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Footnote format addition for mdformat.


This package utilises flit as the build engine, and tox for test automation.

To install these development dependencies:

pip install tox

To run the tests:


and with test coverage:

tox -e py39-cov

The easiest way to write tests, is to edit tests/

To run the code formatting and style checks:

tox -e py39-pre-commit

or directly

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all

To run the pre-commit hook test:

tox -e py39-hook

Publish to PyPi

Either use flit directly:

pip install flit
flit publish

or trigger the GitHub Action job, by creating a release with a tag equal to the version, e.g. v0.0.1.

Note, this requires generating an API key on PyPi and adding it to the repository Settings/Secrets, under the name PYPI_KEY.