A set of tools to enhance the everyday tasks and workflow of a Maya artist.
These tools should enhance the quality and speed of an artists workflow, under any enviorment. They should easily enhance existing scripts, rigs, characters and pipeline.
- "Utilities" : Useful library of generic Maya tasks. (required for all tools below.)
- "Script Installer" : Automate the installation of any custom Maya script.
- "poly2icon" : Generates a single nurbs curve object from a given polygon object's edges. Good for easily creating rig controls and other complex nurbs curve shapes.
- "checkArc" : An advanced arc-plotting tool for animation cleanup
- "tweener" : Add ease-in/out keyframes quickly to the current frame
- "flatten/exaggerate" : Scale keyframe values based on surrounding key values
- "keyMerge" : Key channels with all frames possessing keys.
- Similar Concept: http://aaronkoressel.com/index.php?nav=tools "ackTimingFramework"
- "simpleSnap" : A quick way to record and apply world-space transforms to any object.
- "multiSnap" : A quick way to record and apply world-space transforms to sets of objects.
- "2D Pan/Zoom" : Create a sleeker 2d Zoom/Pan experience
- **"SelectionList" : A generic UI for easily displaying a list of items to apply a custom-defined action(s).
- http://aaronkoressel.com/
- http://morganloomis.com/
- http://www.supercrumbly.com/
- http://www.macaronikazoo.com/
- http://www.paolodominici.com/
- http://www.anzovin.com/
- http://www.cgaddict.com/
- http://www.red9consultancy.com/
- http://mgland.com/
- http://www.graphite9.com/
- https://github.com/assumptionsoup/guppy_animation_tools
- http://ewertb.soundlinker.com/maya.php