This gem adds slotted counters support to Active Record counter cache. Slotted counters help to reduce contention on a single row update in case you have many concurrent operations (like updating a page views counter during traffic spikes).
Read more about slotted counters in this post.
Add to your project:
# Gemfile
gem "activerecord-slotted_counters"
- Ruby >= 2.7.0
- Rails 6+
First, add and apply the required migration(-s):
bin/rails generate slotted_counters:install
bin/rails db:migrate
Then, add the following line to the model to add a slotted counter:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_slotted_counter :comments
Now you can use all the common counter cache APIs as before:
# Manipulating the counter explicitly
user = User.first
User.reset_counters(, :comments)
# etc.
# Reading the value
Under the hood, a row in the slotted_counters
table is created associated with the record.
NOTE: Reading the current value performs SQL query once:
user.comments_count #=> select * from slotted_counters where ...
user.comments_count #=> no sql
If you want to preload counters for multiple records, you can use a convenient #with_slotted_counters
User.all.with_slotted_counters(:comments).find_each do
_1.comments_count #=> no sql
Using counter_cache: true
on belongs_to
associations also works as expected.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
This gem is generated via new-gem-generator.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.