- Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Ethers (Blockchain Interaction)
- Hardhat (Development Framework)
- Ipfs (Metadata storage)
- React routers (Navigational components)
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm start:all
$ pnpm hardhat:deploy
Wait some time after running pnpm start:all command, it will start the hardhat development blockchain. Then, you can run pnpm hardhat:deploy command below.
Note: You should be in the root directory of the project to run the above commands.
Note: You can skip below commands if you used the above commands at the 3rd step.
$ pnpm hardhat
$ pnpm hardhat:deploy
$ npx hardhat console --network localhost
type(subproject): commit message
- type: One of fix, refactor, chore, feat, ui. fix, refactor, and ui are trivial. chore can be used when a new library is added, or some config is implemented. feat can be used for new component, class, method implementations.
- subproject: You can accept frontend and backend as subprojects. When your changes are hard to separate from frontend or backend, you can use type: commit message convention.
More information about conventional commits: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#summary