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An sample application to demonstrate how to setup and handle custom URL schemes in Titanium.


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An sample application to demonstrate how to setup and handle custom URL schemes in Titanium.


For iOS we want to define the handle in the tiapp.xml by adding the below to our <plist> section:


You can find the definition for this in the tiapp.xml here

Then in our application we can handle the event that the SDK emits using the below code:

Ti.App.iOS.addEventListener('handleurl', (e) => {
  /** handle **/

You can find the code for this app here


To handle these on Android we need to include ti.deeply. That module is already included in this project.

After adding the module we want to configure the intent filter in our tiapp.xml. Inside the <manifest> tag we want to setup the following:

  <activity android:name="ti.deeply.DeepLinkHandlerActivity" android:noHistory="true" android:excludeFromRecents="true" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay" android:launchMode="singleTask">
    <!-- {{your-url-scheme}}://{{your-host} -->
      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
      <data android:host="{{your-host}}" android:scheme="{{your-url-scheme}}" />

You can find the definition for this in the tiapp.xml here

Then in our application to handle the event we want to use ti.deeply to set the callback:

const deeply = require('ti.deeply');
deeply.setCallback((e) => {
 /** handle **/

You can find the code for this here


To demonstrate handling different behaviour dependent on the URL this sample has two "actions". They are alert and updateLabel, to use them:

  • tisample://alert?name=Titanium&whatIsIt=awesome
    • Will extract the query parameters and display the data as an alert
  • tisample://updateLabel?name=Titanium&whatIsIt=awesome
    • Will extract the query parameters and display the data in a label

To test this you want to trigger the app launch by the URL scheme:

  • iOS: Open Safari and enter a URL like tisample://alert?name=Titanium&whatIsIt=awesome
  • Android: Use adb to trigger the launch, adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "tisample://alert?name=Titanium\&whatIsIt=awesome" com.axway.urlschemesample
    • Note the \ before & in the query parameters. That's required for it to be handled correctly


An sample application to demonstrate how to setup and handle custom URL schemes in Titanium.







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