This package is a work in progress and aims to implement the Facile API over the ARCHS4 (v2) datasets. It provides some fundamental code required to build the children dataset repositories for the human and mouse HDF5 files files provided by the ARCHS4 project.
These ARCHS4 dataset
repositories can then be loaded into a FacileArchs4DataSet
which is a subclass of a FacileDataSet
and subsequently used by the
facilebio ecosystem.
This package is currently written against v2.2 of the human and mouse file format.
Currently you should use the a4 <- Archs4Client$new("mouse")
) R6 constructor to get a thin wrapper around the data object.
Then, subset the a4$samples
tibble to include the the samples you want
to analyze. Finally, convert the sample-frame it to a DGEList
to move on with your life – see the Usage
section for details.
To make your life easy, store the “equally versioned” mouse and human
datasets in a single directory ($ARCHS4_DATADIR
) with the value of
in the filename, and set a global R option (archs4.data_dir
You can put new/old h5 files in different directories, then load the dataset by specifying simply the species. See the Installation section for more details.
# NOTE: Set this in your ~/.Rprofile file to make your life easier
options(archs4.data_dir = "~/workspace/data/archs4/v2.2")
a4h <- Archs4Client$new("human")
#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
a4h$samples |> head()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#> h5idx series_id geo_accession sample source_name_ch1 title
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 GSE29282 GSM1000981 GSM1000981 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> 2 2 GSE29282 GSM1000982 GSM1000982 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> 3 3 GSE29282 GSM1000983 GSM1000983 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> 4 4 GSE29282 GSM1000984 GSM1000984 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> 5 5 GSE29282 GSM1000985 GSM1000985 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> 6 6 GSE29282 GSM1000986 GSM1000986 Human DLBCL cel line OCI-LY1_48hrs_m…
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: singlecellprobability <dbl>, readsaligned <int>,
#> # molecule_ch1 <chr>, library_source <chr>, library_selection <chr>,
#> # platform_id <chr>, instrument_model <chr>, data_processing <chr>,
#> # extract_protocol_ch1 <chr>, characteristics_ch1 <chr>
Create a directory ($ARCHS4_DATADIR
) on your local filesystem and
download the mouse and human gene expression count matrices from the
ARCHS4 Download page.
Let’s assume ARCHS4_DATA_DIR='~/data/archs4/v2.2'
This directory should look like:
$ ls -l $ARCHS4_DATA_DIR # ls -l ~/data/archs4/v2.2
-rw-r--r--@ 1 steve staff 35G Jan 22 14:25 human_gene_v2.2.h5
-rw-r--r--@ 1 steve staff 28G Feb 5 16:13 mouse_gene_v2.2.h5
In your ~/.Rprofile, set the archs4.data_dir
option to
$ cat ~/.Rprofile
repos = c(cloud = ""),
archs4.data_dir = "~/data/archs4/v2.2")
Now install this package from GitHub.
Find a human dataset of interest and convert it into a
a4h <- Archs4Client$new("human")
#> Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): NAs introduced by coercion to integer range
# Let's get a DGEList of some iPSC microglia data from GSE186301
y <- a4h$samples |>
dplyr::filter(series_id == "GSE186301") |>
biocbox(class = "DGEList")
y$samples |>
dplyr::select(dataset, sample_id, source_name_ch1) |>
#> dataset sample_id source_name_ch1
#> GSM5643402 GSE186301 GSM5643402 iPSC-microglia
#> GSM5643403 GSE186301 GSM5643403 iPSC-microglia
#> GSM5643405 GSE186301 GSM5643405 iPSC-microglia
#> GSM5643407 GSE186301 GSM5643407 iPSC-microglia
#> GSM5643404 GSE186301 GSM5643404 iPSC-microglia
NOTE: The rest of these instructions was from v1 of this software. There were some good ideas there, so leaving it for reference but they don’t work.
To build the species-specifc dataset packages, users will need to
download the (v2) gene level HDF5 files for the species of interest
(mouse or human) from the ARCHS4
project and run the
# pak::pkg_install("facilebio/FacileArchs4DataSet")
h5 = "/path/to/archs4_gene_human_v2.1.2.h5",
outdir = "/path/to/repository/dir",
species = "human")
This will create a /path/to/repository/dir/human
directory that can be
used to instantiate a FacileArcsh4DataSet
that can be used in the
facilebio ecosystem.
Once the data packge is successfully built, you can use it for exploratory analysis, the facile way:
a4h <- FacileArchs4DataSet::load("/path/to/repository/dir/human")
a4h |>
filter_samples(dataset == "GSE89189") |>
Refer to the FacileAnalysis documentation for details on how to easily perform diferential expression analysis, GSEA, etc.
In order for this package to be useful, the end user must download the HDF5 files provifed by the ARCHS4 project. Use of the ARCHS4 data is subject to its own terms of use, and it is the end-user’s responsibility to ensure that they are using it in a compliant manner.
The code in this package that facilitates the query and retrieval of the data provided is released under The Apache 2 License.
Thanks toAlexander Lachmann and The Ma’ayan Laboratory for the development andcontinued updates to the ARCHS4 project.