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Testing existing NER tools in order to determine baseline models for EMW project in Koc University, Istanbul.

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Information Extraction Tools Test on India News Data

This repo consists of scripts to test existing named-entity recognition tools (such as StanfordNER, Spacy, ...) in order to determine baseline models for EMW project in Koc University, Istanbul.

Tool 1: StanfordNER

StanfordNER is a widely used extensive NLP library. This script tests a pretrained Stanford NER classifier to several news datasets, namely, CONLL2003; Folia and ACE.

The script simply takes a pretrained model and an input text as input, gives a scores file as output.



The script allows two types of configurations: default and custom mode.

To run on default mode, type:


To run on custom mode, you should specify the parameters in the order below:

python <ner-tool> <annotationformat> <test-file> <out-file>

An example configuration (Paths are valid from within the project main folder "ie-tools-test-on-India-b1")

python stanford conll './conll-dataset/test-a.txt' './stanford-out-files/out-a.txt'

If you choose Stanford as NER Tool, the program will want you to specify model and tagger paths.

As an example:

'stanford-ner.jar' 'ner-model-english-conll-4class.ser.gz'


  • ner-tool: name of the nlp tool you want to use (stanford, spacy, etc.)

  • annotation-format: annotation format of the input file (conll, folia, etc.)

  • test-file: Test annotated data file (CONLL2003, ACE, your own annotated files, ...)

  • out-file: Program output in which the scores of the pretrained model are reported.

  • tagger-file: the path to the Stanford's tagger file you downloaded earlier on your local.

  • model-file: the path to a pretrained model Stanford provided which you downloaded earlier on your local.


Please see the Google Docs document for the results.


Mostly benefitted from a blog post [4].

Tool 2: NeuroNER

This package uses Spacy as the default tokenizer (a tokenizer is used only if input is of BRAT format). It contains a pretrained model, Conll data and a Glove word vector model.


  • python, tensorflow, pycorenlp
    • My versions: python 3.6.3, tensorflow 1.8.0, pycorenlp 0.3.0


  • Follow the instructions on the original page

    • If you already have tensorflow and python3.x, then you do not the script provided. Directly download and unzip NeuroNER:


    sudo apt-get install -y unzip (This line is for Ubuntu users only.)


  • Download the Glove word embeddings.

mkdir NeuroNER-master/data/word_vectors

cd NeuroNER-master/data/word_vectors




  • Open terminal from inside ./src
  • Run command:

python --train_model=False --use_pretrained_model=True --dataset_text_folder=../data/example_unannotated_texts --pretrained_model_folder=../trained_models/conll_2003_en

Possible Problems and Solutions

Bunch of problems you may encounter and the fixes:

  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_struct': Ensure you are using the right pyhton on your system. For example in my case it was looking for the module '_struct' under the wrong python (/usr/local/lib/python). Running the command with the right python (Anaconda's) fixed the issue.

  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pycorenlp': It is missing in the requirements in the documentation but NeuroNER requires pycorenlp. To install:

pip install pycorenlp

Make sure you install it under the right python dist. For example in my case I needed to install it under Anaconda. So I had to run the pip of Anaconda which resides in /anaconda/bin.

  • version: pycorenlp-0.3.0

  • OSError: [E050] Can't find model 'en', ..., AttributeError: 'NeuroNER' object has no attribute 'sess':

I got this error with the example command in the Usage section above. Could't figure out why. Since we are not very interested in predicting the example_annotaated_texts, I changed the command to:

python --train_model=False --use_pretrained_model=True --dataset_text_folder=../data/conll_2003/en --pretrained_model_folder=../trained_models/conll_2003_en

But then I got this error:

  • OSError: For prediction mode, either test set and deploy set must exist in the specified dataset folder: ../data/conll_2003/en

Configure the arguments 'src/parameters.ini' with the exact values:

train_model = False use_pretrained_model = True pretrained_model_folder = ../trained_models/conll_2003_en dataset_text_folder = ../data/conll2003/en

Then run:


A rather hacky solution but it worked.

To run with Folia-annotated files:

Create a folder

Create a folder named 'folia' inside './data' of the NeuroNER directory.

Convert your Folia files to Conll format:

Open terminal on ./standalone_python_scripts. Run:

python folia2conll foliafile outfile


foliafile: path to a folder containing files OR a single file. outfile: path to create a single file containing conll formatted version of folia content.

Configure './src/parameters.ini':

  • train_model = False
  • use_pretrained_model = True
  • pretrained_model_folder = ../trained_models/conll_2003_en
  • dataset_text_folder = ../data/folia


  • Modify line 75.


assert(token == token_original and gold_label == gold_label_original)


assert(token == token_original)

Run NeuroNER

Open terminal on ./src. Run:


Results are recorded to files named: '000_test.txt' and '000_test.txt_conll_evaluation.txt' in the 'output' folder.

