Countdown react component for publishing on NPM
npm install react-the-final-countdown --save
This React component is a countdown timer that can be added to any react webpage in the top right hand corner of the site.
The timer allows developers of a website to limit the users time on a particular webpage. Examples of when this might be useful include work situations where motivation is a problem. At Founders and Coders we often have limited research time prior to discussion and a timer on a website could help enforce the principle. It can also be useful for shopping checkout pages where an item is only reserved for a certain amount of time.
After installation add the following to your main js file i.e. app.js
var Countdown = require('react-the-final-countdown');
And add the Countdown component where you are returning your HTML:
<Countdown min = {3} msg ="Close the bloody fridge" afterTimeOut = {this.afterTimeOut}/>
- min is the number of minutes you'd like to start the countdown from.
- msg is the message that will appear after the time is up.
- afterUnmount is a function that you can create in your app.js that will be called once the timer is finished and the OK button is clicked.
Timer with Seconds Only.
Timer with Minutes.
Pop up when timer is up, the developer can edit the message.
Styles are provided inline in the npm module, where they can be edited. But we hope you like our simple CSS layout.
If you find any bugs, or would like to help improve this module, please feel free to raise an issue and we'll get back to you ASAP. 😄 and give us a star on the repo ⭐