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As a loan provider get all the data of your applications for highly effective validations and approvals.


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Anträge API

As a loan provider get all the data of your applications for highly effective validations and approvals.

loanProvider mortgageLoan

Authentication YAML YAML


GitHub release



  • get informed about new applications
  • get the data of applications for approval
  • inform about state of application
  • send messag to advisor
  • inform about own reference (e.g. account-number)
  • manage loan officer on application


  • authenticated as loan provider

Quick Start

To test our APIs and your use cases as quickly as possible, we have created a Postman Collection for you.


Please use Authentication to get access to the APIs. The OAuth2 client requires the following scopes:

Scope API Use case
baufinanzierung:echtgeschaeft to use api in production mode
baufinanzierung:antrag:lesen to get application information
baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben to update application data (eg state, loan office and own reference)

First try

To start tests begin with Get a list of applications

Segments of Antragsnummer

Europace is a multi-lender plattform. For this case antragsnummer is segmented by / for different solutions and applications.

Example: ABC12F/2/1

Syntax: [case-id]/[iteratorSolution]/[iteratorApplication]

segment description
case-id case-id of advisor
iteratorSolution a case can contain one or more solutions. Solutions can be loosely coupled and differently approved
iteratorApplication one solution can contain one or more applications, wich have to decide by one loan department, all applications are bonded by solution, each application can contain one or more loans

Example constellation

In the case ABC12F europace market-engine created a financial solution for the customer with the following three loans:

  1. DSL-Bank - Annuitätendarlehen
  2. KfW-Bank - Förderdarlehen
  3. Hanseatic-Bank - Nachrangdarlehen

Loan 1 and 2 are descided by DSL-Bank, because KfW-Bank products are handled by the mortage bank (background process). Loan 3 is a consumer loan wich is optimizing the mortage conditions. This loan will be decided by Hanseatic themselfs and only needed, if DSL-Bank will approve.

If the advisor applies this offer, it will create 1 solution with 2 applications:
ABC12F/1/1 for DSL-Bank
ABC12F/1/2 for Hanseatic

More applies of different offers will create more solutions:
Furthermore maybe:

Get all the data you need for approval

Get a list of all applications

As loan provider, you'll get a list of all your applications, sorted by lastChanged, paged and filterable.


  • the caller is loan provider or part of it
  • the caller is Kreditsachbearbeiter
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:lesen

Example request:

GET /v2/antraege/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}

You'll receive a list of links to applications.

Example response:

    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": ""
        "self": {
            "href": ""
    "antraege": [
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
            "antragsNummer": "N19ABC/1",
            "datenKontext": "ECHT_GESCHAEFT",
            "zeitpunktDerAnnahme": "2022-02-09T08:41:33.572+01:00",
            "letzteAenderung": "2022-02-09T08:41:38.038+01:00",
            "entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert": false
            "_links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": ""
            "antragsNummer": "AB2U4Z/2",
            "datenKontext": "ECHT_GESCHAEFT",
            "zeitpunktDerAnnahme": "2022-02-09T08:41:12.407+01:00",
            "letzteAenderung": "2022-02-09T08:41:22.09+01:00",
            "entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert": true

Please note: the list is paged.

You can filter the results by using the following parameters:

  • datenkontext (using test- or production-mode)
  • antragsReferenz (filer by your own reference)
  • aenderungSeit (lastChangeUntil for getting all changes after the last call)
  • and many more - see documentation

Please note that in the list of all applications only the following fields are filled in (if data is available):

  • antragsNummer
  • antragsReferenz
  • datenKontext
  • entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert
  • letzteAenderung
  • letztesEreignis
  • zeitpunktDerAnnahme

Get all applications changed since

Example request:

GET /v2/antraege/?aenderungSeit=2022-02-10 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}

Example response:
see above

Get data of an application

As loan provider, you'll get all data of an application for validation and decision.


  • the caller is loan provider or part of it
  • the caller is Kreditsachbearbeiter
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:lesen

Example request:

GET /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}

Example response:

You will receive a list of antraege with all the data.

  "antragsNummer": "ABC12F/1/1",
  "datenKontext": "ECHT_GESCHAEFT",
  "zeitpunktDerAnnahme": "2022-02-09T08:41:33.572+01:00",
  "produktAnbieter": { ...
  "beratung": { ...
  "status": { ...
  "dokumente": [  ...
  "prolongation": false,
  "letzteAenderung": "2022-02-09T08:41:38.038+01:00",
  "entscheidungsreifeVomVertriebSignalisiert": false,
  "angebot": { ...
  "vermittler": { ...
  "ansprechpartner": { ...
  "kreditSachbearbeiter": { ...
  "zugrundeliegendeDaten": { ...
  "_links": {
      "self": {
          "href": ""

Get proofs

To receive all the shared proofs for an application please use the Unterlagen Push API

Please note: The property dokumente is deprecated.

Drive the process and inform your customer

Set planned approving date

As loan provider, update the planned approving date for well-informed advisors and easy conversations with sales.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 66

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/voraussichtlicheBearbeitung",
        "value": "2022-02-10"

Example response:

204 no content

Set loan officer

As loan provider, update the loan officer for well-informed advisors and easy conversations with sales.

