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Digital Linear Filter Library


Library for Digital Linear Filters (DLF) as used, for instance, in Geophysics for electromagnetic modelling.

Table of contents

Digital Linear Filters

This section is unfortunately still missing. However, in the meanwhile we refer to the document DLF-in-Geophysics.pdf in the repo emsig/article-fdesign, and the references therein.

TODO: brief theory and history, main references.

TODO: Some examples and figures, particularly to show what happens when you reach the limit of a filter (longer is not necessary better).


The examples here show how to use the filters for the standard filter method. However, often you want to use the lagged convolution variant of DLF, in order to reduce the required input values. Have a look at the example educational/dlf_standard_lagged_splined.html in the empymod documentation.


PyPI conda-forge py-versions platforms

You can install libdlf for python via pip or conda:

pip install libdlf


conda install -c conda-forge libdlf

The package is structured into transform types. Each filter returns its base and corresponding values as numpy arrays.

import libdlf
base, j0, j1 = libdlf.hankel.wer_201_2018()

# TODO: Do actual transform with the filter.

Different filters return different values. You can inspect what a filter returns via


which, in the above case, will return ['j0', 'j1'].



You can install LibDLF for Julia using:

import Pkg


pkg> add LibDLF

The package is structured into transform types with each filter function nested beneath its type. Each filter returns its base and corresponding values as arrays:

using LibDLF
base, fcos, fsin = LibDLF.Fourier.key_201_2012()

# TODO: Do actual transform with the filter.






We welcome contributions of any kind. New filters, better documentation, cleverer or easier distribution, typos, you name it. Simply open an issue or create a PR!

If you would like to contribute a filter but do not use GitHub feel free to email them to use, together with the permission to distribute them under the CC-BY-4.0 license, and we'll add them to the library.

New filters

We welcome any filter that has proven its merits! Simply create a pull request adding your filter. Please make sure to

  1. State in the PR explicitly that you give permission to distribute your filter under the CC-BY license.
  2. You followed the file naming and file format outlined below, and add it to the lib/filters.json file.

What is libdlf

A library for digital linear filters. Codes until now had to hard-code their digital linear filters. This has several disadvantages:

  • It adds a lot of "numbers" to the code base which has nothing really to do with the code.
  • Codes have therefore often only one or a few filters, and it is hard to try other filters, as they are hard-coded.
  • It can be hard to find filters of published results or similar.

Having a common library that can be used by any code base in any language should hopefully widen the adoption of linear filters, make their use more reproducible, and might hopefully even spark the design of new, hopefully more robust filters or filters for new applications.

File naming

The convention for file-naming is given in the following, where the different parts are separated by underscores (all lowercase, file ending is .txt):

  1. Transform type. E.g. hankel.
  2. 3-8 characters of first author or first initials of authors. E.g., wer.
  3. Number of points. E.g. 201.
  4. Year. E.g. 2018.
    (This can be followed by an appendix, a lowercase letter if there are several filters of the same type, author, number of points, and year.)
  5. Values provided in the file, in the correct order. E.g. j0j1.
    Accepted values:
    • Hankel: j0, j1, j2
    • Fourier: sin, cos

The given examples yield the filter file name hankel_wer_201_2018_j0j1.txt.

File format

Have a look at, e.g., lib/Hankel/hankel_wer_201_2018_j0j1.txt to see the structure of a filter file.

  • The file format consists of a header of variable length. All header lines start with #, with a max line-length of 80.
  • Leave two empty lines between description, reference, license, and the filter.
  • Title: The first line should be a short title, stating the length, filter type, and values provided. E.g., 201 point Hankel filter, J0 and J1. The title line is followed by an line of equal length of = for underlining.
  • Description: The title is followed by a description:
    • What was the filter designed for?
    • Where did it work fine?
    • Are there known areas where it did not work fine?
  • Reference: After the description comes, ideally, a reference that can be cited. The lines of the citation start with the characters # > .
  • License:
    # Copyright YEAR Your Name
    # This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
    # <>.
    # This file is part of libdlf.
  • Filter Header: The filter header is the last line to start with a #. It always starts with # base, followed by the values which are provided below; e.g., # base j0 j1.
  • Filter values: The values are provided as space-separated numbers. The first column is always the base, followed by the values as provided in the file name and in the file header.


The library folder has subfolders of the main transformations, e.g., Fourier and Hankel. There is no distinction (on the folder level) in which direction the transform is carried out (forward or inverse).

├── Fourier
│   ├── fourier_key_81_2009_sincos.txt
│   ├── fourier_key_201_2012_sincos.txt
│   └── ...
├── Hankel
│   ├── hankel_key_201_2012_j0j1.txt
│   ├── hankel_wer_201_2018_j0j1.txt
│   └── ...
├── Laplace
│   └── ...
└── ...


It might seem like a lot of duplication: File name, header info, and in addition a json that maps meta-data to files.

The advantage of this is that on one hand one can copy a single filter by simply coping a file, which then contains all required info. The json file, on the other hand, is good for machines, providing a rich way to choose filters and load them. The json is, for instance, the ideal place for a script to create a deployable package for a specific language.

For the format of the json simply have a look at it. The top-level entries depict the transform types (e.g., "hankel"), and the different filters are then added as an array. Each filter has exactly the following entries: "name", "author", "year", "appendix", "points", "values", and "file". Points is an integer, and all others are strings; values is a comma-separated list. The file is the relative path to the corresponding filter, starting at lib/. Appendix will be an empty string, "", in most cases (see above under File naming).


libdlf uses the major.minor.point scheme.

  • New filters added to the library will cause an increase of the minor number.
  • New language packages added to the library cause also an increase of the minor number.
  • Changes to particular packages (e.g. Python or Julia) without changes to the actual library will only result in point releases.


This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.

Note that the language-specific packages (e.g. Python and Julia) are licensed under BSD-3 while the filter values remain CC-BY-4.0.