Evaluating for raw tag:

  • Omit initial letters from conll tags

python ./standalone_python_scripts/ conll2raw original-outfile edited-outfile


'original-outfile' is the path to the NeuroNER output file named '000_test.txt' 'edited-outfile' is any path you want for the new file to be created.

  • Run conlleval for raw tags:

python conlleval -r < edited-outfile > resultfile


'edited-outfile' is the path to the output of the previous step. 'resultfile' is any path you want for the new file to be created.

Tool 3: Spacy


My versions:

  • spacy 2.0.11
  • python 3 .6.3


  • Run: pip install spacy

If you have multiple pips, please use the one under the python distribution you use. For anaconda pip is under anaconda/bin.

Spacy should now be under anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages.

  • Install a pretrained model:

Normally python -m spacy download xx_ent_wiki_sm should work but for me this worked:

  • Download model tar.gz and unzip.

The model I used is the default model pretrained with Wikipedia data. (Wikipedia data paper)

Model name/ver: xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0

  • Copy xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0/xx-ent-wiki-sm/xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0/vocab into xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0/xx-ent-wiki-sm/xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0/ner
  • Put xx-ent-wiki-sm-2.0.0/xx-ent-wiki-sm under spacy/data. Note that you put there only the second level xx-ent-wiki-sm folder.



  • Run spacy under ie-tools-test-on-India-b1 with the command:

python tagger spacy conll conll-testa.txt conll-testa-out.txt

Then the program will want you to specify model and tagger paths.

As an example:

'xx_ent_wiki_smr' '/home/berfu/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spacy/data/xx_ent_wiki_sm/xx_ent_wiki_sm-2.0.0/ner'

Note that to use these paths you will need to install and do necessary modifications on spacy model folder first. Please refer to the Installation section.


PETRARCH can also be used as an instrument of a pipeline called phoenix pipeline. this pipeline is beneficial for near-real time services such as web sites with users querying etc. But this is not very relevant to our focus. Also pipeline requires modules such as Mongodb or hypnos. Therefore I preferred to use PETRARCH2 outside the pipeline.


  • Stanford CoreNLP (my version 3.9.1, publish date: 2018-02-2017)
  • Python 2.x (PETRARCH2 is not compatible with python 3.x unfortunately) (my version 2.7)


Stanford CoreNLP:



  • Open petrarch2-master/petrarch2 in terminal and run command:

/usr/bin/python2.7 batch -i data/text/GigaWord.sample.PETR.xml -o test.txt

This throws the error on my run:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc4 in position 12: ordinal not in range(128)

To solve add the lines below in

import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')

events will be listed in evts.test.txt.

Test Stanford CoreNLP:

  • On directory stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27 run:

java -cp "*" -Xmx2g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse -file input.txt -tokenize.whitespace -ssplit.eolonly

You can see the output file: input.txt.out and input.txt.xml

Stanford CoreNLP and PETRARCH2 together:

PETRARCH2 requires an xml file containing text and its parse. We'll need to first parse the text and merge text-parse pairs in a decent format. The format is:


<Sentence date = "20150805" id ="NULL-1107c5f6-7a30-4aa8-8845-7db535b7504d_1" source = "en1_6-10_story+10+ISO:CHN" sentence = "True">
Javanese Grand Waffalo Shinzo Abesson has asked the colonial vizarate to look into the alleged spying activities on the
Javanese tribes and companies raised by the Wikileaks website in telephone talks with colonial vizar Joel Bowden
Wednesday, local media reported .
(ROOT (S (NP (JJ Javanese) (NNP Grand) (NNP Waffalo) (NNP Shinzo) (NNP Abesson)) 
(VP (VBZ has) 
(VP (VBN asked) 
(NP (NP (DT the) (NNP colonial) (NN vizarate)) (S 
(VP (TO to) 
(VP (VB look) 
(PP (IN into) 
(NP (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ alleged) (VBG spying) (NNS activities)) 
(PP (IN on) 
(NP (NP (DT the) (JJ Javanese) (NN tribes) (CC and) (NNS companies)) 
(VP (VBN raised) 
(PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNP Wikileaks) (NN website))) 
(PP (IN in) 
(NP (NP (NN telephone) (NNS talks)) 
(PP (IN with) (NP (NNP colonial) (NNP vizar) (NNP Joel) (NNP Bowden) (NNP Wednesday))))))))) 
(, ,) 
(NP (JJ local) (NNS media)))))))) 
(VP (VBD reported)))) 
(. .))) 

