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What is SuperMQL

SuperMQL is an extension to existing ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE MQL . Using SuperMQL you can perform all operations which you can perform using native MQL client plus it adds some new features, like executing script as an alternative to TCL script. See Feature section for more details.

Download latest version

Latest version v2.0.0.beta

Shall I learn Groovy to use SuperMQL ?

No :) . Almost all java synatx are valid groovy syntax. So you can use java code in the script as it is. If you know Groovy then you can combine both the syntax. Check some sample scripts present in github at path Here

Why should I use SuperMQL ?

  • You can use as an alternative to TCL . TCL is complex and old language but using SuperMQL, you can use java syntax to perform your ENOVIA tasks.
  • Once you write script, you don't need to compile it. Just change, save and execute.
  • You can execute native MQLs from SuperMQL (See How to use section)
  • You can create your own commands. It is called as MyQuery (See section My Query)
  • Database connection can be created using JDBC from script which is not easy from TCL.
  • Multithreading can be achieved in scripting.
  • There are some SuperMQL commands by which you could perform tasks which are not possible to perform using native MQL. Like list all types where XYZ attribute is used. (Under Development)


  • Support execution of java / groovy script on ENOVIA kernal (check .sms scripts in scripts folder)
  • You can create your own queries.(MyQuery)
  • Execute native MQLs
  • Execute java/groovy script in interactive mode
  • Use as RemoteMQL (See section 2. Deploy as standalone JAR )

How to deploy

1. Deploy inside Kernal

  1. Download SuperMQL ZIP package from link provided above.
  2. Extract the ZIP package.
  3. Copy SuperMQL.jar and all JARs present in folder SuperMQL_lib in MQL Classpath.

For 3dspace MQL classpath is :

# On Windows
# On Linux

For studio classpath is

# On Windows
# On Linux

Note : If you want to use SuperMQL using 3dspace MQL then copy JARs only in 3dspace classpath directory. Same for studio, if you want to use SuperMQL using studio MQL then copy JARs only in studio directory. Obviously, you could copy JARs in both the directory and use SuperMQL from 3dspace or studio. You could also copy this JARs in a common path and add this path as classpath in both 3dspace and studio directory.

  1. Restart MQL if it is already running so that it will pickup the copied JARs.
  2. As we can't modify ENOVIA kernal, we have to insert one supporting JPO to invoke the SuperMQL.jar file we copied in last step. This JPO ( ) is already provided in the ZIP package you have downloaded in last step.
  3. Copy JPO to server where 3dspace or studio is running.
  4. Insert and compile JPO using MQL command
insert program D:\Path\to\jpo\;

compile program SuperMQL force update;
  1. That's All.

2. Deploy as standalone JAR

If you can't deploy SuperMQL inside kernal, you can also used it as a standalone JAR . In this approach you have to provide ENOVIA login credentials to connect to the server. Follow these steps:

  1. Download SuperMQL ZIP package from link provided above.
  2. Extract the ZIP package.
  3. Copy eMatrixServletRMI.jar from ENOVIA classpath (It is present in directory 3DSPACE_INSTALLED_DIRECTORY\win_b64\docs\javaserver and also in TomEE WEB-INF/lib folder) and paste into folder SuperMQL_lib .
  4. Execute following command from path where SuperMQL.jar is located. (Replace command with your server URL and credentials)
java -jar SuperMQL.jar  -login "http://3dspace:8070/internal" "creator" "pass123" "eService Production"
  1. Make sure that java is in the classpath . If it is not in the classpth, you can execute SuperMQL with complete java path. For example:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171\bin\java.exe -jar SuperMQL.jar  -login "http://3dspace:8070/internal" "creator" "pass123" "eService Production"
  1. That's All.

Note : You have to provide No CAS URL. CAS is not supported yet.

How to use SuperMQL

Execute java/groovy script :

  • Start MQL and execute SuperMQL JPO like:
execute program SuperMQL C:\Work\Scripts\ListVaults.groovy;

ListVaults.groovy is provided in the ZIP package you have downloaded in last step. Also try PrintBusTNR.sms, This script demostrate how to use loops and mix groovy and java syntax. NOTE: On windows environment, if you are getting errors while passing complete file path, try to escape the backslash (\) For example: execute program SuperMQL C:\\Work\\Scripts\\ListVaults.groovy;

Command line mode :

  • Start MQL and execute SuperMQL JPO like:
execute program SuperMQL;

This command will start SuperMQL in command line mode. Like

  • You can also execute java/groovy script in command line mode using flag f (file) like
Smql<1>f D:\Project\script\RenameBus.groovy
# on windows environment, you might need to escape backslash. For example: 
Smql<1>f D:\\Project\\script\\RenameBus.groovy
  • You can also execute java/groovy script in command line mode using flag f (file) like
  • Native MQL can be executed from SuperMQL prompt. Use dot . to start a command.
Smql<2>. temp query bus Part A-* * select id; 
  • Java/Groovy script can be executed in interactive mode Using flag i (interactive)
Smql<3>i def result=mql('list type *'); print result ; 

SuperMQL Configuration

Read more about configuration in wiki page

My Query

Using SuperMQL, you can create your own query (alias to native MQLs ). Check following wiki link for more.

Read more about MyQuery here

Interactive Script

Interactive script is a way of manipulating output of MQL on the fly using programming features like loops, conditions and sysouts. In other words, it is way of writing/executing MQLs using programming features.

You can quickly test something without writing a SuperMQL script(.sms) or TCL or JPO.

Read more about Interactive Scripts and some examples here

Built in functions

Built in functions are already written functions in SuperMQL. You can use this in SuperMQL Script (.sms) or in interactive script.

Read more about built in functions here

Issues ? Bugs ? New Feature ?

Have you found issue or bug ? Or do you want any new feature ? Then go to the following link and create a new issue :)

Create a issue,bug or request for new feature

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Extension to Enovia MQL / 3DEXPERIENCE MQL






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