#Entity Rest Extra
Extra Rest resources to enable access to entities configuration via Rest Resource
The following resources help to get admin information about Drupal 8 to be used by external implementation i.e Headless Drupal.
This idea was suggested as a patch to Drupal 8 Core more information at https://www.drupal.org/node/2355291#comment-9241689
All resources require authentication with an user with permission Administer content types
This project is used as part of project Marionette Drupal Yeoman Generator
Module generated using Drupal Console
Enable Rest Resources created by Entity Rest Extra.
Using the REST UI enable Rest Resources created by Entity Rest Extra, setting the Authentication and format JSON is recommended as you can see in the following image.
Users with a role with permission Administer content types will be able to consume Rest Resources
Using the Chrome Application Postman - REST Client you can execute an authenticated request to URL http://example.com/entituy/node/bundles as you can see in the following image.
##Get Entity bundles
End Point: http://example.com/{entity}/bundles
Entity: could be any valid entity type i.e node or comment
###OUTPUT Sample
"article": "Article",
"page": "Basic page"
##Get view modes by Entity and Bundle
End Point: http://example.com/{entity}/{bundle}/view_modes
Entity: could be any valid entity type i.e node or comment
Bundle: could be any valid bundle for entity provided i.e page, article
###Output Sample
"node.article.default": "default",
"node.article.rss": "rss",
"node.article.teaser": "teaser"
##Get fields by Entity and Bundle
End Point: http://example.com/{entity}/{bundle}/fields
Entity: could be any valid entity type i.e node or comment
Bundle: could be any valid bundle for entity provided i.e page, article
See entity_rest_extra.api.php
###Output Sample
"body": {
"uuid": "0614f505-95e1-4e36-8800-f8f8671a8e22",
"langcode": "en",
"status": true,
"id": "node.article.body",
"field_name": "body",
"entity_type": "node",
"bundle": "article",
"label": "Body",
"description": "",
"required": false,
"translatable": true,
##Get Fields by Entity and Bundle and From Display mode
End Point: http://example.com/entity/fields/{entity}/{bundle}/{form_display}
Entity: could be any valid entity type i.e node or comment
Bundle: could be any valid bundle for entity provided i.e page, article
form_display: this is the form display machine name example 'default'
Motivation is to simplify field output for A Rest client to build a form from fields.
See entity_rest_extra.api.php
###Output Sample
"mode": "default",
"bundle": "page",
"entity": "node",
"shown": {
"body": {
"weight": 31,
"label": "Detailed Description",
"description": "Please give details of your issue.",
"name": "body",
"field_type": "text_with_summary",
"required": true,
"settings": {
"display_summary": false
"config_settings": []
"hidden": {