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A Python tool to manage NG WAF deployments on Fastly services, offering features like provisioning, edge security object management, traffic ramping, and backend synchronization.


Before running the script, ensure the following are installed and set up:

  • Python 3.x
  • requests library for Python (Installable via pip3 install requests)
  • Access credentials for NG WAF and Fastly
  • For --dynamic-backend or --premier flags: A .env file containing the cookie value from Voltron

How to Obtain the Cookie Value for --dynamic-backend and --premier

Thank you for the clarification! Here's the updated instruction for saving the .env file with the correct format:

To use the --dynamic-backend or --premier flags, you need to create a .env file with the full cookie value from Voltron. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Obtain the Cookie Value from Voltron:

  1. Login to the Voltron Dashboard:

    • Open your browser, navigate to Voltron, and log in.
  2. Open the Developer Tools:

    • Right-click the page, select "Inspect" (or press F12), and go to the Network tab.
  3. Capture a cURL Request:

    • In the Network tab, perform any action on the Voltron dashboard to trigger a request.
    • Locate a request made to Voltron.
    • Right-click the request and select "Copy as cURL".
  4. Extract the Cookie:

    • From the copied cURL, find the -H 'cookie: ...' section, and copy the entire cookie string.

2. Create a .env File:

  • In your project directory, create a .env file that includes the cookie string.

  • The content of the .env file will look something like this:

'_ga=GA1.2.184163117.1724087216; _gid=GA1.2.1553403690.1725903286; _ga_58L9ZE63Z0=GS1.2.1725903286.23.0.1725903286.0.0.0; _DUO_APER_LOCAL_=7569fe783c8d8a108c935eb1b48bdb713a54cd9983746e9cdb2fe3f5125a8d2e; goth-session=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-3X0T5OHUvSfIf3wKvdQ2ai15SfYL4KR; AWSALB=zbBnqpt5ECV7EoXSvTTJ39nuBGMlXHk6wFLg7XMpFA4dUU7kw/NgtWTDP8i6oeQrBOEjWZdHgK04qohkl+GAaz1ogOrCmqDyIXIfFqZb7nvaSU6rUuU4vFSSXexN'


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd ngwafcli
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pip3 install requests

New Features and Improvements

Advanced Error Handling and Retry Logic

  • Retry Mechanism: Automatically retries API calls up to three times with a waiting period for transient network or server errors.
  • Enhanced Error Messages: Informative error messages, especially for HTTP 401 Unauthorized and "failed to clone service" issues.

Edge Security Object Management

  • Automatic Creation: The script creates an edge security object if a site doesn’t exist on NG WAF.
  • Mapping to Fastly Service: Optionally activate the Fastly service version immediately and control traffic routed through NG WAF.

New Flags:

  • --dynamic-backend: Adds the corp to the sigsci-edge-dynamic-backends group before mapping the site to Fastly services.
  • --premier: Adds the corp to the rate-limiting group for premier customers.

Synchronizing Origins with Fastly Backend

  • --sync-backend: Synchronizes origins with Fastly after changes, preventing 503 Unknown Wasm backend errors.
  • CSV Input: Use a CSV file for batch operations.

Mutually Exclusive Flags for Operations

Enforces the mutually exclusive --provision and --sync-backend flags to prevent simultaneous operations.

Using setup_env.zsh to Update Local Environment Variables

Use setup_env.zsh to set up environment variables.

  1. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x setup-env.zsh
  2. Run the script:

    source setup_env.zsh --update-file

CSV File Input

The script processes multiple sites from a CSV file. The CSV should contain two columns: site_name and fastly_sid.

CSV Format


Using the CSV File

To provision sites or synchronize origins, pass the CSV file path as a command-line argument:

python3 --ngwaf_user_email 'your_ngwaf_user_email' --ngwaf_token 'your_ngwaf_token' --fastly_token 'your_fastly_token' --corp_name 'your_corp_name' --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv' --activate true --percent_enabled 100

For backend synchronization:

python3 --sync-backend --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv'


The script can be executed using command-line arguments or environment variables.

Using Command-Line Arguments

Execute the script with parameters:

python3 --ngwaf_user_email 'your_ngwaf_user_email' --ngwaf_token 'your_ngwaf_token' --fastly_token 'your_fastly_token' --corp_name 'your_corp_name' --site_name 'your_site_name' --fastly_sid 'your_fastly_service_id' [--activate] [--percent_enabled <0-100>]

Using --dynamic-backend and --premier Flags

  • To add the corp to the sigsci-edge-dynamic-backends group:

    python3 --provision --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv' --dynamic-backend
  • To add the corp to the rate-limiting group for premier customers:

    python3 --provision --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv' --premier

Using Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables, then run the script:

export NGWAF_USER_EMAIL='your_ngwaf_user_email'
export NGWAF_TOKEN='your_ngwaf_token'
export FASTLY_TOKEN='your_fastly_token'
export CORP_NAME='your_corp_name'
export SITE_NAME='your_site_name' # Required if not using CSV
export FASTLY_SID='your_fastly_service_id' # Required if not using CSV
export ACTIVATE='true' # Optional
export PERCENT_ENABLED='10' # Optional

Then execute the script:


Example Scenarios

  • Deploying with Partial Traffic Ramping:

    python3 --ngwaf_user_email '[email protected]' --ngwaf_token 'token123' --fastly_token 'fastlykey123' --corp_name 'MyCorp' --site_name 'MySite' --fastly_sid 'serviceID' --activate --percent_enabled 25
  • Deploying without Activating the Fastly Service:

    python3 --ngwaf_user_email '[email protected]' --ngwaf_token 'token123' --fastly_token 'fastlykey123' --corp_name 'MyCorp' --site_name 'MySite' --fastly_sid 'serviceID'
  • Synchronizing Origins for Multiple Sites:

    python3 --sync-backend --csv_file 'path/to/sites.csv'


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and submit pull requests.


Sina Siar - @ssiar - [email protected]


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  • Python 87.5%
  • Shell 12.5%