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cloudformations 4.0 spec

Steve Jones edited this page Sep 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Architectural Discovery Checklist_ PRD-93 CloudFormations

| Resource | AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup | | Supported Parameters |

  • Availability Zones (List of Strings, required strangely, can use Fn:GetAZs)
  • Cooldown (String)
  • DesiredCapacity (String)
  • HealthCheckGracePeriod (String)
  • HealthCheckType (String)
  • LaunchConfigurationName (String, existing or reference to AWS:AutoscalingGroup::LaunchConfiguration)
  • LoadBalancerNames (String, existing or reference to WS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer
  • MaxSize (String)
  • MinSize (String)
  • Tags (String)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • NotificationConfiguration
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (Launch Configurations and ELB). Fail if failure on create. 3) Call "euscale-create-autoscaling-group" with parameters extracted from above, assuming dependent resources exist. Fail if command fails. 4) Creation is synchronous. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Do a "diff" against existing resources. New LaunchConfigurations and ELB items need to be created. Rollback if failure on create new resources 3) Call "euscale-update-autoscaling-group" with parameters extracted above, fail if command fails 4) Delete old "replace on update" parameters. (ELB, Launch Config) Delete: 1) call "euscale-delete-autoscaling-group" . Fail if failure in command. | | Resource | AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration | | Supported Parameters |
  • BlockDeviceMappings (block device mapping)
  • EbsOptimized (boolean)
  • IamInstanceProfile (String – can be Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
  • ImageId (String – references a pre-existing item, required)
  • InstanceMonitoring (Boolean)
  • InstanceType (String – references a pre-existing item, required)
  • KernelId (String)
  • KeyName (String)
  • RamDiskId (String)
  • SecurityGroups (list of strings, can be existing groups or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • AssociatePublicIpAddress
  • SpotPrice
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (SecurityGroup, IamInstanceProfile . Fail if failure on create. 3) Call "euscale-create-launch-config" with parameters extracted from above, assuming dependent resources exist. Fail if command fails. 4) Creation is synchronous. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (SecurityGroup, IamInstanceProfile . Fail if failure on create. 3) Call "euscale-create-launch-config" with parameters extracted from above, assuming dependent resources exist. Fail if command fails. Give the group a different name than the existing one. (See below) 4) Call "euscale-delete-launch-config" on the existing group 5) Somehow rename the new group to the old one [Note: do we need to be able to rename a launch config under the hood?] If not, we can delete/create new one? (makes rollback hard) Delete: 1) call "euscale-delete-launch-config" . Fail if failure in command | | Resource | AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy | | Supported Parameters |
  • AdjustmentType (String, required)
  • AutoScalingGroupName (String, required, Ref: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroupName, possible ARN of existing group)
  • Cooldown (String)
  • ScalingAdjustment (String)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (AutoScalingGroup). Fail if failure on create. 3) Call "euscale-put-scaling-policy" with parameters extracted from above, assuming dependent resources exist. Fail if command fails. 4) Creation is synchronous. Update: 1) Same as create. "euscale-put-scaling-policy" updates existing policies. Delete: 1) call "euscale-delete-policy" . Fail if failure in command | | Resource | AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication | | Supported Parameters | N/A | | Unsupported Parameters | N/A | | Workflows | No resources are created from this template object by itself, it is referenced by other resources (namely AWS::CloudFormation::Init metadata) | | Resource | AWS::CloudFormation::Init | | Supported Parameters | N/A | | Unsupported Parameters | N/A | | Workflows | No resources are created from this template object by itself, it is referenced by other resources (namely within "Metadata" portion of AWS::EC2::Instance and used by cloud-init scripts within instance. | | Resource | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | | Supported Parameters |
  • Template URL (String, required URL to S3 bucket path)
  • TimeoutInMinutes (String)
  • Parameters (Parameters)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Run "cloud-formations-create-stack" on template parameter. Fail if fails & rollback. Update: 1) Parse template, find stacks that have changed (if any). 2) run "cloud-formations-update-stack" on stacks that have changed. Delete: 1) run "cloud-formations-delete-stack" Note: this is for nested stacks. | | Resource | AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition | | Supported Parameters | N/A | | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | No resources are created from this template, but there is a workflow where it waits until it receives enough signals from the "AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle" to start stack creation/update. (??????) | | Resource | AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle | | Supported Parameters | N/A | | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | ???????? | | Resource | AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm | | Supported Parameters |
