Simple word guessing game created using Node.js
WordPi is an interactive Word Definition game, in which a user will have to match a definition to a specific word.
To run the app on the web, please go here
For local access, please star the repo and then clone it from here, make sure you run npm install
to install all the dependencies for this project.
- If you have nodemon installed globally use
npm run nodemon
to run the server locally. - You could also start server by entering
node server.js
- Return autocomplete search based on the users input
- Also return a random definition which is linked to one of the autocomplete results which has been returned
- Ask user to select the correct word which is related to the definition
- First project for FCScripters using Node.
- Dictionary in word.txt file in backend
- No Depencies, only Developer Dependencies mainly used for testing and checking coverage
- Tape
- Travis
- Shot
- Istanbul + few others
- Travis for continuous integration
- Code Climate for a Coverage and a overall score
- CodeCov for Coverage
- Wordnik API
- Querying the API for definitions using a GET requests
- Mostly loaded dynamically using the user's search input
- Created a userinput.js file which is sendind the user's search input to backend using http request.
- QUNIT for front end testing
Difficulties/Learning Outcomes
- We would be here all day if we were to list them all
- HTTP requests in Node turned out to be very important for our project
- linking backend to front-end was also a hard task to solve which we solved, eventually
Relevant Links
- Thanks Nelon for his Autocomplete repo to get us started. link
- Week 3's Learning Objectives link
- Nikki's Learn-node tutorial link
Conor - Gethin - Sohil - Tormod