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Tutorial 7

Eric Kerfoot edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

This tutorial covers creating isosurfaces and isolines for a mesh with a field.

  1. Load the mesh and field data for Tutorial 1.

  2. Create a Line representation of the mesh but don't apply a material to it.

  3. In the Create Representation box for the SceneObject ''CheartObj1'', select Isosurfaces as the type, linmesh_FE.D as the field, Magnitude as the value function, input 80 in the Max Value field, 10 in the Num Intervals field, and then click Create. This will create 10 isosurfaces evenly spaced between values 0 and 80 as produced by the value function when applied to the data field. The alternative approach is to give a comma or space separated list of values in the Value list field which will generate surfaces at those specific values instead. If this field is empty then the algorithm will default to the interval approach.

  4. To produce isolines, repeat the previous step except with the type Isolines, a refinement value of 5, and a Line Radius value of 0.5. This will produce isolines on the surface of the mesh at the same values as the isosurfaces.

  5. For both representation objects, apply the Rainbow material to apply a colour to the iso objects.

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