible smart contracts.
  • Next.js: The React Framework.

Quick start

To get started clone the evm-starter-kit:

git clone

Install all dependencies:

pnpm install

Start the project:

This is a pre-configured script which runs a hardhat node, deploys it and starts the frontend. You can check the commands it triggers in package.json

pnpm dev

Now you can interact with the frontend by going to localhost:3000

Available Scripts

  • hardhat:generate-abi: Deploys contracts and exports the API & address to frontend.
  • hardhat:clean: Cleans the generated artifacts cache & typechain-types generated folders.
  • hardhat:deploy: Deploys your contract to localhost & exports the ABI to the frontend.
  • hardhat:node: Starts the Hardhat node.
  • frontend:dev: Starts the NextJS frontend in development mode.
  • frontend:clean: Cleans the generated folders inside the frontend application.
  • test: Runs the tests for the smart contract.
  • clean: Runs frontend:clean && hardhat:clean
  • dev: Starts & deploys the hardhat node to the localhost & starts the frontend in development mode.

How to customize

For customizing the project, please check the customizing guide.


  • contracts/: This folder contains all of your contracts, it comes with example Token.sol to illustrate the experience.
  • deploys/: Each file is meant to deploy a contract, you can check the 001_deploy_token.ts for an example.

Hardhat and EVM Compatibility

Hardhat's flexible configuration makes it not just useful for Ethereum but for any EVM-compatible blockchains as well. All you need to do is update the Hardhat configuration file (hardhat.config.ts in this case) to include the network details of the desired blockchain.

The network settings would include the URL of the network's node and the private key for the account used for deployment. Here is a simplified illustration:

// hardhat.config.ts

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  solidity: "0.8.17",
  networks: {
    hardhat: {
      chainId: 1337 // We set 1337 to make interacting with MetaMask simpler
    myOtherEvmNetwork: {
      url: "http://localhost:8545", // your node URL here
      accounts: ["yourPrivateKey"], // your private key here
      chainId: 1338 // chainId of your network
  namedAccounts: {
    deployer: 0,
    tokenOwner: 1,
    addr1: 2,
    addr2: 3,

export default config;

After this configuration update, you can deploy your contracts to the specified network by running npx hardhat run --network myOtherEvmNetwork scripts/deploy.ts.

Remember to replace "http://localhost:8545" and "yourPrivateKey" with your actual node URL and private key, respectively. This makes Hardhat a powerful and flexible tool for deploying contracts to different EVM-compatible blockchains.


  • frontend/: Contains a minimal NextJS application prepared with wagmi, rainbow kit & tailwind
  • You can get started by customizing frontend/src/pages/index.tsx

⚡ How to deploy to Fleek

1. Create a fleek.json config file:

You can configure this site deployment using Fleek CLI and running:

 > fleek sites init
  WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta phase, use it under your own responsibility
  ? Choose one of the existing sites or create a new one. › 
  ❯ Create a new site

It will prompt you for a name, dist directory location & build command

  • name: How you want to name the site
  • dist: The output directory where the site is located, for this template it's dist
  • build command: Command to build your site, this will be used to deploy the latest version either by CLI or Github Actions

2. Deploy the site

After configuiring your fleek.json file, you can deployt the site by running

fleek sites deploy

After running it you will get an output like this:

 WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
  > Success! Deployed!
  > Site IPFS CID: QmP1nDyoHqSrRabwUSrxRV3DJqiKH7b9t1tpLcr1NTkm1M

  > You can visit through the gateway:

Extra features