  • ActionsEnabled (String)
  • AlarmActions (List of String)
  • AlarmDescription (String)
  • ComparisonOperator (String, required)
  • Dimensions (List of Dimension)
  • EvaluationPeriods (String, required)
  • InsufficientDataActions (String, required)
  • MetricName (String, required)
  • OKActions (List of String)
  • Period (String, required)
  • Statistic (String, required)
  • Threshold (String, required)
  • Unit (String)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Call "euwatch-put-metric-alarm" . Fail if command fails. 3) Creation is synchronous. Update: 1) Same as create. "euwatch-put-metric-alarm" updates existing alarms. Delete: 1) call "euscale-delete-alarms" . Fail if failure in command | | Resource | AWS::EC2::EIP | | Supported Parameters | InstanceId (String) | | Unsupported Parameters | Domain | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (Instance). Fail if failure on create. 3) call "euca-allocate-address". Fail if command fails. 4) Creation is synchronous Update: 1) ??? (supported?) Delete: 1) call "euca-release-addresses". Fail if failure in command | | Resource | AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation | | Supported Parameters |
  • EIP (String, existing or Ref: AWS::EC2::EIP, required as no VPC)
  • InstanceId (String)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • AllocationId
  • NetworkInterfaceId
  • PrivateIpAddress
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (Instance, EIP). Fail if failure on create. 3) call "euca-associate-address". Fail if command fails. 4) Creation is synchronous Update 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create new dependent resources. 3) call "euca-associate-address" in the new resources. 4) call "euca-disassociate-address" in the old resources 5) Delete old resources Delete 1) Call "euca-disassociate-address". Fail if command fails | | Resource | AWS::EC2::Instance | | Supported Parameters |
  • AvailabilityZone (String, maybe referenced? )
  • BlockDeviceMappings (block device mappings)
  • IamInstanceProfile (String ref AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile)
  • ImageId (String, required)
  • InstanceType (String)
  • KernelId (String)
  • KeyName (String)
  • Monitoring (Boolean)
  • RamdiskId (String)
  • SecurityGroups (list of strings, can be existing groups or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup)
  • Volumes (list of EC2 MountPoints)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • DisableApiTermination
  • EbsOptimized
  • NetworkInterfaces
  • PlacementGroupName
  • PrivateIpAddress
  • SecurityGroupIds
  • SourceDestCheck
  • SubnetId
  • Tenancy
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources. (Volume, Security Groups, etc). Fail on failure to create. 3) call "euca-run-instances". Keep instance id. 4) Keep calling "euca-describe-instances until in "running state". (Success) or other bad state. ("Fail"). Update 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Check differences. Some can be changed by doing things like euca-monitor-instances. Others require create and delete (euca-terminate-instances). Delete 1) Call "euca-terminate-instances". Fail if command fails TODO: prepare appropriate instances to figure out how to use the metadata cloud init stuff. | | Resource | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup | | Supported Parameters |
  • GroupDescription (string, required)
  • SecurityGroupEgress (list of ec2 security group rule (not sure if Ref: is allowed))
  • SecurityGroupIngress (list of ec2 security group rule (not sure if Ref: is allowed))
  • Tags (List of tags)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • VpcId
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) call "euca-create-group". Fail on failure. 3) call "euca-authorize" on group to deal with security-group ingress/egress rules (TODO: modify tools to allow egress rules, maybe use API). Fail on failure, rollback. Update 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Check differences. Some fields require deleting and re-creating security group. Rules do not, but description do. Appropriate commands are euca-revoke, euca-authorize, euca-create-group, euca-delete-group. Delete 1) Call "euca-delete-group" . Fail if command fails | | Resource | AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress | | Supported Parameters | GroupName (String) GroupId (String) IpProtocol (String, required) CidrIp (String) SourceSecurityGroupName (String, existing group ARN or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup) SourceSecurityGroupId (String, existing group ARN or Ref: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup) SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId (String) FromPort (String) ToPort (String) | | Unsupported Parameters | Above parameters in a VPC context | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources (SecurityGroup), fail on failure. 3) Run "euca-authorize" with appropriate parameters. Fail on failure 4) Operation is synchronous Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources (SecurityGroup), fail on failure, 3) Run euca-authorize and euca-revoke as necessary 4) Delete unreferenced dependencies (Security Group) Delete: 1) Run "euca-revoke" on the rule described. | | Resource | AWS::EC2::Volume | | Supported Parameters |
