This project is a NIF based wrapper of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, which provides algorithms fine-tuned for a large variety of hardware.
This implementation uses openblas. Other cblas implementations can be used, but will need modifictations of c_src/Makefile linking options and c_src/eblas.h include options.
The following sites provide a clear BLAS API:
blas:run(Tuple); % Execute on dirty scheduler
blas:run(Tuple, dirty); % Execute on dirty scheduler.
blas:run(Tuple, clean); % Execute on usual scheduler.
Tuple contains, in sequence, a BLAS function name (represented as an atom), followed by its arguments in Erlang representation.
caxpy: single Complex numbers, Alpha*x Plus Y:
Alpha = blas:ltb(c, [1,0]),
X = blas:ltb(c, [1,2, 2,3, 3,1]),
Y = blas:new(c, [1,1, 0,0, 1,2]),
ok = blas:run({caxpy, 3, Alpha, X, 1, Y, 1}),
io:format("Result: ~p~n", [blas:to_list(c, Y)]).
stpmv: Single real numbers, Triangular Packed Matrix, Matrix*Vector operation.
N = 3,
A = blas:new(s, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]),
X = blas:new(s, [-0.25,-0.125,0.5]),
ok = blas:run(
{stpmv, blasRowMajor, blasUpper, blasNoTrans, blasNonUnit, N, A, X, 1},
[1.0,2.0,3.0] = blas:to_list(s, X).
enums cblas[value] blas[value]
(const)int int
void* c_binary
const float double; binary; c_binary
const double double; binary; c_binary
const void* binary; c_binary
For example, taking stpmv's cblas signature:
OPENBLAS_CONST blasint N, OPENBLAS_CONST float *Ap, float *X, OPENBLAS_CONST blasint incX);
The arguments can be represented as such:
% enums
Order = blasRowMajor || blasColMajor
Uplo = blasUpper || blasLower
Transa = blasNoTrans || blasTrans
Diag = blasNonUnit || blasUnit
% int
N = 3
incX = 1
% const float*
A = blas:new(s, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]); % c_binary, a mutable binary
A_2 = blas:ltb(s, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]); % binary
% float*
X = blas:new(s, [-0.25,-0.125,0.5]); % c_binary
Since BLAS functions operate in place, c_binaries representing mutable arrays are needed. They can be created as such:
C_binary = blas:new(Binary).
% Binary is an erlang binary.
C_binary = blas:new(Type, List).
% List is a list of numbers.
% Type is used to encode the binary, and is one of:
% s -> single precision
% d -> double precision
% c -> single complex numbers: List is of even size
% Z -> double complex numbers: List is of even size
The content of c_binaries can be retrieved as either a list of elements, or a constant binary. Retrieving a list is done as such:
C_binary = blas:to_list(Type, C_binary).
% Binary is a c_binary created using blas:new.
% Type is used to decode the binary, and is one of:
% s -> single precision
% d -> double precision
% c -> single complex numbers (equivalent to s)
% Z -> double complex numbers (equivqlent to d)
Retrieving a binary is done as such:
Binary = blas:to_bin(C_binary).
% Binary is a c_binary created using blas:new.