firmware_v3 is a makefile-based project that act as a framework for Embedded Systems firmware development in C/C++ language. It support toolchain, libraries and examples for several platforms.
Supported boards
- CIAA-NXP (LPC4337).
Supported toolchains
- gcc-arm-none-eabi
Available libraries
- CMSIS 5.4.0 (Core and DSP). CMSIS_5 Repository.
- LPCOpen v3.02 LPCOpen Software Development Platform LPC43XX NXP website.
- LPCUSBlib. LPCUSBlib documentation
- sAPI v0.5.2. sAPI API Reference (spanish).
- Arduino (wiring). Language Reference. - Elm-Chan FatFS R0.13b. FatFS documentation. Generic FAT Filesystem module with support for SD Card (SSP) and Pendrive (USB MSD) disks.
- FreeRTOS Kernel V10.0.1. FreeRTOS_Reference_Manual_V10.0.0.pdf.
- RKH 3.2.3 RKH Reference Manual.