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Chiara Di Pietro edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

To handle localization we use the plugin angular-l10n[]; in this way we can offer a runtime solution for language switching without fully reload the application.

Translations are defined in a JSON file (one for each language), saved inside the folder assets/l10n. This JSON is organized as follows:

	"textKey": "Text in a particular language",
	"key": "Value"

The textKey is the unique identifier used in the angular application (usually in the HTML template) whenever we need to retrieve a translated text. It should be in camel case.

Add a text in the localization

To add a new text in the localization, you just need to add a pair "KEY": "Text" for every language already existing. If you don't know the translation in a particular language use the English and let us know: we will handle the missing translations.

Work with localization in angular templates

To add a text in the UI so that it will be correctly translated when needed, just follow the steps below:

  • In the HTML template, use the pipe translate whenever you need to insert a localized text, referring to the textKey that represents the text in question. (NB: the textKey must exist in the JSON of the translations!):
    <span [title]="'myTitle' | translate">
        {{'myText' | translate}}
  • In every existing json file for localization, add the new KEY and its translation:
        "myTitle": "My Title",
        "myText": "This is my text"
        "myTitle": "Il mio titolo",
        "myText": "Questo è il mio testo"

Add a new language

To add a new language to the localization so that it is automatically displayed in the language selector, just follow the steps below:

  • Add the JSON file of the new language in the assets/i18n folder.

    • This file must be named as "LANGUAGE_CODE.json", where "LANGUAGE_CODE" is the reference code of the new language;
    • this file must present ALL the keys that exist in the other files, so it is advisable to make a copy-paste of one of the files already present before starting with the translations.
  • In the ui_config.json file, add an element to the list of availableLanguages. This element must be structured as follows:

        "code": "cd", 
        "dir": "ltr",
        "label": "Lang Label",
        "enabled": true
    • code indicates the language code (the one used to name the JSON file);
    • label indicates the language label, to be shown in the UI
    • enabled indicates if the language should be activated or deactivated
  • In every other JSON translations file the key "language_LANGUAGE_CODE" to have a translation of the name of the new language in all the others already present and managed.

  • Finally, add a .png file that depicts the flag identifying the new language in the assets/images folder. This file must be named with the code of the new language and must preferably be a square with not too large dimensions.

  • For further information please refer to official documentation of ngx-translate/core plugin