I'm 22, I'm a person, living in cold and snowy Siberia Tbilisi, Georgia.
Here's some random facts about me:
- Writing Python code since 2018.
- Previous point doesn't mean I want to use Django. Never ever.
- Sometimes I use JavaScript/TypeScript (at work, for example), mostly with React
- Interested in math, languages, graphics and many more things. Doesn't mean I'm good at those, though.
- wordstreamer - tiny generic text-generation module
- soda - fast SVG (or generally XML) generation in Python.
- rgx - regular expression builder
- easypoint - general-purpose vector/matrix module
- tomata - generic stateful event-based flow framework.
organization- gekkota - extensible Python code generation module
- lark_dynamic - grammar builder for lark parsing toolkit
- gardener - hook-based tree manipulation in Python
- vk-schemes - themes for vk.com
- splashpaper - wallpaper manager for https://unsplash.com.
- firemelon - password generator that gives you readable passwords.
- matlog - boolean algebra solver, simplifier, and other (-er)s.
- wtfl - Well-Designed Text-based Friendly Language
- chessbyte - FEN-like binary format for chess board and its implementation in Python.
- tabler - text table generation (also in Python).
- birp - Big Russian Python (that's obviously a joke, yes).
- newyear - A website with a countdown to New Year (so original and creative)
- github_dark - dark theme for GitHub (archived because GitHub now has a dark theme)
- vk-tweaks - UserCSS with different vk.com tweaks (now in vk-schemes)
- In real world - in Tbilisi
- Telegram - responding fast
- VK - will respond at some point
- E-mail - j[at]evtn.me, can answer within 1-2 days
- Sometimes I write something in my Telegram channel (in Russian)