formFor is a quick and easy way to declare complex HTML forms with client and server-side validations. You can generate a complete form with as little markup as this:
<form form-for="user" service="SignUpService"></form>
But that's not all! formFor is incredibly flexible, offering a wide range of configuration options. Check out the official website to learn more:
formFor is compatible with Angular Angular 1.2 and newer. It does not require any third party libraries such as jQuery, lodash, or underscore.
You can install this plugin with either Bower or NPM:
bower install angular-form-for --save-dev
npm install angular-form-for --save-dev
This will download an angular-form-for
folder into your bower/node components directory. Inside of that folder there will be a dist
folder with the formFor JavaScript and CSS files. By default formFor is compatible with Bootstrap 3.2.x styles. A separate, formFor only CSS stylehseet is included for those not using Bootstrap.
Lastly just include the formFor module in your Angular application like so:
angular.module('myAngularApp', ['formFor']);
Copyright (c) 2014 Brian Vaughn. Licensed under the MIT license.