If you set the loan officer, she/he can edit the application and the contact information will be automatically shared with the advisor in BaufiSmart.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 116

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/kreditSachbearbeiter/partnerId",
        "value": "XYZ55"

Example response:

204 no content

Set loan officer contact details

As loan provider, update the loan officer contact details for well-informed advisors and easy conversations with sales.

If you don't use different europace users for loan officers identity, it is helpful to set contact details for the advisors as information.

This operation is not necessary, if your loan officers has an identity in europace (see set loan officer) and it is set on the application.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 263

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/kreditSachbearbeiter/externerPartner",
        "value": {
            "kreditBetriebPartnerId": "MYID03",
            "name": "Frau Angela Anaconda", 
            "telefonnummer": "0170 7717789"

kreditBetriebPartnerId is the partnerId of the loan office (can be an organization).

Example response:

204 no content

Set loan provider reference

As loan provider, update your own reference for well-informed advisors and easy conversations with sales.

The loan providers reference can be used in communication between advisor and loan officer. Typically, an account-number is used here, when available.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 97

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/antragsReferenz",
        "value": "whoop"

Example response:

204 no content

Set state and send message

As loan provider, you can set a state with message for an application to inform the advisor about your descision.

If you set a state for an application the advisor will be automatically informed by your decision and message. You can use it, to send the advisor a message if you choose the right state and use the property kommentar.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

PATCH /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 227

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/status",
        "value": {
            "produktAnbieter": "UNTERSCHRIEBEN",
            "antragsteller": "WIDERRUFEN",
            "kommentar": "{{comment}}"

The values of Ablehnungsgrund can be:


Example response:

201 created

Send message

As loan provider, you can send a message to the advisor to communicate without a denied-state.

Important! Please prefer set state for communication with advisor, because states are more helpful for process reporting. This method should be your last choice.


  • the caller is loan officer for the application
  • the caller has scope baufinanzierung:antrag:schreiben

Example request:

POST /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1/nachricht HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Length: 42

    "text": "your message to advisor"

Example response:

201 created

How to make a counteroffer

As loan provider, you can resend an adjusted offer, to create a working solution for the customer.

A counteroffer is an adjusted offer based on the application set by the loan provider.

If a counteroffer is created, the original offer will be declined and marked as 'ABGELEHNT' and the new offer is automatically approved and marked as UNTERSCHRIEBEN from the loan provider.

A single loan or a combination of loans can be offered as a counteroffer. The vertriebsProvisionGesamtAbsolut (commission amount) must be without the europace-fee. The europace-fee will be recalculated based on your new loan details and is contained in the new application.

Example request:

POST /v2/antraege/ABC12F/1/1/gegenangebot HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{access-token}}
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1324

  "kennung": "Kombinatorisches Gegenangebot zum existierenden Angebot",
  "darlehen": [
      "darlehensTyp": "ANNUITAETEN_DARLEHEN",
      "darlehensBetrag": 100000.00,
      "sollZins": 1.17,
      "effektivZins": 1.2,
      "rateMonatlich": 264.17,
      "vertriebsProvisionGesamtAbsolut": 1010.00,
      "zinsBindungInJahren": 10,
      "sonderTilgungJaehrlich": 10.0,
      "tilgungsBeginnAm": "2020-11-30",
      "produktDetails": "Angepasstes Finanzierung (weitere Beschreibung möglich)",
      "anfaenglicheTilgung": 2.0,
      "bereitstellungsZinsFreieZeitInMonaten": 3,
      "bereitstellungsZins": 3.0,
      "laufzeitKalkulatorischInJahren": 39
      "darlehensTyp": "KFW_DARLEHEN",
      "darlehensBetrag": 100000.00,
      "sollZins": 0.84,
      "effektivZins": 0.87,
      "rateMonatlich": 383.52,
      "anfaenglicheTilgung": 3.762,
      "vertriebsProvisionGesamtAbsolut": 1072.00,
      "laufzeitKalkulatorischInJahren": 25,
      "zinsBindungInJahren": 10,
      "bereitstellungsZinsFreieZeitInMonaten": 12,
      "produktDetails": "KfW Darlehen zusätzlich zum angepassten Finanzierung",
      "kfwProgramm": "PROGRAMM_153",
      "kfwEnergieEffizienzStandard": "STANDARD_40",
      "tilgungsFreieAnlaufJahre": 1,
      "rateMonatlichInDerTilgungsfreienAnlaufzeit": 77.00

Example response:

201 created
    "antragsNummer": "ABC12F/2/1/",
    "_links": ""


How do I know that the application has changed?

On the application (list and individual retrieval), the date of the last change to the application is output in 'letzteAenderung'.

For the query of all requests there are two parameters for limiting the search results:

  • aenderungSeit
  • aenderungBis

If one of the parameter set, a date (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mi:ss) is expected.

What is a relevant change to the application?

What events lead to the setting of the lastChange field?

  • changing state of application
  • changing loan office on application
  • new proof is shared

Where can I get more details about the API?

You can use our reference HTML and read through the latest release notes:

Terms of use

The APIs are provided under the following Terms of Use.


If you have any questions or problems, you can contact [email protected].