<Sentence date = "20150903" id ="NULL-1105dabf-7eb5-452b-9d02-9b4d6ecfa718_1" source = "en1_6-10_story+10+ISO:LVA" sentence = "True">
On September 2, 2015, Lorien dopplemats confirmed the European Disunion has extended the sanctions imposed on Mordor
and Harad citizens supporting pro-Elf separatists in Eastern Mordor, for a further six months .
(PP (IN On) (NP (NNP September) (CD 2) 
(, ,) 
(NP (CD 2015)) 
(, ,) 
(NP (JJ Lorien) (NNS dopplemats)))) 
(VP (VBD confirmed) 
(SBAR (S (NP (DT the) (NNP European) (NNP Disunion)) 
(VP (VBZ has) 
(VP (VBN extended) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS sanctions)) 
(VP (VBN imposed) 
(PP (IN on) 
(NP (NP (ADJP (JJ Mordor) (CC and) (JJ Harad)) (NNS citizens)) 
(VP (VBG supporting) 
(NP (NP (JJ pro-Elf) (NNS separatists)) 
(PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Eastern) (NNP Mordor))))))))) 
(, ,) 
(PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (JJ further) (CD six) (NNS months)))))))) 
(. .))) 


Pipeline steps are below:

  • Convert your original input to a single sentence-by-sentence txt file. We convert the names to proper-case to gain maximum performance from the tools. To convert to proper-case, we first convert the files from folia format to conll format. Then we make the necessary conversions through conll-formatted version, while we are creating sentence-by-sentence txt file.

python folia2conll <folia-docs-folder-path> <output-file> <skip-non-event-sentences>


python folia2conll <folia-docs-folder-path> foliaasconll.txt

(if you want to skip non-event sentences you need to put "y" as the parameter, otherwise it takes all the sentences.)

Then convert conll-format into sentence-by-sentence format:

Note: conll2sentences function is arranged as to create decent files such that possible problems when petrarch reads the parses are eliminated. (For example a term like '(xyz)' causes problematic parse output. To avoid it, we convert it to [xyz] in conll2sentences function beforehand.)

python conll2sentences <input-as-conll> <output-file> <proper-case>


python conll2sentences foliaasconll.txt foliasentences.txt y

  • Parse sentences: Feed the output file of the previous step to StanfordCoreNLP, ie. Open terminal at 'stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27' and run command:

java -cp "*" -Xmx2g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,parse -file foliasentences.txt -tokenize.whitespace -ssplit.eolonly

Output file name is foliasentences.txt.xml

Note: Petrarch assumes that sentences are parsed beforehand. (see line 463: run(paths, out, True)). So this step is obligatory in this setting.

  • Create a file containing all sentence ids in the Times of India documents.

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python standalone_python_scripts/ folia_sentenceid2file ../foliadocs/alladjudicated ../foliadocs/foliasentenceids.txt

Output file is ../foliadocs/foliasentenceids.txt

(This file contains sentence ids of all of the sentences in Times of India docs. This info will also be included into the petrarchreadable.xml, for petrarch2 will access it and print out to the output file at the end.)

  • Create input file to Petrarch2: Create an xml file containing sentences and their parses according to the format shown n the figure above. (Use '') - For now assumes xml is of StanfordCoreNLP output format.

python petrarch2 <stanfordparser's output> <petrarchoutfile> <sentenceids file>

which is to be,

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python standalone_python_scripts/ petrarch2 foliadocs/foliasentences.txt.xml foliadocs/petrarchreadable.xml '../foliadocs/foliasentenceids.txt'

  • Before running Petrarch2, we need to edit some code to make petrarch add sentenceids to output file.

You can either replace the originals of the files '' and '' with the modified versions of them which nests inside ie-tools-test-on-India-b1 source directory with the same names,

Or you can apply the changes below:

  • In '',

at line 2156, add:

reffile_name = story.find('Ref').text

Note: the variable name 'reffile_name' is misleading. It in fact refers to 'sentence id', not the 'file name'.

The line above will read the xml element that we called earlier as 'Ref' when creating the input to petrarch, which contains sentence id.

modify the line 2163 to:

sent_dict = {'content': text, 'parsed': parsed_content, 'reffilename': reffile_name}

modify the line 2177 to:

sent_dict[i] = {'content': sent, 'parsed': parsed_content, 'reffilename': reffile_name}

  • In '',

at the line 66, add:

reffilename = story_dict['sents'][sents[0]]['reffilename']

modify the line 93 to:

print('Event: {}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format(story_date, source, target, code, ids, StorySource, reffilename))


modify the line 135 to:

event_str += '\t{}'.format(reffilename)

Run Petrarch2:

/usr/bin/python2.7 batch -i data/text/petrarchreadable.xml -o outfilename.txt

Evaluate results:

  • First create a file that stores sentence ids - event ids and event words, to be used by evaluation funtion.

