A visualisation of followers/followed on Github. The final hurrah of the mighty fcscripters. Using Github to authenticate, the Github API to garner information on following and followers and, of course, D3 to display the data.
User of Github who would like to build their network and improve the visibility and thus uptake and reuse of their repos.
The app is available on Heroku at: https://pure-reef-8732.herokuapp.com/
node server.js
We are using the router outlined in last week's morning challenge.
This involves two files: server.js, router.js and handler.js
Green - Follow each other
Red - Not following you
Black - Not following them
Shot Tape Istanbul Qunit
Front-end tests will be achieved using Qunit
env2 request routes
Git Hub API
D3 Tutorials were a huge help
http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4062045 http://bl.ocks.org/aaizemberg/78bd3dade9593896a59d
Gethin, Sohil, Conor, Tormod