  • AvailabilityZone (required)
  • Size (Number)
  • SnapshotId (String)
  • Tags (List of Tags)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • Iops
  • VolumeType (value should be "standard")
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Run "euca-create-volume", note volume id. 3) Keep calling "euca-describe-volumes until "success". (Success) or other bad state. ("Fail"). Update: I do not believe you can update volumes. Delete: 1) Run "euca-delete-volume" volume id. 2) Further steps depend on the "Deletion Policy" attribute. Note: Some steps may be necessary to detatch a volume as well, or possibly terminate an instance if it is the root volume. | | Resource | AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment | | Supported Parameters |
  • Device (String, required)
  • InstanceId (String, required, can reference existing instance id or Ref: AWS::EC2::Instance)
  • VolumeId (String, required, can reference existing volume id or Ref: AWS::EC2::Volume)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Create dependent resources (volume/instance) 3) Run "euca-attach-volume" with appropriate parameters 4) ??? Not sure if synchronous or should call euca-describe-instances on instance-id to see if volume attached. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Create new dependent resources 3) Run "euca-detach-volume" with old parameters 4) Run "euca-attach-volume" with new parameters 5) Same check as create for success Delete: 1) Run "euca-detach-volume" with appropriate parameters (may need to stop instance?) | | Resource | AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer | | Supported Parameters |
  • AvailabilityZones (list of strings)
  • HealthCheck (HealthCheck type – inline)
  • Instances (List of strings – can be Ref: AWS::EC2::Instance)
  • Listeners (list of listeners – inline)
  • Policies (list of policies --inline)
| | Unsupported Parameters |
  • AppCookieStickinessPolicy
  • LBCookieStickinessPolicy
  • Scheme
  • SecurityGroups
  • Subnets
| | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Create dependent resources (instances?) 3) Run "eulb-create-lb" with appropriate parameters. 4) Wait until load balancer is created ("eulb-describe-lbs"), check for state 5) Run "eulb-configure-healthcheck" as needed. 6) Run "eulb-enable-zones-for-lb" as needed. 7) Run "eulb-create-policy" as needed. 8) Run "eulb-create-listener" as needed. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Create dependent (new) resources 3) May run eulb-delete-(policy/listener) as needed, then eulb-create-(policy/listener) Delete: 1) Run "eulb-delete-lb" | | Resource | AWS::IAM::AccessKey | | Supported Parameters |
  • Serial (Integer, increased value → key rotation)
  • Status (String, required)
  • Username (String, required, can be a AWS::IAM::User reference)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) Run "euare-useraddkey", gather output. 3) Run "euare-usermodkey" as needed for status. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid. 2) If status changes, run "euare-usermodkey" 3) If serial increments, delete and add the key again Delete: 1) Run "euare-userdelkey" with the key info | | Resource | AWS::IAM::Group | |
  • Supported Parameters
  • Path (String)
  • Policies (List of AWS::IAM::Policy types, looks like inline only. Can reference this object from an AWS::IAM::Policy Groups section)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Run "euare-groupcreate" with appropriate parameters 3) Run "euare-groupaddpolicy" as necessary. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Run "euare-groupmod" as necessary (path change?) 3) Run "euare-groupdelpolicy" and "euare-groupaddpolicy" as necessary Delete: 1) Run "euare-groupdel" | | Resource | AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile | | Supported Parameters | ?? | | Unsupported Parameters | ?? | | Workflows | ?? | | Resource | AWS::IAM::Policy | | Supported Parameters | ?? | | Unsupported Parameters | ?? | | Workflows | ?? | | Resource | AWS::IAM::Role | | Supported Parameters | ?? | | Unsupported Parameters | ?? | | Workflows | ?? | | Resource | AWS::IAM::User | | Supported Parameters |
  • Path (String)
  • Groups (List of groups)
  • LoginPorfile (Password: String)
  • Policies (embedded)
| | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Run "euare-usercreate" with appropriate parameters 3) Run "euare-useraddpolicy" as necessary. 4) Run "euare-groupadduser" as necessary. Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Run "euare-usermod" as necessary (path change?) 3) Run "euare-useraddpolicy" and "euare-userdelpolicy" as necessary 4) Run "euare-groupadduser" and "euare-groupremoveuser" as nessary Delete: 1) Run "euare-userdel" | | Resource | AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition | | Supported Parameters | GroupName (String, required, existing group) Users (list of string, can use references) | | Unsupported Parameters | | | Workflows | Create: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Create dependent resources (User) 3) Run "euare-groupadduser" as necessary Update: 1) Parse template, fail if invalid 2) Run "euare-groupadduser" and "euare-groupremoveuser" as necessary Delete: 1) Run "euare-groupremoveuser" as necessary | | Resource | AWS::S3::Bucket | | Supported Parameters | ?? | | Unsupported Parameters | ?? | | Workflows | How do you create a bucket?? |

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