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python standalone_python_scripts/ folia_sentenceIdsandeventwords2file ../foliadocs/alladjudicated '../foliadocs/foliasentenceideventidword.txt'

  • Then evaluate Petrarch2 results

(Count an event-word as true positive if the event-word found by Petrarch2 string-matches to any of the words of any of the events of that sentence. Count an event as true positive if any words found by Petrarch2 matches to one of the words of that event. Please read the technical report for details.)

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python standalone_python_scripts/ petrarch '../foliadocs/evts.petrarchreadable_out.txt','../foliadocs/foliasentenceideventidword.txt','../foliadocs/petrarcheval.txt'

Filtering our CAMEO from verb classes which are not very relevant to protest events:

I filtered out CAMEO verb dictionary to reduce it to contain only the verb/word cotegories that interest us. Note that in petrarch's config file verb dictionary's name must remain as is. So filtered-CAMEO must have the same file name. So do not forget to keep the copy of the original CAMEO file somewhere!

For comparison of results with original and filtered-out CAMEO, please read the report.

Tool 5: RPI Joint Information Extraction System

RPI Joint Information Extraction System is a tool that jointly extracts entities (need not be 'named'), relations and events.



  • Run command on terminal inside rpi's main folder,

java -Xmx1G -cp ere.jar edu.rpi.jie.ere.joint.Tagger ./models/joint/joint model ./examples/test/ ./examples/test.lst ./examples/testOutput/

Run with Times of India documents:

  • First create input files suitable to the input format rpi accepts which is like: (You can see more on documentation of RPI which is placed under docs/)
<DOCID> APW_ENG_20030411.0304 </DOCID>
Lawyer reprimanded for Chiluba's failure to appear in court
LUSAKA, Zambia (AP)

The lawyer of former Zambian president Frederick Chiluba was
reprimanded by a Lusaka magistrate when his client failed to appear
in court on theft charges Friday.

Chiluba, who is accused of stealing millions of dollars while in
office, did not appear at the Lusaka magistrates court as scheduled
because he has filed an appeal to have case heard at a higher court.

Chiluba's lawyer, Chifumu Banda, told the court he had advised
Chiluba not to appear in court Friday, following an agreement with
the prosecution that the case be postponed for a month while the
appeal is considered.


To create Times of India documents' equivalences of the RPI input format, follow the steps below:

  • Intermediate file which keeps document names and sentences as raw text:

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python folia_sentencesanddocname2file ../foliadocs/alladjudicated ../foliadocs/foliadocnamesandsentences.txt

(- If you want yo run RPI only on the sentences having events, filter out other sentences:

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python folia_docnamesentenceshavingevents2file ../foliadocs/alladjudicated ../foliadocs/foliadocnamesentenceshavingevents.txt)

  • Create RPI input files:

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python rpi ../foliadocs/foliadocnamesentences.txt ../foliadocs/rpi/input/

(- If you want yo run RPI only on the sentences having events, filter out other sentences:

/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python rpi ../foliadocs/foliadocnamesentenceshavingevents.txt ../foliadocs/rpi/input/)

  • Run on RPI directory:

java -Xmx1G -cp ere.jar edu.rpi.jie.ere.joint.Tagger ./models/joint/joint_model /home/berfu/PycharmProjects/ie-tools-test-on-India-b1/foliadocs/rpi/input/ /home/berfu/PycharmProjects/ie-tools-test-on-India-b1/foliadocs/rpi/input/test.lst /home/berfu/PycharmProjects/ie-tools-test-on-India-b1/foliadocs/rpi/output

  • Create intermediate file before evaluation, to keep document names and words annotated as 'etype':
`/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python folia_docnameetypewords2file ../foliadocs/alladjudicated outfile`
  • Evaluate:
`/home/berfu/anaconda/bin/python rpi ../foliadocs/rpi/output/ ../foliadocs/folia_docnameetypewords.txt ../foliadocs/rpi/`

Scores file (rpieval.txt) and a file containing information about false positive events tagged by rpi as 'demonstrate' (rpi_fp_demonstrate.csv) are created underneath ./foliadocs/rpi


Please see the Google Docs document for the results.

IMPORTANT NOTE: NeuroNER source code is modified (one line) to be able to predict with Folia documents. Details in the google docs.

NOTE : Due to the variations of file formats required by the tools and our annotation style, for practical reasons, for now, we may do some hacks in order to come up with a rough evaluation, better than none. For details see the technical report (draft) in the Overleaf link


The Conll data and stanford pretrained models used as default are available in the project.


[1] Stanford NER website

[2] NLTK’s Stanford NER Library

[3] Erik F. Tjong Kim Sang and Fien De Meulder. 2003. Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task: Language-independent named entity recognition. In CoNLL-2003. (link)

[4] Code blog

[5] NeuroNER Github Repository

[6] PETRARCH2 Github Repository



Testing existing NER tools in order to determine baseline models for EMW project in Koc University, Istanbul.






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