Jample lets a musician rapidly discover and improvise samples from huge hard-drives of music.
Jample slices every mp3 on your hard-drive in advance, so you can instantly shuffle across huge music libraries searching for dopeness by ear. Samples always load on a beat or note. Once you find a dope sample, you can freeze it and continue to shuffle the remaining pads.
Install Xcode
Install homebrew using instructions here: http://brew.sh/
In terminal run the following commands:
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
cd ~/Documents/
git clone [email protected]:famulus/jample.git
cd jample/jample_api
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
brew install aubio
brew install ffmpeg
brew install MP3SPLT
brew install youtube-dl
rake init
rake import_tracks
rails server
This part of the project runs in the browser and provides an interface for the database of samples.
In a new terminal run the following commands from the jample folder:
cd jample_react
npm start
open a brower window, visit http://localhost:3001/
The Max for live plugin run in Ableton, and loads random sample drops from the database
- Setup Max for live plugin in Ableton