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autoscaling 3.3 api parameters

chris grzegorczyk edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

Operation Parameters

Parameters may be required that are not required in AWS due to alternatives that we do not implement (as noted)

Common Required Parameters

  • The **MaxRecords** and **NextToken** values are required whereever they are present.

Parameter Table

Operation Parameter Required Supported Notes
CreateAutoScalingGroup ( AutoScalingGroupName Y Y
  AvailabilityZones.member.N Y Y
  DefaultCooldown N Y
  DesiredCapacity N Y
  HealthCheckGracePeriod N Y
  HealthCheckType N Y
  LaunchConfigurationName Y Y
  LoadBalancerNames.member.N N Y
  MaxSize Y Y
  MinSize Y Y
  PlacementGroup N N
  Tags.member.N N Y
  TerminationPolicies.member.N N Y
  VPCZoneIdentifier N N[1] VPC
DeleteAutoScalingGroup ( AutoScalingGroupName Y Y
  ForceDelete N Y
DescribeAutoScalingGroups ( AutoScalingGroupNames.member.N   Y
DescribeAutoScalingInstances ( InstanceIds.member.N   Y
SetDesiredCapacity ( AutoScalingGroupName Y Y
  DesiredCapacity Y Y
  HonorCooldown N Y
SetInstanceHealth ( HealthStatus Y Y
  InstanceId Y Y
  ShouldRespectGracePeriod N Y
TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup ( InstanceId Y Y
  ShouldDecrementDesiredCapacity Y Y
UpdateAutoScalingGroup ( AutoScalingGroupName Y Y
  AvailabilityZones.member.N N Y
  DesiredCapacity N Y
  DefaultCooldown N Y
  HealthCheckGracePeriod N Y
  LaunchConfigurationName N Y
  MaxSize N Y
  MinSize N Y
  PlacementGroup N N
  TerminationPolicies.member.N N Y
  VPCZoneIdentifier N N
  HealthCheckType N Y
CreateLaunchConfiguration ( BlockDeviceMappings.member.N N Y
  EbsOptimized N N
  IamInstanceProfile N Y
  ImageId Y Y
  InstanceMonitoring N Y
  InstanceType Y Y
  KernelId N Y
  KeyName N Y
  LaunchConfigurationName Y Y
  RamdiskId N Y
  SecurityGroups.member.N N Y
  SpotPrice N N
  UserData N Y
DeleteLaunchConfiguration ( LaunchConfigurationName N Y
DescribeLaunchConfigurations ( LaunchConfigurationNames.member.N N Y

Operation Errors

Operation Error Supported Notes
CreateAutoScalingGroup ( AlreadyExists Y
  LimitExceeded Y
DeleteAutoScalingGroup ( ResourceInUse Y
  ScalingActivityInProgress Y
DescribeAutoScalingGroups ( InvalidNextToken Y
DescribeAutoScalingInstances ( InvalidNextToken Y
SetDesiredCapacity ( ScalingActivityInProgress Y
TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup ( ScalingActivityInProgress Y
DescribeLaunchConfigurations ( InvalidNextToken Y
DeleteLaunchConfiguration ( ResourceInUse Y
CreateLaunchConfiguration ( AlreadyExists Y
  LimitExceeded Y
UpdateAutoScalingGroup ( ScalingActivityInProgress Y


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